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© Copyright 2004-2008 Apple Computer, Inc., Mozilla Foundation, and Opera Software ASA.
You are granted a license to use, reproduce and create derivative works of this document.
This specification evolves HTML and its related APIs to ease the authoring of Web-based applications. Additions include the context menus, a direct-mode graphics canvas, inline popup windows, and server-sent events. Heavy emphasis is placed on keeping the language backwards compatible with existing legacy user agents and on keeping user agents backwards compatible with existing legacy documents.
This is a work in progress! This document is changing on a daily if not hourly basis in response to comments and as a general part of its development process. Comments are very welcome, please send them to Thank you.
The current focus is in responding to the outstanding feedback. (There is a chart showing current progress.)
Implementors should be aware that this specification is not stable. Implementors who are not taking part in the discussions are likely to find the specification changing out from under them in incompatible ways. Vendors interested in implementing this specification before it eventually reaches the call for implementations should join the WHATWG mailing list and take part in the discussions.
This specification is also being produced by the W3C HTML WG. The two specifications are identical from the table of contents onwards.
This specification is intended to replace (be the new version of) what was previously the HTML4, XHTML 1.x, and DOM2 HTML specifications.
Different parts of this specification are at different levels of maturity.
Some of the more major known issues are marked like
this. There are many other issues that have been raised as well; the
issues given in this document are not the only known issues! There are
also some spec-wide issues that have not yet been addressed:
case-sensitivity is a very poorly handled topic right now, and the firing
of events needs to be unified (right now some bubble, some don't, they all
use different text to fire events, etc). It would also be nice to unify
the rules on downloading content when attributes change (e.g. src
attributes) - should they initiate downloads when the
element immediately, is inserted in the document, when active scripts end,
etc. This matters e.g. if an attribute is set twice in a row (does it hit
the network twice).
and sup
and th
data model
This section is non-normative.
The World Wide Web's markup language has always been HTML. HTML was primarily designed as a language for semantically describing scientific documents, although its general design and adaptations over the years has enabled it to be used to describe a number of other types of documents.
The main area that has not been adequately addressed by HTML is a vague subject referred to as Web Applications. This specification attempts to rectify this, while at the same time updating the HTML specifications to address issues raised in the past few years.
This section is non-normative.
This specification is limited to providing a semantic-level markup language and associated semantic-level scripting APIs for authoring accessible pages on the Web ranging from static documents to dynamic applications.
The scope of this specification does not include providing mechanisms for media-specific customization of presentation (although default rendering rules for Web browsers are included at the end of this specification, and several mechanisms for hooking into CSS are provided as part of the language).
The scope of this specification does not include documenting every HTML
or DOM feature supported by Web browsers. Browsers support many features
that are considered to be very bad for accessibility or that are otherwise
inappropriate. For example, the blink
element is clearly
presentational and authors wishing to cause text to blink should instead
use CSS.
The scope of this specification is not to describe an entire operating system. In particular, hardware configuration software, image manipulation tools, and applications that users would be expected to use with high-end workstations on a daily basis are out of scope. In terms of applications, this specification is targeted specifically at applications that would be expected to be used by users on an occasional basis, or regularly but from disparate locations, with low CPU requirements. For instance online purchasing systems, searching systems, games (especially multiplayer online games), public telephone books or address books, communications software (e-mail clients, instant messaging clients, discussion software), document editing software, etc.
For sophisticated cross-platform applications, there already exist several proprietary solutions (such as Mozilla's XUL, Adobe's Flash, or Microsoft's Silverlight). These solutions are evolving faster than any standards process could follow, and the requirements are evolving even faster. These systems are also significantly more complicated to specify, and are orders of magnitude more difficult to achieve interoperability with, than the solutions described in this document. Platform-specific solutions for such sophisticated applications (for example the MacOS X Core APIs) are even further ahead.
This section is non-normative.
This specification represents a new version of HTML4 and XHTML1, along with a new version of the associated DOM2 HTML API. Migration from HTML4 or XHTML1 to the format and APIs described in this specification should in most cases be straightforward, as care has been taken to ensure that backwards-compatibility is retained.
This specification will eventually supplant Web Forms 2.0 as well. [WF2]
This section is non-normative.
XHTML2 [XHTML2] defines a new HTML vocabulary with better features for hyperlinks, multimedia content, annotating document edits, rich metadata, declarative interactive forms, and describing the semantics of human literary works such as poems and scientific papers.
However, it lacks elements to express the semantics of many of the non-document types of content often seen on the Web. For instance, forum sites, auction sites, search engines, online shops, and the like, do not fit the document metaphor well, and are not covered by XHTML2.
This specification aims to extend HTML so that it is also suitable in these contexts.
XHTML2 and this specification use different namespaces and therefore can both be implemented in the same XML processor.
This section is non-normative.
This specification is independent of the various proprietary UI languages that various vendors provide. As an open, vendor-neutral language, HTML provides for a solution to the same problems without the risk of vendor lock-in.
This section is non-normative.
This specification is divided into the following important sections:
There are also a couple of appendices, defining rendering rules for Web browsers and listing areas that are out of scope for this specification.
This specification should be read like all other specifications. First, it should be read cover-to-cover, multiple times. Then, it should be read backwards at least once. Then it should be read by picking random sections from the contents list and following all the cross-references.
All diagrams, examples, and notes in this specification are non-normative, as are all sections explicitly marked non-normative. Everything else in this specification is normative.
The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in the normative parts of this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC2119. For readability, these words do not appear in all uppercase letters in this specification. [RFC2119]
Requirements phrased in the imperative as part of algorithms (such as "strip any leading space characters" or "return false and abort these steps") are to be interpreted with the meaning of the key word ("must", "should", "may", etc) used in introducing the algorithm.
This specification describes the conformance criteria for user agents (relevant to implementors) and documents (relevant to authors and authoring tool implementors).
There is no implied relationship between document conformance requirements and implementation conformance requirements. User agents are not free to handle non-conformant documents as they please; the processing model described in this specification applies to implementations regardless of the conformity of the input documents.
User agents fall into several (overlapping) categories with different conformance requirements.
Web browsers that support XHTML must process elements and attributes from the HTML namespace found in XML documents as described in this specification, so that users can interact with them, unless the semantics of those elements have been overridden by other specifications.
A conforming XHTML processor would, upon finding an
XHTML script
element in an XML
document, execute the script contained in that element. However, if the
element is found within an XSLT transformation sheet (assuming the UA
also supports XSLT), then the processor would instead treat the script
element as an opaque element that
forms part of the transform.
Web browsers that support HTML must
process documents labeled as text/html
as described in this
specification, so that users can interact with them.
User agents that process HTML and XHTML documents purely to render non-interactive versions of them must comply to the same conformance criteria as Web browsers, except that they are exempt from requirements regarding user interaction.
Typical examples of non-interactive presentation user agents are printers (static UAs) and overhead displays (dynamic UAs). It is expected that most static non-interactive presentation user agents will also opt to lack scripting support.
A non-interactive but dynamic presentation UA would still execute scripts, allowing forms to be dynamically submitted, and so forth. However, since the concept of "focus" is irrelevant when the user cannot interact with the document, the UA would not need to support any of the focus-related DOM APIs.
Implementations that do not support scripting (or which have their scripting features disabled entirely) are exempt from supporting the events and DOM interfaces mentioned in this specification. For the parts of this specification that are defined in terms of an events model or in terms of the DOM, such user agents must still act as if events and the DOM were supported.
Scripting can form an integral part of an application. Web browsers that do not support scripting, or that have scripting disabled, might be unable to fully convey the author's intent.
Conformance checkers must verify that a document conforms to the
applicable conformance criteria described in this specification.
Automated conformance checkers are exempt from detecting errors that
require interpretation of the author's intent (for example, while a
document is non-conforming if the content of a blockquote
element is not a quote,
conformance checkers running without the input of human judgement do not
have to check that blockquote
elements only contain quoted material).
Conformance checkers must check that the input document conforms when parsed without a browsing context (meaning that no scripts are run, and that the parser's scripting flag is disabled), and should also check that the input document conforms when parsed with a browsing context in which scripts execute, and that the scripts never cause non-conforming states to occur other than transiently during script execution itself. (This is only a "SHOULD" and not a "MUST" requirement because it has been proven to be impossible. [HALTINGPROBLEM])
The term "HTML5 validator" can be used to refer to a conformance checker that itself conforms to the applicable requirements of this specification.
XML DTDs cannot express all the conformance requirements of this specification. Therefore, a validating XML processor and a DTD cannot constitute a conformance checker. Also, since neither of the two authoring formats defined in this specification are applications of SGML, a validating SGML system cannot constitute a conformance checker either.
To put it another way, there are three types of conformance criteria:
A conformance checker must check for the first two. A simple DTD-based validator only checks for the first class of errors and is therefore not a conforming conformance checker according to this specification.
Applications and tools that process HTML and XHTML documents for reasons other than to either render the documents or check them for conformance should act in accordance to the semantics of the documents that they process.
A tool that generates document outlines but increases the nesting level for each paragraph and does not increase the nesting level for each section would not be conforming.
Authoring tools and markup generators must generate conforming documents. Conformance criteria that apply to authors also apply to authoring tools, where appropriate.
Authoring tools are exempt from the strict requirements of using elements only for their specified purpose, but only to the extent that authoring tools are not yet able to determine author intent.
For example, it is not conforming to use an address
element for arbitrary contact
information; that element can only be used for marking up contact
information for the author of the document or section. However, since an
authoring tools is likely unable to determine the difference, an
authoring tool is exempt from that requirement.
In terms of conformance checking, an editor is therefore required to output documents that conform to the same extent that a conformance checker will verify.
When an authoring tool is used to edit a non-conforming document, it may preserve the conformance errors in sections of the document that were not edited during the editing session (i.e. an editing tool is allowed to round-trip erroneous content). However, an authoring tool must not claim that the output is conformant if errors have been so preserved.
Authoring tools are expected to come in two broad varieties: tools that work from structure or semantic data, and tools that work on a What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get media-specific editing basis (WYSIWYG).
The former is the preferred mechanism for tools that author HTML, since the structure in the source information can be used to make informed choices regarding which HTML elements and attributes are most appropriate.
However, WYSIWYG tools are legitimate. WYSIWYG tools should use
elements they know are appropriate, and should not use elements that
they do not know to be appropriate. This might in certain extreme cases
mean limiting the use of flow elements to just a few elements, like
, b
, and span
and making liberal use of the style
All authoring tools, whether WYSIWYG or not, should make a best effort attempt at enabling users to create well-structured, semantically rich, media-independent content.
Some conformance requirements are phrased as requirements on elements, attributes, methods or objects. Such requirements fall into two categories: those describing content model restrictions, and those describing implementation behavior. The former category of requirements are requirements on documents and authoring tools. The second category are requirements on user agents.
Conformance requirements phrased as algorithms or specific steps may be implemented in any manner, so long as the end result is equivalent. (In particular, the algorithms defined in this specification are intended to be easy to follow, and not intended to be performant.)
User agents may impose implementation-specific limits on otherwise unconstrained inputs, e.g. to prevent denial of service attacks, to guard against running out of memory, or to work around platform-specific limitations.
For compatibility with existing content and prior specifications, this specification describes two authoring formats: one based on XML (referred to as XHTML5), and one using a custom format inspired by SGML (referred to as HTML5). Implementations may support only one of these two formats, although supporting both is encouraged.
Such XML documents may contain a DOCTYPE
if desired, but
this is not required to conform to this specification.
According to the XML specification, XML processors are not
guaranteed to process the external DTD subset referenced in the DOCTYPE.
This means, for example, that using entity references for characters in
XHTML documents is unsafe (except for <
, &
, "
and '
The language in this specification assumes that the user agent expands all entity references, and therefore does not include entity reference nodes in the DOM. If user agents do include entity reference nodes in the DOM, then user agents must handle them as if they were fully expanded when implementing this specification. For example, if a requirement talks about an element's child text nodes, then any text nodes that are children of an entity reference that is a child of that element would be used as well. Entity references to unknown entities must be treated as if they contained just an empty text node for the purposes of the algorithms defined in this specification.
A lot of arrays/lists/collections in this spec assume zero-based indexes but use the term "indexth" liberally. We should define those to be zero-based and be clearer about this.
Unless otherwise specified, if a DOM attribute that is a floating point
number type (float
) is assigned an Infinity or
Not-a-Number value, a NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR
exception must be raised.
Unless otherwise specified, if a method with an argument that is a
floating point number type (float
) is passed an
Infinity or Not-a-Number value, a NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR
exception must be raised.
Unless otherwise specified, if a method is passed fewer arguments than
is defined for that method in its IDL definition, a NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR
exception must be raised.
Unless otherwise specified, if a method is passed more arguments than is defined for that method in its IDL definition, the excess arguments must be ignored.
This specification relies on several other underlying specifications.
Implementations that support XHTML5 must support some version of XML, as well as its corresponding namespaces specification, because XHTML5 uses an XML serialization with namespaces. [XML] [XMLNAMES]
User agents must follow the rules given by XML Base to resolve relative URIs in HTML and XHTML fragments. That is the mechanism used in this specification for resolving relative URIs in DOM trees. [XMLBASE]
It is possible for xml:base
attributes to be present even in
HTML fragments, as such attributes can be added dynamically using
Implementations must support some version of DOM Core and DOM Events, because this specification is defined in terms of the DOM, and some of the features are defined as extensions to the DOM Core interfaces. [DOM3CORE] [DOM3EVENTS]
Implementations that use ECMAScript to implement the APIs defined in this specification must implement them in a manner consistent with the ECMAScript Bindings defined in the Web IDL specification, as this specification uses that specification's terminology. [WebIDL]
Implementations must support some version of the Media Queries language. However, when applying the rules of the Media Queries specification to media queries found in content attributes of HTML elements, user agents must act as if all U+000B LINE TABULATION characters in the attribute were in fact U+0020 SPACE characters. This is required to provide a consistent processing of space characters in HTML. [MQ]
This specification does not require support of any particular network transport protocols, style sheet language, scripting language, or any of the DOM and WebAPI specifications beyond those described above. However, the language described by this specification is biased towards CSS as the styling language, ECMAScript as the scripting language, and HTTP as the network protocol, and several features assume that those languages and protocols are in use.
This specification might have certain additional requirements on character encodings, image formats, audio formats, and video formats in the respective sections.
Some elements are defined in terms of their DOM textContent
attribute. This is an
attribute defined on the Node
interface in DOM3 Core. [DOM3CORE]
Should textContent be defined differently for dir="" and <bdo>? Should we come up with an alternative to textContent that handles those and other things, like alt=""?
The interface DOMTimeStamp
defined in DOM3 Core. [DOM3CORE]
The term activation behavior is used as defined in the DOM3 Events specification. [DOM3EVENTS] At the time of writing, DOM3 Events hadn't yet been updated to define that phrase.
The rules for handling alternative style sheets are defined in the CSS object model specification. [CSSOM]
Certain features are defined in terms of CSS <color> values. When
the CSS value currentColor
is specified in this
context, the "computed value of the 'color' property" for the purposes of
determining the computed value of the currentColor
keyword is the computed value of the 'color' property on the element in
question. [CSS3COLOR]
If a canvas gradient's addColorStop()
method is called with the
keyword as the color, then the computed
value of the 'color' property on the canvas
element is the one that is used.
This specification refers to both HTML and XML attributes and DOM attributes, often in the same context. When it is not clear which is being referred to, they are referred to as content attributes for HTML and XML attributes, and DOM attributes for those from the DOM. Similarly, the term "properties" is used for both ECMAScript object properties and CSS properties. When these are ambiguous they are qualified as object properties and CSS properties respectively.
To ease migration from HTML to XHTML, UAs conforming
to this specification will place elements in HTML in the
namespace, at least for the
purposes of the DOM and CSS. The term "elements in the
HTML namespace", or "HTML elements" for
short, when used in this specification, thus refers to both HTML and XHTML
Unless otherwise stated, all elements defined or mentioned in this
specification are in the
namespace, and all attributes defined or mentioned in this specification
have no namespace (they are in the per-element partition).
The term HTML documents is sometimes used in contrast with XML documents to specifically mean documents that were parsed using an HTML parser (as opposed to using an XML parser or created purely through the DOM).
Generally, when the specification states that a feature applies to HTML or XHTML, it also includes the other. When a feature specifically only applies to one of the two languages, it is called out by explicitly stating that it does not apply to the other format, as in "for HTML, ... (this does not apply to XHTML)".
This specification uses the term document to refer to any use of HTML, ranging from short static documents to long essays or reports with rich multimedia, as well as to fully-fledged interactive applications.
For readability, the term URI is used to refer to both ASCII URIs and Unicode IRIs, as those terms are defined by RFC 3986 and RFC 3987 respectively. On the rare occasions where IRIs are not allowed but ASCII URIs are, this is called out explicitly. [RFC3986] [RFC3987]
The term root element, when not explicitly qualified as referring to the document's root element, means the furthest ancestor element node of whatever node is being discussed, or the node itself if it has no ancestors. When the node is a part of the document, then that is indeed the document's root element; however, if the node is not currently part of the document tree, the root element will be an orphaned node.
An element is said to have been inserted into a document when its root element changes and is now the document's root element.
The term tree order means a pre-order,
depth-first traversal of DOM nodes involved (through the parentNode
When it is stated that some element or attribute is ignored, or treated as some other value, or handled as if it was something else, this refers only to the processing of the node after it is in the DOM. A user agent must not mutate the DOM in such situations.
When an XML name, such as an attribute or element name, is referred to
in the form prefix:localName
, as in xml:id
, it refers to a name with the local name localName and the namespace given by the prefix, as defined
by the following table:
For simplicity, terms such as shown, displayed, and visible might sometimes be used when referring to the way a document is rendered to the user. These terms are not meant to imply a visual medium; they must be considered to apply to other media in equivalent ways.
DOM interfaces defined in this specification use Web IDL. User agents must implement these interfaces as defined by the Web IDL specification. [WEBIDL]
The construction "a Foo
object", where Foo
actually an interface, is sometimes used instead of the more accurate "an
object implementing the interface Foo
A DOM attribute is said to be getting when its value is being retrieved (e.g. by author script), and is said to be setting when a new value is assigned to it.
If a DOM object is said to be live, then that means that any attributes returning that object must always return the same object (not a new object each time), and the attributes and methods on that object must operate on the actual underlying data, not a snapshot of the data.
The terms fire and dispatch are used interchangeably in the context of events, as in the DOM Events specifications. [DOM3EVENTS]
The term text node refers to any
node, including CDATASection
specifically, any Node
with node type TEXT_NODE
(4). [DOM3CORE]
The term plugin is used to mean any content handler, typically a third-party content handler, for Web content types that are not supported by the user agent natively, or for content types that do not expose a DOM, that supports rendering the content as part of the user agent's interface.
One example of a plugin would be a PDF viewer that is instantiated in a browsing context when the user navigates to a PDF file. This would count as a plugin regardless of whether the party that implemented the PDF viewer component was the same as that which implemented the user agent itself. However, a PDF viewer application that launches separate from the user agent (as opposed to using the same interface) is not a plugin by this definition.
This specification does not define a mechanism for interacting with plugins, as it is expected to be user-agent- and platform-specific. Some UAs might opt to support a plugin mechanism such as the Netscape Plugin API; others might use remote content converters or have built-in support for certain types. [NPAPI]
Browsers should take extreme care when interacting with external content intended for plugins. When third-party software is run with the same privileges as the user agent itself, vulnerabilities in the third-party software become as dangerous as those in the user agent.
Some of the algorithms in this specification, for historical reasons, require the user agent to pause until some condition has been met. While a user agent is paused, it must ensure that no scripts execute (e.g. no event handlers, no timers, etc). User agents should remain responsive to user input while paused, however, albeit without letting the user interact with Web pages where that would involve invoking any script.
This section is non-normative.
This specification defines an abstract language for describing documents and applications, and some APIs for interacting with in-memory representations of resources that use this language.
The in-memory representation is known as "DOM5 HTML", or "the DOM" for short.
There are various concrete syntaxes that can be used to transmit resources that use this abstract language, two of which are defined in this specification.
The first such concrete syntax is "HTML5". This is the format
recommended for most authors. It is compatible with all legacy Web
browsers. If a document is transmitted with the MIME type text/html
, then it will be processed as an "HTML5"
document by Web browsers.
The second concrete syntax uses XML, and is known as "XHTML5". When a
document is transmitted with an XML MIME type, such as application/xhtml+xml
, then it is processed by an XML
processor by Web browsers, and treated as an "XHTML5" document. Authors
are reminded that the processing for XML and HTML differs; in particular,
even minor syntax errors will prevent an XML document from being rendered
fully, whereas they would be ignored in the "HTML5" syntax.
The "DOM5 HTML", "HTML5", and "XHTML5" representations cannot all
represent the same content. For example, namespaces cannot be represented
using "HTML5", but they are supported in "DOM5 HTML" and "XHTML5".
Similarly, documents that use the noscript
feature can be represented using
"HTML5", but cannot be represented with "XHTML5" and "DOM5 HTML". Comments
that contain the string "-->
" can be represented
in "DOM5 HTML" but not in "HTML5" and "XHTML5". And so forth.
The Document Object Model (DOM) is a representation — a model — of a document and its content. [DOM3CORE] The DOM is not just an API; the conformance criteria of HTML implementations are defined, in this specification, in terms of operations on the DOM.
This specification defines the language represented in the DOM by
features together called DOM5 HTML. DOM5 HTML consists of DOM Core
nodes and DOM Core Element
nodes, along
with text nodes and other content.
Elements in the DOM represent things; that is, they have intrinsic meaning, also known as semantics.
For example, an ol
represents an ordered list.
In addition, documents and elements in the DOM host APIs that extend the DOM Core APIs, providing new features to application developers using DOM5 HTML.
Every XML and HTML document in an HTML UA is represented by a
object. [DOM3CORE]
objects are assumed to be XML documents unless they are flagged as being HTML documents when they are created. Whether a document is
an HTML document or an XML document affects the
behavior of certain APIs, as well as a few CSS rendering rules. [CSS21]
A Document
object created by the createDocument()
API on the DOMImplementation
object is initially an XML
document, but can be made into an HTML document by calling
on it.
All Document
objects (in user agents implementing this
specification) must also implement the HTMLDocument
interface, available using
binding-specific methods. (This is the case whether or not the document in
question is an HTML document
or indeed whether it contains any HTML
elements at all.) Document
objects must also implement
the document-level interface of any other namespaces found in the document
that the UA supports. For example, if an HTML implementation also supports
SVG, then the Document
object must implement HTMLDocument
and SVGDocument
Because the HTMLDocument
interface is now obtained
using binding-specific casting methods instead of simply being the primary
interface of the document object, it is no longer defined as inheriting
from Document
interface HTMLDocument {
// Resource metadata management
[PutForwards=href] readonly attribute Location location;
readonly attribute DOMString URL;
attribute DOMString domain;
readonly attribute DOMString referrer;
attribute DOMString cookie;
readonly attribute DOMString lastModified;
readonly attribute DOMString compatMode;
attribute DOMString charset;
readonly attribute DOMString characterSet;
readonly attribute DOMString defaultCharset;
readonly attribute DOMString readyState;
// DOM tree accessors
attribute DOMString title;
attribute DOMString dir;
attribute HTMLElement body;
readonly attribute HTMLCollection images;
readonly attribute HTMLCollection embeds;
readonly attribute HTMLCollection plugins;
readonly attribute HTMLCollection links;
readonly attribute HTMLCollection forms;
readonly attribute HTMLCollection anchors;
readonly attribute HTMLCollection scripts;
NodeList getElementsByName(in DOMString elementName);
NodeList getElementsByClassName(in DOMString classNames);
// Dynamic markup insertion
attribute DOMString innerHTML;
HTMLDocument open();
HTMLDocument open(in DOMString type);
HTMLDocument open(in DOMString type, in DOMString replace);
Window open(in DOMString url, in DOMString name, in DOMString features);
Window open(in DOMString url, in DOMString name, in DOMString features, in boolean replace);
void close();
void write(in DOMString text);
void writeln(in DOMString text);
// Interaction
readonly attribute Element activeElement;
readonly attribute boolean hasFocus;
// Commands
readonly attribute HTMLCollection commands;
// Editing
attribute boolean designMode;
boolean execCommand(in DOMString commandId);
boolean execCommand(in DOMString commandId, in boolean showUI);
boolean execCommand(in DOMString commandId, in boolean showUI, in DOMString value);
boolean queryCommandEnabled(in DOMString commandId);
boolean queryCommandIndeterm(in DOMString commandId);
boolean queryCommandState(in DOMString commandId);
boolean queryCommandSupported(in DOMString commandId);
DOMString queryCommandValue(in DOMString commandId);
Selection getSelection();
Since the HTMLDocument
interface holds methods and attributes related to a number of disparate
features, the members of this interface are described in various different
User agents must raise a security exception
whenever any of the members of an HTMLDocument
object are accessed by
scripts whose effective script origin is not the
same as the
's effective script origin.
must return the document's address.
The referrer
attribute must
return either the URI of the active document of the
source browsing context at the time the navigation
was started (that is, the page which navigated the browsing context
to the current document), or the empty string if there is no such
originating page, or if the UA has been configured not to report referrers
in this case, or if the navigation was initiated for a hyperlink with a noreferrer
In the case of HTTP, the referrer
DOM attribute will match the Referer
(sic) header that was sent when fetching the
current page.
Typically user agents are configured to not report referrers
in the case where the referrer uses an encrypted protocol and the current
page does not (e.g. when navigating from an https:
page to an http:
The cookie
attribute represents the cookies of the resource.
On getting, if the sandboxed
origin browsing context flag is set on the browsing context of the document, the user agent
must raise a security exception. Otherwise, it
must return the same string as the value of the Cookie
HTTP header it would include if fetching the
resource indicated by the document's address over HTTP, as
per RFC 2109 section 4.3.4. [RFC2109]
On setting, if the sandboxed origin browsing
context flag is set on the browsing context
of the document, the user agent must raise a security
exception. Otherwise, the user agent must act as it would when
processing cookies if it had just attempted to fetch the document's
address over HTTP, and had received a response with a
header whose value was the specified value, as per
RFC 2109 sections 4.3.1, 4.3.2, and 4.3.3. [RFC2109]
Since the cookie
attribute is accessible across frames,
the path restrictions on cookies are only a tool to help manage which
cookies are sent to which parts of the site, and are not in any way a
security feature.
The lastModified
on getting, must return the date and time of the Document
source file's last modification, in the user's local timezone, in the
following format:
All the numeric components above, other than the year, must be given as two digits in the range U+0030 DIGIT ZERO to U+0039 DIGIT NINE representing the number in base ten, zero-padded if necessary.
The Document
's source file's last modification date and
time must be derived from relevant features of the networking protocols
used, e.g. from the value of the HTTP Last-Modified
header of the document, or from metadata in the file system for local
files. If the last modification date and time are not known, the attribute
must return the string 01/01/1970 00:00:00
A Document
is always set to one of three modes: no quirks mode, the default; quirks
mode, used typically for legacy documents; and limited quirks mode, also known as "almost standards"
mode. The mode is only ever changed from the default by the HTML parser, based on the presence, absence, or value
of the DOCTYPE string.
The compatMode
DOM attribute
must return the literal string "CSS1Compat
" unless
the document has been set to quirks mode by the HTML parser, in which case it must instead return the
literal string "BackCompat
As far as parsing goes, the quirks I know of are:
Documents have an associated character encoding. When a Document
object is created, the document's character
encoding must be initialized to UTF-16. Various algorithms during page
loading affect this value, as does the charset
The charset
DOM attribute must,
on getting, return the preferred MIME name of the document's character encoding. On setting, if the
new value is an IANA-registered alias for a character encoding, the document's character encoding must be set to that
character encoding. (Otherwise, nothing happens.)
The characterSet
attribute must, on getting, return the preferred MIME name of the document's character encoding.
The defaultCharset
attribute must, on getting, return the preferred MIME name of a character
encoding, possibly the user's default encoding, or an encoding associated
with the user's current geographical location, or any arbitrary encoding
Each document has a current document readiness.
When a Document
object is created, it must have its current document readiness set to the string
"loading". Various algorithms during page loading affect this value. When
the value is set, the user agent must fire a simple
event called readystatechanged
at the
The readyState
DOM attribute
must, on getting, return the current document
The nodes representing HTML elements in the DOM must implement, and expose to scripts, the interfaces listed for them in the relevant sections of this specification. This includes XHTML elements in XML documents, even when those documents are in another context (e.g. inside an XSLT transform).
The basic interface, from which all the HTML
elements' interfaces inherit, and which must be used by elements that
have no additional requirements, is the HTMLElement
interface HTMLElement : Element { // DOM tree accessors NodeList getElementsByClassName(in DOMString classNames); // dynamic markup insertion attribute DOMString innerHTML; // metadata attributes attribute DOMString id; attribute DOMString title; attribute DOMString lang; attribute DOMString dir; attribute DOMString className; readonly attribute DOMTokenList classList; readonly attribute DOMStringMap dataset; // interaction attribute boolean irrelevant; attribute long tabIndex; void click(); void focus(); void blur(); void scrollIntoView(); void scrollIntoView(in boolean top); // commands attribute HTMLMenuElement contextMenu; // editing attribute boolean draggable; attribute DOMString contentEditable; readonly attribute DOMString isContentEditable; // styling readonly attribute CSSStyleDeclaration style; // data templates attribute DOMString template; readonly attribute HTMLDataTemplateElement templateElement; attribute DOMString ref; readonly attribute Node refNode; attribute DOMString registrationMark; readonly attribute DocumentFragment originalContent; // event handler DOM attributes attribute EventListener onabort; attribute EventListener onbeforeunload; attribute EventListener onblur; attribute EventListener onchange; attribute EventListener onclick; attribute EventListener oncontextmenu; attribute EventListener ondblclick; attribute EventListener ondrag; attribute EventListener ondragend; attribute EventListener ondragenter; attribute EventListener ondragleave; attribute EventListener ondragover; attribute EventListener ondragstart; attribute EventListener ondrop; attribute EventListener onerror; attribute EventListener onfocus; attribute EventListener onkeydown; attribute EventListener onkeypress; attribute EventListener onkeyup; attribute EventListener onload; attribute EventListener onmessage; attribute EventListener onmousedown; attribute EventListener onmousemove; attribute EventListener onmouseout; attribute EventListener onmouseover; attribute EventListener onmouseup; attribute EventListener onmousewheel; attribute EventListener onresize; attribute EventListener onscroll; attribute EventListener onselect; attribute EventListener onstorage; attribute EventListener onsubmit; attribute EventListener onunload; };
As with the HTMLDocument
interface, the HTMLElement
interface holds methods and attributes related to a number of disparate
features, and the members of this interface are therefore described in
various different sections of this specification.
Some DOM attributes are defined to reflect a particular content attribute. This means that on getting, the DOM attribute returns the current value of the content attribute, and on setting, the DOM attribute changes the value of the content attribute to the given value.
If a reflecting DOM attribute is a DOMString
whose content attribute is defined to contain a URI, then on getting, the
DOM attribute must return the value of the content attribute, resolved to
an absolute URI, and on setting, must set the content attribute to the
specified literal value. If the content attribute is absent, the DOM
attribute must return the default value, if the content attribute has one,
or else the empty string.
If a reflecting DOM attribute is a DOMString
whose content attribute is defined to contain one or more URIs, then on
getting, the DOM attribute must split the content attribute on spaces and return the
concatenation of each token URI, resolved to an absolute URI, with a
single U+0020 SPACE character between each URI; if the content attribute
is absent, the DOM attribute must return the default value, if the content
attribute has one, or else the empty string. On setting, the DOM attribute
must set the content attribute to the specified literal value.
If a reflecting DOM attribute is a DOMString
whose content
attribute is an enumerated attribute, and the
DOM attribute is limited to only known values,
then, on getting, the DOM attribute must return the conforming value
associated with the state the attribute is in (in its canonical case), or
the empty string if the attribute is in a state that has no associated
keyword value; and on setting, if the new value case-insensitively matches
one of the keywords given for that attribute, then the content attribute
must be set to the conforming value associated with the state that the
attribute would be in if set to the given new value, otherwise, if the new
value is the empty string, then the content attribute must be removed,
otherwise, the setter must raise a SYNTAX_ERR
If a reflecting DOM attribute is a DOMString
but doesn't
fall into any of the above categories, then the getting and setting must
be done in a transparent, case-preserving manner.
If a reflecting DOM attribute is a boolean attribute, then on getting the DOM attribute must return true if the attribute is set, and false if it is absent. On setting, the content attribute must be removed if the DOM attribute is set to false, and must be set to have the same value as its name if the DOM attribute is set to true. (This corresponds to the rules for boolean content attributes.)
If a reflecting DOM attribute is a signed integer type
) then, on getting, the content attribute must be parsed
according to the
rules for parsing signed integers, and if that is successful, the
resulting value must be returned. If, on the other hand, it fails, or if
the attribute is absent, then the default value must be returned instead,
or 0 if there is no default value. On setting, the given value must be
converted to the shortest possible string representing the number as a valid integer in base ten and then that string must be
used as the new content attribute value.
If a reflecting DOM attribute is an unsigned integer type
(unsigned long
) then, on getting, the content attribute must
be parsed according to the rules for parsing unsigned integers, and if
that is successful, the resulting value must be returned. If, on the other
hand, it fails, or if the attribute is absent, the default value must be
returned instead, or 0 if there is no default value. On setting, the given
value must be converted to the shortest possible string representing the
number as a valid non-negative integer in base ten
and then that string must be used as the new content attribute value.
If a reflecting DOM attribute is an unsigned integer type
(unsigned long
) that is limited to only
positive non-zero numbers, then the behavior is similar to the
previous case, but zero is not allowed. On getting, the content attribute
must first be parsed according to the rules for parsing unsigned
integers, and if that is successful, the resulting value must be
returned. If, on the other hand, it fails, or if the attribute is absent,
the default value must be returned instead, or 1 if there is no default
value. On setting, if the value is zero, the user agent must fire an
exception. Otherwise, the given value must be
converted to the shortest possible string representing the number as a valid non-negative integer in base ten and then that
string must be used as the new content attribute value.
If a reflecting DOM attribute is a floating point number type
) and the content attribute is defined to contain a
time offset, then, on getting, the content attribute must be parsed
according to the
rules for parsing time offsets, and if that is successful, the
resulting value, in seconds, must be returned. If that fails, or if the
attribute is absent, the default value must be returned, or the
not-a-number value (NaN) if there is no default value. On setting, the
given value, interpreted as a time offset in seconds, must be converted to
a string using the time offset serialization
rules, and that string must be used as the new content attribute
If a reflecting DOM attribute is a floating point number type
) and it doesn't fall into one of the earlier
categories, then, on getting, the content attribute must be parsed
according to the rules for parsing floating point number values, and
if that is successful, the resulting value must be returned. If, on the
other hand, it fails, or if the attribute is absent, the default value
must be returned instead, or 0.0 if there is no default value. On setting,
the given value must be converted to the shortest possible string
representing the number as a valid floating point
number in base ten and then that string must be used as the new
content attribute value.
If a reflecting DOM attribute is of the type DOMTokenList
, then on getting it must
return a DOMTokenList
whose underlying string is the element's corresponding content attribute.
When the DOMTokenList
mutates its underlying string, the content attribute must itself be
immediately mutated. When the attribute is absent, then the string
represented by the DOMTokenList
object is the empty string; when the object mutates this empty string, the
user agent must first add the corresponding content attribute, and then
mutate that attribute instead. DOMTokenList
attributes are always
read-only. The same DOMTokenList
object must be returned every time for each attribute.
If a reflecting DOM attribute has the type HTMLElement
, or an interface that descends
from HTMLElement
, then, on
getting, it must run the following algorithm (stopping at the first point
where a value is returned):
method would find if it was
passed as its argument the current value of the corresponding content
On setting, if the given element has an id
attribute, then the content attribute must be set
to the value of that id
attribute. Otherwise, the DOM attribute must be set to the empty string.
The HTMLCollection
, HTMLFormControlsCollection
and HTMLOptionsCollection
represent various lists of DOM nodes. Collectively, objects implementing
these interfaces are called collections.
When a collection is created, a filter and a root are associated with the collection.
For example, when the HTMLCollection
object for the document.images
attribute is created, it is associated with a filter that selects only
elements, and rooted at the root of
the document.
The collection then represents a live view of the subtree rooted at the collection's root, containing only nodes that match the given filter. The view is linear. In the absence of specific requirements to the contrary, the nodes within the collection must be sorted in tree order.
The rows
list is not in tree order.
An attribute that returns a collection must return the same object every time it is retrieved.
The HTMLCollection
represents a generic collection of elements.
interface HTMLCollection { readonly attribute unsigned long length; [IndexGetter] Element item(in unsigned long index); [NameGetter] Element namedItem(in DOMString name); };
The length
attribute must
return the number of nodes represented by the
The item(index)
method must return the indexth node in the collection. If there is no indexth node in the collection, then the method must return
The namedItem(key)
method must return the first node in the
collection that matches the following requirements:
, applet
, area
, img
, or object
element with a name
attribute equal to key,
attribute equal to key.
(Non-HTML elements, even if they have IDs, are not searched for the
purposes of namedItem()
If no such elements are found, then the method must return null.
The HTMLFormControlsCollection
interface represents a collection of form controls.
interface HTMLFormControlsCollection { readonly attribute unsigned long length; [IndexGetter] HTMLElement item(in unsigned long index); [NameGetter] Object namedItem(in DOMString name); };
The length
attribute must return the number of nodes represented by the collection.
The item(index)
method must return the indexth node in the collection. If there is no indexth node in the collection, then the method must return
The namedItem(key)
method must act according to the
following algorithm:
attribute or a name
attribute equal to key, then return that node and
stop the algorithm.
attribute or a name
attribute equal to key,
then return null and stop the algorithm.
object representing a live
view of the HTMLFormControlsCollection
object, further filtered so that the only nodes in the
object are those that have either an id
attribute or a name
attribute equal to key.
The nodes in the NodeList
object must be sorted in tree order.
The HTMLOptionsCollection
represents a list of option
interface HTMLOptionsCollection { attribute unsigned long length; [IndexGetter] HTMLOptionElement item(in unsigned long index); [NameGetter] Object namedItem(in DOMString name); };
On getting, the length
must return the number of nodes represented by the
On setting, the behavior depends on whether the new value is equal to,
greater than, or less than the number of nodes represented by the collection at that time. If the
number is the same, then setting the attribute must do nothing. If the new
value is greater, then n new option
elements with no attributes and no child nodes must be appended to the
element on which the HTMLOptionsCollection
is rooted,
where n is the difference between the two numbers (new
value minus old value). If the new value is lower, then the last n nodes in the collection must be removed from their parent
nodes, where n is the difference between the two
numbers (old value minus new value).
Setting length
never removes or adds any
elements, and never adds new children to existing
elements (though it can remove children from them).
The item(index)
method must return the indexth node in the collection. If there is no indexth node in the collection, then the method must return
The namedItem(key)
method must act according to the
following algorithm:
attribute or a name
attribute equal to key, then return that node and
stop the algorithm.
attribute or a name
attribute equal to key,
then return null and stop the algorithm.
object representing a live
view of the HTMLOptionsCollection
further filtered so that the only nodes in the NodeList
object are those that have either an id
attribute or a name
attribute equal to key. The nodes in the NodeList
object must be
sorted in tree order.
We may want to add add()
methods here too because IE implements
HTMLSelectElement and HTMLOptionsCollection on the same object, and so
people use them almost interchangeably in the wild.
The DOMTokenList
represents an interface to an underlying string that consists of an unordered set of unique space-separated tokens.
Which string underlies a particular DOMTokenList
object is defined when the
object is created. It might be a content attribute (e.g. the string that
underlies the classList
object is the class
attribute), or it might
be an anonymous string (e.g. when a DOMTokenList
object is passed to an
author-implemented callback in the datagrid
[Stringifies] interface DOMTokenList { readonly attribute unsigned long length; [IndexGetter] DOMString item(in unsigned long index); boolean has(in DOMString token); void add(in DOMString token); void remove(in DOMString token); boolean toggle(in DOMString token); };
The length
attribute must return the number of unique tokens that result
from splitting the
underlying string on spaces.
The item(index)
method must split the underlying string on
spaces, sort the resulting list of tokens by Unicode
remove exact duplicates, and then return the indexth
item in this list. If index is equal to or greater
than the number of tokens, then the method must return null.
The has(token)
method must run the following
exception and stop the algorithm.
The add(token)
method must run the following
exception and stop the algorithm.
underlying string then stop the algorithm.
object's underlying string
is not the empty string and the last character of that string is not a space character, then append a U+0020 SPACE character
to the end of that string.
underlying string.
The remove(token)
method must run the following
exception and stop the algorithm.
The toggle(token)
method must run the following
exception and stop the algorithm.
underlying string then remove the given token from the underlying
string, and stop the algorithm, returning false.
object's underlying string
is not the empty string and the last character of that string is not a space character, then append a U+0020 SPACE character
to the end of that string.
underlying string.
Objects implementing the DOMTokenList
interface must stringify to the object's
underlying string representation.
The DOMStringMap
represents a set of name-value pairs. When a DOMStringMap
object is instanced, it is
associated with three algorithms, one for getting values from names, one
for setting names to certain values, and one for deleting names.
The names of the methods on this interface are temporary and will be fixed when the Web IDL / "Language Bindings for DOM Specifications" spec is ready to handle this case.
interface DOMStringMap { [NameGetter] DOMString XXX1(in DOMString name); [NameSetter] void XXX2(in DOMString name, in DOMString value); [XXX] boolean XXX3(in DOMString name); };
The XXX1(name)
method must call the algorithm for
getting values from names, passing name as the name,
and must return the corresponding value, or null if name has no corresponding value.
The XXX2(name, value)
method must
call the algorithm for setting names to certain values, passing name as the name and value as the
The XXX3(name)
method must call the algorithm for
deleting names, passing name as the name, and must
return true.
DOM3 Core defines mechanisms for checking for interface support, and for obtaining implementations of interfaces, using feature strings. [DOM3CORE]
A DOM application can use the hasFeature(feature, version)
method of the
interface with parameter values "HTML
" and "5.0
" (respectively) to determine
whether or not this module is supported by the implementation. In addition
to the feature string "HTML
", the feature string
" (with version string "5.0
") can
be used to check if the implementation supports XHTML. User agents should
respond with a true value when the hasFeature
method is queried with these
values. Authors are cautioned, however, that UAs returning true might not
be perfectly compliant, and that UAs returning false might well have
support for features in this specification; in general, therefore, use of
this method is discouraged.
The values "HTML
" and "XHTML
" (both with version "5.0
") should also
be supported in the context of the getFeature()
methods, as defined by DOM3 Core.
The interfaces defined in this specification are not always
supersets of the interfaces defined in DOM2 HTML; some features that were
formerly deprecated, poorly supported, rarely used or considered
unnecessary have been removed. Therefore it is not guaranteed that an
implementation that supports "HTML
" also supports "HTML
The html
element of a document is
the document's root element, if there is one and it's an html
element, or null otherwise.
The head
element of a document is
the first head
element that is a child of
the html
element, if there is one,
or null otherwise.
The title
element of a document is
the first title
element in the document
(in tree order), if there is one, or null otherwise.
The title
attribute must, on
getting, run the following algorithm:
If the root element is an svg
element in the "
namespace, and the user agent supports SVG, then the getter must return
the value that would have been returned by the DOM attribute of the same
name on the SVGDocument
Otherwise, it must return a concatenation of the data of all the child
text nodes of the title
element, in tree order, or
the empty string if the title
element is null.
On setting, the following algorithm must be run:
If the root element is an svg
element in the "
namespace, and the user agent supports SVG, then the setter must defer
to the setter for the DOM attribute of the same name on the
interface. Stop the algorithm here.
element is null
and the head
element is null, then
the attribute must do nothing. Stop the algorithm here.
element is null,
then a new title
element must be
created and appended to the head
element (if any) must all be removed.
node whose data is the new value being
assigned must be appended to the title
The title
attribute on the HTMLDocument
interface should shadow the
attribute of the same name on the SVGDocument
interface when
the user agent supports both HTML and SVG.
The body element of a document is the first
child of the html
element that is
either a body
element or a
element. If there is no such element, it is null. If
the body element is null, then when the specification requires that events
be fired at "the body element", they must instead be fired at the
The body
attribute, on getting, must return the body
element of the document (either a body
element, a frameset
element, or
null). On setting, the following algorithm must be run:
element, then raise a
exception and abort these steps.
method had been called
with the new value and the
incumbent body element as its two arguments respectively, then abort
these steps.
The images
attribute must return an HTMLCollection
rooted at the
node, whose filter matches only img
The embeds
attribute must return an HTMLCollection
rooted at the
node, whose filter matches only embed
The plugins
attribute must
return the same object as that returned by the embeds
The links
attribute must return an HTMLCollection
rooted at the
node, whose filter matches only a
elements with href
attributes and area
elements with href
The forms
attribute must return an HTMLCollection
rooted at the
node, whose filter matches only form
The anchors
attribute must
return an HTMLCollection
rooted at the Document
node, whose filter matches only
elements with name
The scripts
attribute must
return an HTMLCollection
rooted at the Document
node, whose filter matches only
The getElementsByName(name)
method a string name, and must return a live NodeList
containing all the a
, applet
, button
, form
, input
, map
, meta
, and textarea
elements in that document
that have a name
attribute whose value is
equal to the name
The getElementsByClassName(classNames)
method takes a string that
contains an unordered set of unique space-separated
tokens representing classes. When called, the method must return a
live NodeList
object containing all the elements in the
document that have all the classes specified in that argument, having
obtained the classes by splitting a string on spaces. If there are no tokens specified
in the argument, then the method must return an empty
The getElementsByClassName()
method on the HTMLElement
interface must return a live NodeList
with the nodes that the
would return when passed the same argument(s), excluding any elements that
are not descendants of the HTMLElement
object on which the method was
HTML, SVG, and MathML elements define which classes they are in by
having an attribute in the per-element partition with the name class
containing a space-separated list of classes to
which the element belongs. Other specifications may also allow elements in
their namespaces to be labeled as being in specific classes. UAs must not
assume that all attributes of the name class
elements in any namespace work in this way, however, and must not assume
that such attributes, when used as global attributes, label other elements
as being in specific classes.
Given the following XHTML fragment:
<div id="example"> <p id="p1" class="aaa bbb"/> <p id="p2" class="aaa ccc"/> <p id="p3" class="bbb ccc"/> </div>
A call to
would return a NodeList
with the two paragraphs
and p2
in it.
A call to getElementsByClassName('ccc bbb')
only return one node, however, namely p3
. A call to
document.getElementById('example').getElementsByClassName('bbb ccc ')
would return the same thing.
A call to getElementsByClassName('aaa,bbb')
would return
no nodes; none of the elements above are in the "aaa,bbb" class.
The dir
attribute on the HTMLDocument
interface is defined along
with the dir
The document.write()
family of methods and
the innerHTML
family of DOM attributes enable script authors to dynamically insert
markup into the document.
bz argues that innerHTML should be called something else on XML documents and XML elements. Is the sanity worth the migration pain?
Because these APIs interact with the parser, their behavior varies depending on whether they are used with HTML documents (and the HTML parser) or XHTML in XML documents (and the XML parser). The following table cross-references the various versions of these APIs.
| innerHTML
| |
For documents that are HTML documents | document.write() in HTML
| innerHTML in HTML
For documents that are XML documents | document.write() in XML
| innerHTML
in XML
Regardless of the parsing mode, the document.writeln(...)
must call the document.write()
method with the same
argument(s), and then call the document.write()
method with, as its
argument, a string consisting of a single line feed character (U+000A).
The open()
method comes in several variants with different numbers of arguments.
When called with two or fewer arguments, the method must act as follows:
Let type be the value of the first argument, if
there is one, or "text/html
" otherwise.
Let replace be true if there is a second argument and it has the value "replace", and false otherwise.
If the document has an active parser
that isn't a script-created parser, and
the insertion point associated with that
parser's input stream is not undefined (that is,
it does point to somewhere in the input stream), then the
method does nothing. Abort these steps and return the
object on which the method was invoked.
This basically causes
to be ignored when it's called
in an inline script found during the parsing of data sent over the
network, while still letting it have an effect when called
asynchronously or on a document that is itself being spoon-fed using
these APIs.
onbeforeunload, onunload, reset timers, empty event queue, kill any pending transactions, XMLHttpRequests, etc
If the document has an active parser, then stop that parser, and throw away any pending content in the input stream. what about if it doesn't, because it's either like a text/plain, or Atom, or PDF, or XHTML, or image document, or something?
Remove all child nodes of the document.
Change the document's character encoding to UTF-16.
Create a new HTML parser and associate it with
the document. This is a script-created
parser (meaning that it can be closed by the
methods, and that the
tokeniser will wait for an explicit call to document.close()
before emitting an end-of-file token).
If type does not have the value
", then act as if the
tokeniser had emitted a pre
start tag, then set the HTML parser's tokenisation stage's content model flag to PLAINTEXT.
If replace is false, then:
object, as well as the state of the document at
the start of these steps. (This allows the user to step backwards in
the session history to see the page before it was blown away by the
Finally, set the insertion point to point at just before the end of the input stream (which at this point will be empty).
Return the Document
on which the method was invoked.
We shouldn't hard-code text/plain
there. We
should do it some other way, e.g. hand off to the section on
content-sniffing and handling of incoming data streams, the part that
defines how this all works when stuff comes over the network.
When called with three or more arguments, the open()
method on the
object must call the
method on the
interface of the object returned
by the defaultView
of the DocumentView
interface of the HTMLDocument
object, with the same
arguments as the original call to the open()
method, and return whatever that method
returned. If the defaultView
attribute of the DocumentView
interface of the HTMLDocument
object is null, then the
method must raise an INVALID_ACCESS_ERR
The close()
method must do nothing if there is no script-created parser associated with the
document. If there is such a parser, then, when the method is called, the
user agent must insert an explicit "EOF"
character at the insertion point of the
parser's input stream.
In HTML, the document.write(...)
method must act as follows:
If the insertion point is undefined, the
must be called (with no arguments) on the document
object. The insertion point will point at just before the end
of the (empty) input stream.
The string consisting of the concatenation of all the arguments to the method must be inserted into the input stream just before the insertion point.
If there is a script that will execute as soon as the parser resumes, then the method must now return without further processing of the input stream.
Otherwise, the tokeniser must process the characters that were
inserted, one at a time, processing resulting tokens as they are
emitted, and stopping when the tokeniser reaches the insertion point or
when the processing of the tokeniser is aborted by the tree construction
stage (this can happen if a script
start tag token is emitted by the tokeniser).
If the document.write()
method was called
from script executing inline (i.e. executing because the parser parsed a
set of script
tags), then this is a
reentrant invocation of the parser.
Finally, the method must return.
In HTML, the innerHTML
DOM attribute of all
and HTMLDocument
nodes returns a serialization
of the node's children using the HTML syntax.
On setting, it replaces the node's children with new nodes that result
from parsing the given value. The formal definitions follow.
On getting, the innerHTML
DOM attribute must return the
result of running the HTML fragment serialization
algorithm on the node.
On setting, if the node is a document, the innerHTML
attribute must run the following algorithm:
If the document has an active parser, then stop that parser, and throw away any pending content in the input stream. what about if it doesn't, because it's either like a text/plain, or Atom, or PDF, or XHTML, or image document, or something?
Remove the children nodes of the Document
whose innerHTML
attribute is being set.
Create a new HTML parser, in its initial state,
and associate it with the Document
Place into the input stream for the HTML parser just created the string being assigned
into the innerHTML
Start the parser and let it run until it has consumed all the
characters just inserted into the input stream. (The
node will have been populated with elements and a
event will have
fired on its body
Otherwise, if the node is an element, then setting the innerHTML
attribute must cause the following algorithm to run instead:
Invoke the HTML fragment parsing
algorithm, with the element whose innerHTML
attribute is being set as the
context element, and the string being assigned into
the innerHTML
attribute as the input. Let new children be the result
of this algorithm.
Remove the children of the element whose innerHTML
attribute is being set.
Let target document be the ownerDocument
of the Element
node whose
attribute is being set.
Set the ownerDocument
of all the nodes in new children to the target document.
Append all the new children nodes to the node
whose innerHTML
attribute is being set,
preserving their order.
elements inserted
using innerHTML
do not execute when they are
In an XML context, the document.write()
must raise an INVALID_ACCESS_ERR
On the other hand, however, the innerHTML
attribute is indeed
usable in an XML context.
In an XML context, the innerHTML
DOM attribute on HTMLElement
s must return a string in the
form of an internal
general parsed entity, and on HTMLDocument
s must return a string in the
form of a document
entity. The string returned must be XML namespace-well-formed and must
be an isomorphic serialization of all of that node's child nodes, in
document order. User agents may adjust prefixes and namespace declarations
in the serialization (and indeed might be forced to do so in some cases to
obtain namespace-well-formed XML). If any of the elements in the
serialization are in no namespace, the default namespace in scope for
those elements must be explicitly declared as the empty
If any of the following cases are found in the DOM being serialized, the
user agent must raise an INVALID_STATE_ERR
node with no child element nodes.
node that has an external subset public
identifier or an external subset system identifier that contains both a
U+0022 QUOTATION MARK ('"') and a U+0027 APOSTROPHE ("'").
node, Text
node, Comment
node, or
node whose data contains characters
that are not matched by the XML Char
production. [XML]
node whose data contains the string "]]>
node whose data contains two adjacent U+002D
HYPHEN-MINUS (-) characters or ends with such a character.
node whose target name is the
string "xml
" (case insensitively).
node whose target name contains a
U+003A COLON (":").
node whose data contains the
string "?>
These are the only ways to make a DOM unserializable. The DOM
enforces all the other XML constraints; for example, trying to set an
attribute with a name that contains an equals sign (=) will raised an
On setting, in an XML context, the innerHTML
DOM attribute on HTMLElement
s and HTMLDocument
s must run the following
The user agent must create a new XML parser.
If the innerHTML
attribute is being set on an
element, the user agent must feed the parser just created
the string corresponding to the start tag of that element, declaring all
the namespace prefixes that are in scope on that element in the DOM, as
well as declaring the default namespace (if any) that is in scope on
that element in the DOM.
The user agent must feed the parser just created the
string being assigned into the innerHTML
If the innerHTML
attribute is being set on an
element, the user agent must feed the parser the string
corresponding to the end tag of that element.
If the parser found a well-formedness error, the attribute's setter
must raise a SYNTAX_ERR
exception and abort these steps.
The user agent must remove the children nodes of the node whose innerHTML
attribute is being set.
If the attribute is being set on a Document
node, let
new children be the children of the document,
preserving their order. Otherwise, the attribute is being set on an
node; let new children be the
children of the document's root element, preserving their order.
If the attribute is being set on a Document
node, let
target document be that Document
Otherwise, the attribute is being set on an Element
let target document be the ownerDocument
of that Element
Set the ownerDocument
of all the nodes in new children to the target document.
Append all the new children nodes to the node
whose innerHTML
attribute is being set,
preserving their order.
elements inserted
using innerHTML
do not execute when they are
For HTML documents, and for HTML elements in HTML documents, certain APIs defined in DOM3 Core become case-insensitive or case-changing, as sometimes defined in DOM3 Core, and as summarized or required below. [DOM3CORE].
This does not apply to XML documents or to elements that are not in the HTML namespace despite being in HTML documents.
, Node.nodeName
, and Node.localName
These attributes return tag names in all uppercase and attribute names in all lowercase, regardless of the case with which they were created.
The canonical form of HTML markup is all-lowercase; thus, this method will lowercase the argument before creating the requisite element. Also, the element created must be in the HTML namespace.
This doesn't apply to Document.createElementNS()
. Thus, it is possible, by
passing this last method a tag name in the wrong case, to create an
element that claims to have the tag name of an element defined in this
specification, but doesn't support its interfaces, because it really has
another tag name not accessible from the DOM APIs.
When an Attr
node is set on an HTML element, it must have its name
lowercased before the element is affected.
This doesn't apply to Document.setAttributeNodeNS()
When an attribute is set on an HTML element, the name argument must be lowercased before the element is affected.
This doesn't apply to Document.setAttributeNS()
and Element.getElementsByTagName()
These methods (but not their namespaced counterparts) must compare the given argument case-insensitively when looking at HTML elements, and case-sensitively otherwise.
Thus, in an HTML document with nodes in multiple namespaces, these methods will be both case-sensitive and case-insensitive at the same time.
If the new namespace is the HTML namespace, then the new qualified name must be lowercased before the rename takes place.
This section is non-normative.
An introduction to marking up a document.
There are various places in HTML that accept particular data types, such as dates or numbers. This section describes what the conformance criteria for content in those formats is, and how to parse them.
Need to go through the whole spec and make sure all the attribute values are clearly defined either in terms of microsyntaxes or in terms of other specs, or as "Text" or some such.
The space characters, for the purposes of this specification, are U+0020 SPACE, U+0009 CHARACTER TABULATION (tab), U+000A LINE FEED (LF), U+000B LINE TABULATION, U+000C FORM FEED (FF), and U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR).
Some of the micro-parsers described below follow the pattern of having an input variable that holds the string being parsed, and having a position variable pointing at the next character to parse in input.
For parsers based on this pattern, a step that requires the user agent to collect a sequence of characters means that the following algorithm must be run, with characters being the set of characters that can be collected:
Let input and position be the same variables as those of the same name in the algorithm that invoked these steps.
Let result be the empty string.
While position doesn't point past the end of input and the character at position is one of the characters, append that character to the end of result and advance position to the next character in input.
Return result.
The step skip whitespace means that the user agent must collect a sequence of characters that are space characters. The step skip Zs characters means that the user agent must collect a sequence of characters that are in the Unicode character class Zs. In both cases, the collected characters are not used. [UNICODE]
A number of attributes in HTML5 are boolean attributes. The presence of a boolean attribute on an element represents the true value, and the absence of the attribute represents the false value.
If the attribute is present, its value must either be the empty string or a value that is a case-insensitive match for the attribute's canonical name, with no leading or trailing whitespace.
A string is a valid non-negative integer if it consists of one of more characters in the range U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) to U+0039 DIGIT NINE (9).
The rules for parsing non-negative integers are as given in the following algorithm. When invoked, the steps must be followed in the order given, aborting at the first step that returns a value. This algorithm will either return zero, a positive integer, or an error. Leading spaces are ignored. Trailing spaces and indeed any trailing garbage characters are ignored.
Let input be the string being parsed.
Let position be a pointer into input, initially pointing at the start of the string.
Let value have the value 0.
If position is past the end of input, return an error.
If the next character is not one of U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) .. U+0039 DIGIT NINE (9), then return an error.
If the next character is one of U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) .. U+0039 DIGIT NINE (9):
Return value.
A string is a valid integer if it consists of one of more characters in the range U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) to U+0039 DIGIT NINE (9), optionally prefixed with a U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS ("-") character.
The rules for parsing integers are similar to the rules for non-negative integers, and are as given in the following algorithm. When invoked, the steps must be followed in the order given, aborting at the first step that returns a value. This algorithm will either return an integer or an error. Leading spaces are ignored. Trailing spaces and trailing garbage characters are ignored.
Let input be the string being parsed.
Let position be a pointer into input, initially pointing at the start of the string.
Let value have the value 0.
Let sign have the value "positive".
If position is past the end of input, return an error.
If the character indicated by position (the first character) is a U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS ("-") character:
If the next character is not one of U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) .. U+0039 DIGIT NINE (9), then return an error.
If the next character is one of U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) .. U+0039 DIGIT NINE (9):
If sign is "positive", return value, otherwise return 0-value.
A string is a valid floating point number if it consists of one of more characters in the range U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) to U+0039 DIGIT NINE (9), optionally with a single U+002E FULL STOP (".") character somewhere (either before these numbers, in between two numbers, or after the numbers), all optionally prefixed with a U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS ("-") character.
The rules for parsing floating point number values are as given in the following algorithm. As with the previous algorithms, when this one is invoked, the steps must be followed in the order given, aborting at the first step that returns a value. This algorithm will either return a number or an error. Leading spaces are ignored. Trailing spaces and garbage characters are ignored.
Let input be the string being parsed.
Let position be a pointer into input, initially pointing at the start of the string.
Let value have the value 0.
Let sign have the value "positive".
If position is past the end of input, return an error.
If the character indicated by position (the first character) is a U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS ("-") character:
If the next character is not one of U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) .. U+0039 DIGIT NINE (9) or U+002E FULL STOP ("."), then return an error.
If the next character is U+002E FULL STOP ("."), but either that is the last character or the character after that one is not one of U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) .. U+0039 DIGIT NINE (9), then return an error.
If the next character is one of U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) .. U+0039 DIGIT NINE (9):
Otherwise, if the next character is not a U+002E FULL STOP ("."), then if sign is "positive", return value, otherwise return 0-value.
The next character is a U+002E FULL STOP ("."). Advance position to the character after that.
Let divisor be 1.
If the next character is one of U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) .. U+0039 DIGIT NINE (9):
Otherwise, if sign is "positive", return value, otherwise return 0-value.
The algorithms described in this section are used by the
and meter
A valid denominator punctuation character is one of the characters from the table below. There is a value associated with each denominator punctuation character, as shown in the table below.
Denominator Punctuation Character | Value | |
U+0025 PERCENT SIGN | % | 100 |
U+066A ARABIC PERCENT SIGN | ٪ | 100 |
U+2030 PER MILLE SIGN | ‰ | 1000 |
U+2031 PER TEN THOUSAND SIGN | ‱ | 10000 |
The steps for finding one or two numbers of a ratio in a string are as follows:
The algorithm to find a number is as follows. It is given a string and a starting position, and returns either nothing, a number, or an error condition.
valid positive non-zero integers rules for parsing dimension values (only used by height/width on img, embed, object — lengths in css pixels or percentages)
A valid list of integers is a number of valid integers separated by U+002C COMMA characters, with no other characters (e.g. no space characters). In addition, there might be restrictions on the number of integers that can be given, or on the range of values allowed.
The rules for parsing a list of integers are as follows:
Let input be the string being parsed.
Let position be a pointer into input, initially pointing at the start of the string.
Let numbers be an initially empty list of integers. This list will be the result of this algorithm.
If there is a character in the string input at position position, and it is either a U+0020 SPACE, U+002C COMMA, or U+003B SEMICOLON character, then advance position to the next character in input, or to beyond the end of the string if there are no more characters.
If position points to beyond the end of input, return numbers and abort.
If the character in the string input at position position is a U+0020 SPACE, U+002C COMMA, or U+003B SEMICOLON character, then return to step 4.
Let negated be false.
Let value be 0.
Let started be false. This variable is set to true
when the parser sees a number or a "-
" character.
Let got number be false. This variable is set to true when the parser sees a number.
Let finished be false. This variable is set to true to switch parser into a mode where it ignores characters until the next separator.
Let bogus be false.
Parser: If the character in the string input at position position is:
Follow these substeps:
Follow these substeps:
Follow these substeps:
Follow these substeps:
Follow these substeps:
Advance position to the next character in input, or to beyond the end of the string if there are no more characters.
If position points to a character (and not to beyond the end of input), jump to the big Parser step above.
If negated is true, then negate value.
If got number is true, then append value to the numbers list.
Return the numbers list and abort.
In the algorithms below, the number of days in month month of year year is: 31 if month is 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, or 12; 30 if month is 4, 6, 9, or 11; 29 if month is 2 and year is a number divisible by 400, or if year is a number divisible by 4 but not by 100; and 28 otherwise. This takes into account leap years in the Gregorian calendar. [GREGORIAN]
A string is a valid datetime if it has four digits (representing the year), a literal hyphen, two digits (representing the month), a literal hyphen, two digits (representing the day), optionally some spaces, either a literal T or a space, optionally some more spaces, two digits (for the hour), a colon, two digits (the minutes), optionally the seconds (which, if included, must consist of another colon, two digits (the integer part of the seconds), and optionally a decimal point followed by one or more digits (for the fractional part of the seconds)), optionally some spaces, and finally either a literal Z (indicating the time zone is UTC), or, a plus sign or a minus sign followed by two digits, a colon, and two digits (for the sign, the hours and minutes of the timezone offset respectively); with the month-day combination being a valid date in the given year according to the Gregorian calendar, the hour values (h) being in the range 0 ≤ h ≤ 23, the minute values (m) in the range 0 ≤ m ≤ 59, and the second value (s) being in the range 0 ≤ h < 60. [GREGORIAN]
The digits must be characters in the range U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) to U+0039 DIGIT NINE (9), the hyphens must be a U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS characters, the T must be a U+0054 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T, the colons must be U+003A COLON characters, the decimal point must be a U+002E FULL STOP, the Z must be a U+005A LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z, the plus sign must be a U+002B PLUS SIGN, and the minus U+002D (same as the hyphen).
The following are some examples of dates written as valid datetimes.
0037-12-13 00:00 Z
8592-01-01 T 02:09 +02:09
Several things are notable about these dates:
Conformance checkers can use the algorithm below to determine if a datetime is a valid datetime or not.
To parse a string as a datetime value, a user agent must apply the following algorithm to the string. This will either return a time in UTC, with associated timezone information for round tripping or display purposes, or nothing, indicating the value is not a valid datetime. If at any point the algorithm says that it "fails", this means that it returns nothing.
Let input be the string being parsed.
Let position be a pointer into input, initially pointing at the start of the string.
Collect a sequence of characters in the range U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) to U+0039 DIGIT NINE (9). If the collected sequence is not exactly four characters long, then fail. Otherwise, interpret the resulting sequence as a base ten integer. Let that number be the year.
If position is beyond the end of input or if the character at position is not a U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS character, then fail. Otherwise, move position forwards one character.
Collect a sequence of characters in the range U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) to U+0039 DIGIT NINE (9). If the collected sequence is not exactly two characters long, then fail. Otherwise, interpret the resulting sequence as a base ten integer. Let that number be the month.
Let maxday be the number of days in month month of year year.
If position is beyond the end of input or if the character at position is not a U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS character, then fail. Otherwise, move position forwards one character.
Collect a sequence of characters in the range U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) to U+0039 DIGIT NINE (9). If the collected sequence is not exactly two characters long, then fail. Otherwise, interpret the resulting sequence as a base ten integer. Let that number be the day.
If day is not a number in the range 1 ≤ month ≤ maxday, then fail.
Collect a sequence of characters that are either U+0054 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T characters or space characters. If the collected sequence is zero characters long, or if it contains more than one U+0054 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T character, then fail.
Collect a sequence of characters in the range U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) to U+0039 DIGIT NINE (9). If the collected sequence is not exactly two characters long, then fail. Otherwise, interpret the resulting sequence as a base ten integer. Let that number be the hour.
If position is beyond the end of input or if the character at position is not a U+003A COLON character, then fail. Otherwise, move position forwards one character.
Collect a sequence of characters in the range U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) to U+0039 DIGIT NINE (9). If the collected sequence is not exactly two characters long, then fail. Otherwise, interpret the resulting sequence as a base ten integer. Let that number be the minute.
Let second be a string with the value "0".
If position is beyond the end of input, then fail.
If the character at position is a U+003A COLON, then:
Advance position to the next character in input.
If position is beyond the end of input, or at the last character in input, or if the next two characters in input starting at position are not two characters both in the range U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) to U+0039 DIGIT NINE (9), then fail.
Collect a sequence of characters that are either characters in the range U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) to U+0039 DIGIT NINE (9) or U+002E FULL STOP characters. If the collected sequence has more than one U+002E FULL STOP characters, or if the last character in the sequence is a U+002E FULL STOP character, then fail. Otherwise, let the collected string be second instead of its previous value.
Interpret second as a base ten number (possibly with a fractional part). Let that number be second instead of the string version.
If position is beyond the end of input, then fail.
If the character at position is a U+005A LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z, then:
Let timezonehours be 0.
Let timezoneminutes be 0.
Advance position to the next character in input.
Otherwise, if the character at position is either a U+002B PLUS SIGN ("+") or a U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS ("-"), then:
If the character at position is a U+002B PLUS SIGN ("+"), let sign be "positive". Otherwise, it's a U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS ("-"); let sign be "negative".
Advance position to the next character in input.
Collect a sequence of characters in the range U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) to U+0039 DIGIT NINE (9). If the collected sequence is not exactly two characters long, then fail. Otherwise, interpret the resulting sequence as a base ten integer. Let that number be the timezonehours.
If position is beyond the end of input or if the character at position is not a U+003A COLON character, then fail. Otherwise, move position forwards one character.
Collect a sequence of characters in the range U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) to U+0039 DIGIT NINE (9). If the collected sequence is not exactly two characters long, then fail. Otherwise, interpret the resulting sequence as a base ten integer. Let that number be the timezoneminutes.
If position is not beyond the end of input, then fail.
Let time be the moment in time at year year, month month, day day, hours hour, minute minute, second second, subtracting timezonehours hours and timezoneminutes minutes. That moment in time is a moment in the UTC timezone.
Let timezone be timezonehours hours and timezoneminutes minutes from UTC.
Return time and timezone.
This section defines date or time strings. There are two kinds, date or time strings in content, and date or time strings in attributes. The only difference is in the handling of whitespace characters.
To parse a date or time string, user agents must use the following algorithm. A date or time string is a valid date or time string if the following algorithm, when run on the string, doesn't say the string is invalid.
The algorithm may return nothing (in which case the string will be invalid), or it may return a date, a time, a date and a time, or a date and a time and a timezone. Even if the algorithm returns one or more values, the string can still be invalid.
Let input be the string being parsed.
Let position be a pointer into input, initially pointing at the start of the string.
Let results be the collection of results that are to be returned (one or more of a date, a time, and a timezone), initially empty. If the algorithm aborts at any point, then whatever is currently in results must be returned as the result of the algorithm.
For the "in content" variant: skip Zs characters; for the "in attributes" variant: skip whitespace.
Collect a sequence of characters in the range U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) to U+0039 DIGIT NINE (9). If the collected sequence is empty, then the string is invalid; abort these steps.
Let the sequence of characters collected in the last step be s.
If position is past the end of input, the string is invalid; abort these steps.
If the character at position is not a U+003A COLON character, then:
If the character at position is not a U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS ("-") character either, then the string is invalid, abort these steps.
If the sequence s is not exactly four digits long, then the string is invalid. (This does not stop the algorithm, however.)
Interpret the sequence of characters collected in step 5 as a base ten integer, and let that number be year.
Advance position past the U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS ("-") character.
Collect a sequence of characters in the range U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) to U+0039 DIGIT NINE (9). If the collected sequence is empty, then the string is invalid; abort these steps.
If the sequence collected in the last step is not exactly two digits long, then the string is invalid.
Interpret the sequence of characters collected two steps ago as a base ten integer, and let that number be month.
Let maxday be the number of days in month month of year year.
If position is past the end of input, or if the character at position is not a U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS ("-") character, then the string is invalid, abort these steps. Otherwise, advance position to the next character.
Collect a sequence of characters in the range U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) to U+0039 DIGIT NINE (9). If the collected sequence is empty, then the string is invalid; abort these steps.
If the sequence collected in the last step is not exactly two digits long, then the string is invalid.
Interpret the sequence of characters collected two steps ago as a base ten integer, and let that number be day.
If day is not a number in the range 1 ≤ day ≤ maxday, then the string is invalid, abort these steps.
Add the date represented by year, month, and day to the results.
For the "in content" variant: skip Zs characters; for the "in attributes" variant: skip whitespace.
If the character at position is a U+0054 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER T, then move position forwards one character.
For the "in content" variant: skip Zs characters; for the "in attributes" variant: skip whitespace.
Collect a sequence of characters in the range U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) to U+0039 DIGIT NINE (9). If the collected sequence is empty, then the string is invalid; abort these steps.
Let s be the sequence of characters collected in the last step.
If s is not exactly two digits long, then the string is invalid.
Interpret the sequence of characters collected two steps ago as a base ten integer, and let that number be hour.
If hour is not a number in the range 0 ≤ hour ≤ 23, then the string is invalid, abort these steps.
If position is past the end of input, or if the character at position is not a U+003A COLON character, then the string is invalid, abort these steps. Otherwise, advance position to the next character.
Collect a sequence of characters in the range U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) to U+0039 DIGIT NINE (9). If the collected sequence is empty, then the string is invalid; abort these steps.
If the sequence collected in the last step is not exactly two digits long, then the string is invalid.
Interpret the sequence of characters collected two steps ago as a base ten integer, and let that number be minute.
If minute is not a number in the range 0 ≤ minute ≤ 59, then the string is invalid, abort these steps.
Let second be 0. It may be changed to another value in the next step.
If position is not past the end of input and the character at position is a U+003A COLON character, then:
Collect a sequence of characters that are either characters in the range U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) to U+0039 DIGIT NINE (9) or are U+002E FULL STOP. If the collected sequence is empty, or contains more than one U+002E FULL STOP character, then the string is invalid; abort these steps.
If the first character in the sequence collected in the last step is not in the range U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) to U+0039 DIGIT NINE (9), then the string is invalid.
Interpret the sequence of characters collected two steps ago as a base ten number (possibly with a fractional part), and let that number be second.
If second is not a number in the range 0 ≤ minute < 60, then the string is invalid, abort these steps.
Add the time represented by hour, minute, and second to the results.
If results has both a date and a time, then:
For the "in content" variant: skip Zs characters; for the "in attributes" variant: skip whitespace.
If position is past the end of input, then skip to the next step in the overall set of steps.
Otherwise, if the character at position is a U+005A LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z, then:
Add the timezone corresponding to UTC (zero offset) to the results.
Advance position to the next character in input.
Skip to the next step in the overall set of steps.
Otherwise, if the character at position is either a U+002B PLUS SIGN ("+") or a U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS ("-"), then:
If the character at position is a U+002B PLUS SIGN ("+"), let sign be "positive". Otherwise, it's a U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS ("-"); let sign be "negative".
Advance position to the next character in input.
Collect a sequence of characters in the range U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) to U+0039 DIGIT NINE (9). If the collected sequence is not exactly two characters long, then the string is invalid.
Interpret the sequence collected in the last step as a base ten number, and let that number be timezonehours.
If position is beyond the end of input or if the character at position is not a U+003A COLON character, then the string is invalid; abort these steps. Otherwise, move position forwards one character.
Collect a sequence of characters in the range U+0030 DIGIT ZERO (0) to U+0039 DIGIT NINE (9). If the collected sequence is not exactly two characters long, then the string is invalid.
Interpret the sequence collected in the last step as a base ten number, and let that number be timezoneminutes.
Add the timezone corresponding to an offset of timezonehours hours and timezoneminutes minutes to the results.
Skip to the next step in the overall set of steps.
Otherwise, the string is invalid; abort these steps.
For the "in content" variant: skip Zs characters; for the "in attributes" variant: skip whitespace.
If position is not past the end of input, then the string is invalid.
Abort these steps (the string is parsed).
valid time offset, rules for parsing time offsets, time offset serialization rules; in the format "5d4h3m2s1ms" or "3m 9.2s" or "00:00:00.00" or similar.
A set of space-separated tokens is a set of zero or more words separated by one or more space characters, where words consist of any string of one or more characters, none of which are space characters.
A string containing a set of space-separated tokens may have leading or trailing space characters.
An unordered set of unique space-separated tokens is a set of space-separated tokens where none of the words are duplicated.
An ordered set of unique space-separated tokens is a set of space-separated tokens where none of the words are duplicated but where the order of the tokens is meaningful.
Sets of space-separated tokens sometimes have a defined set of allowed values. When a set of allowed values is defined, the tokens must all be from that list of allowed values; other values are non-conforming. If no such set of allowed values is provided, then all values are conforming.
When a user agent has to split a string on spaces, it must use the following algorithm:
Let input be the string being parsed.
Let position be a pointer into input, initially pointing at the start of the string.
Let tokens be a list of tokens, initially empty.
While position is not past the end of input:
Collect a sequence of characters that are not space characters.
Add the string collected in the previous step to tokens.
Return tokens.
When a user agent has to remove a token from a string, it must use the following algorithm:
Let input be the string being modified.
Let token be the token being removed. It will not contain any space characters.
Let output be the output string, initially empty.
Let position be a pointer into input, initially pointing at the start of the string.
If position is beyond the end of input, set the string being modified to output, and abort these steps.
If the character at position is a space character:
Append the character at position to the end of output.
Increment position so it points at the next character in input.
Return to step 5 in the overall set of steps.
Otherwise, the character at position is the first character of a token. Collect a sequence of characters that are not space characters, and let that be s.
If s is exactly equal to token, then:
Skip whitespace (in input).
Remove any space characters currently at the end of output.
If position is not past the end of input, and output is not the empty string, append a single U+0020 SPACE character at the end of output.
Otherwise, append s to the end of output.
Return to step 6 in the overall set of steps.
This causes any occurrences of the token to be removed from the string, and any spaces that were surrounding the token to be collapsed to a single space, except at the start and end of the string, where such spaces are removed.
Some attributes are defined as taking one of a finite set of keywords. Such attributes are called enumerated attributes. The keywords are each defined to map to a particular state (several keywords might map to the same state, in which case some of the keywords are synonyms of each other; additionally, some of the keywords can be said to be non-conforming, and are only in the specification for historical reasons). In addition, two default states can be given. The first is the invalid value default, the second is the missing value default.
If an enumerated attribute is specified, the attribute's value must be one of the given keywords that are not said to be non-conforming, with no leading or trailing whitespace. The keyword may use any mix of uppercase and lowercase letters.
When the attribute is specified, if its value case-insensitively matches one of the given keywords then that keyword's state is the state that the attribute represents. If the attribute value matches none of the given keywords, but the attribute has an invalid value default, then the attribute represents that state. Otherwise, if the attribute value matches none of the keywords but there is a missing value default state defined, then that is the state represented by the attribute. Otherwise, there is no default, and invalid values must simply be ignored.
When the attribute is not specified, if there is a missing value default state defined, then that is the state represented by the (missing) attribute. Otherwise, the absence of the attribute means that there is no state represented.
The empty string can be one of the keywords in some cases.
For example the contenteditable
attribute has two
states: true, matching the true
keyword and
the empty string, false, matching false
all other keywords (it's the invalid value default). It could
further be thought of as having a third state inherit, which
would be the default when the attribute is not specified at all (the
missing value default), but for various reasons that isn't the
way this specification actually defines it.
A valid hashed ID reference to an element of type
type is a string consisting of a U+0023 NUMBER SIGN
) character followed by a string which exactly
matches the value of the id
attribute of an element in the document with type type.
The rules for parsing a hashed ID reference to an element of type type are as follows:
If the string being parsed does not contain a U+0023 NUMBER SIGN character, or if the first such character in the string is the last character in the string, then return null and abort these steps.
Let s be the string from the character immediately after the first U+0023 NUMBER SIGN character in the string being parsed up to the end of that string.
Return the first element of type type that has an
or name
attribute whose value
case-insensitively matches s.
This section will do the following:
Elements, attributes, and attribute values in HTML are defined (by this
specification) to have certain meanings (semantics). For example, the
element represents an ordered list, and
the lang
attribute represents the language of the
Authors must not use elements, attributes, and attribute values for purposes other than their appropriate intended semantic purpose.
For example, the following document is non-conforming, despite being syntactically correct:
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en-GB"> <head> <title> Demonstration </title> </head> <body> <table> <tr> <td> My favourite animal is the cat. </td> </tr> <tr> <td> —<a href=""><cite>Ernest</cite></a>, in an essay from 1992 </td> </tr> </table> </body> </html>
...because the data placed in the cells is clearly not tabular data
(and the cite
element mis-used). A
corrected version of this document might be:
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en-GB"> <head> <title> Demonstration </title> </head> <body> <blockquote> <p> My favourite animal is the cat. </p> </blockquote> <p> —<a href="">Ernest</a>, in an essay from 1992 </p> </body> </html>
This next document fragment, intended to represent the heading of a corporate site, is similarly non-conforming because the second line is not intended to be a heading of a subsection, but merely a subheading or subtitle (a subordinate heading for the same section).
<body> <h1>ABC Company</h1> <h2>Leading the way in widget design since 1432</h2> ...
The header
element should be used in
these kinds of situations:
<body> <header> <h1>ABC Company</h1> <h2>Leading the way in widget design since 1432</h2> </header> ...
Through scripting and using other mechanisms, the values of attributes, text, and indeed the entire structure of the document may change dynamically while a user agent is processing it. The semantics of a document at an instant in time are those represented by the state of the document at that instant in time, and the semantics of a document can therefore change over time. User agents must update their presentation of the document as this occurs.
HTML has a progress
element that describes a progress bar. If its "value" attribute is
dynamically updated by a script, the UA would update the rendering to show
the progress changing.
All the elements in this specification have a defined content model, which describes what nodes are allowed inside the elements, and thus what the structure of an HTML document or fragment must look like.
As noted in the conformance and terminology sections, for the
purposes of determining if an element matches its content model or not, CDATASection
nodes in the
DOM are treated as equivalent to Text
nodes, and entity reference nodes are treated as if they
were expanded in place.
The space characters are always allowed between elements. User agents represent these characters between elements in the source markup as text nodes in the DOM. Empty text nodes and text nodes consisting of just sequences of those characters are considered inter-element whitespace.
Inter-element whitespace, comment nodes, and processing instruction nodes must be ignored when establishing whether an element matches its content model or not, and must be ignored when following algorithms that define document and element semantics.
An element A is said to be preceded or followed by a second element B if A and B have the same parent node and there are no other element nodes or text nodes (other than inter-element whitespace) between them.
Authors must not use elements in the HTML namespace anywhere except where they are explicitly allowed, as defined for each element, or as explicitly required by other specifications. For XML compound documents, these contexts could be inside elements from other namespaces, if those elements are defined as providing the relevant contexts.
The SVG specification defines the SVG foreignObject
element as allowing foreign namespaces to be included, thus allowing
compound documents to be created by inserting subdocument content under
that element. This specification defines the XHTML html
element as being allowed where subdocument
fragments are allowed in a compound document. Together, these two
definitions mean that placing an XHTML html
element as a child of an SVG
element is conforming. [SVG]
The Atom specification defines the Atom content
element, when its type
attribute has the value
, as requiring that it contains a single HTML
element. Thus, a div
element is allowed in that context, even
though this is not explicitly normatively stated by this specification.
In addition, elements in the HTML namespace may be orphan nodes (i.e. without a parent node).
For example, creating a td
element and
storing it in a global variable in a script is conforming, even though
elements are otherwise only supposed to
be used inside tr
var data = { name: "Banana", cell: document.createElement('td'), };
Each element in HTML falls into zero or more categories that group elements with similar characteristics together. The following categories are used in this specification:
Some elements have unique requirements and do not fit into any particular category.
Metadata content is content that sets up the presentation or behavior of the rest of the content, or that sets up the relationship of the document with other documents, or that conveys other "out of band" information.
Elements from other namespaces whose semantics are primarily metadata-related (e.g. RDF) are also metadata content.
Most elements that are used in the body of documents and applications are categorized as flow content.
As a general rule, elements whose content model allows any flow content should have either at least one
descendant text node that is not inter-element
whitespace, or at least one descendant element node that is embedded content. For the purposes of this
requirement, del
elements and their
descendants must not be counted as contributing to the ancestors of the
This requirement is not a hard requirement, however, as there are many cases where an element can be empty legitimately, for example when it is used as a placeholder which will later be filled in by a script, or when the element is part of a template and would on most pages be filled in but on some pages is not relevant.
Sectioning content is content that defines the scope of headers, footers, and contact information.
Each sectioning content element potentially has a heading. See the section on headings and sections for further details.
Heading content defines the header of a section (whether explicitly marked up using sectioning content elements, or implied by the heading content itself).
Phrasing content is the text of the document, as well as elements that mark up that text at the intra-paragraph level. Runs of phrasing content form paragraphs.
All phrasing content is also flow content. Any content model that expects flow content also expects phrasing content.
As a general rule, elements whose content model allows any phrasing content should have either at least one
descendant text node that is not inter-element
whitespace, or at least one descendant element node that is embedded content. For the purposes of this
requirement, nodes that are descendants of del
elements must not be counted as contributing to
the ancestors of the del
Most elements that are categorized as phrasing content can only contain elements that are themselves categorized as phrasing content, not any flow content.
Text nodes that are not inter-element whitespace are phrasing content.
Embedded content is content that imports another resource into the document, or content from another vocabulary that is inserted into the document.
All embedded content is also phrasing content (and flow content). Any content model that expects phrasing content (or flow content) also expects embedded content.
Elements that are from namespaces other than the HTML namespace and that convey content but not metadata, are embedded content for the purposes of the content models defined in this specification. (For example, MathML, or SVG.)
Some embedded content elements can have fallback content: content that is to be used when the external resource cannot be used (e.g. because it is of an unsupported format). The element definitions state what the fallback is, if any.
Parts of this section should eventually be moved to DOM3 Events.
Interactive content is content that is specifically intended for user interaction.
Certain elements in HTML can be activated, for instance a
elements, button
elements, or
elements when their type
attribute is set
to radio
. Activation of those elements can happen in various
(UA-defined) ways, for instance via the mouse or keyboard.
When activation is performed via some method other than clicking the
pointing device, the default action of the event that triggers the
activation must, instead of being activating the element directly, be to
fire a click
event on the same
The default action of this click
or of the real click
event if the element
was activated by clicking a pointing device, must be to fire a further DOMActivate
event at the same
element, whose own default action is to go through all the elements the
event bubbled through
(starting at the target node and going towards the Document
node), looking for an element with an activation
behavior; the first element, in reverse tree order, to have one, must
have its activation behavior executed.
The above doesn't happen for arbitrary synthetic events
dispatched by author script. However, the click()
method can be used to make it happen
For certain form controls, this process is complicated further by changes that must happen around the click event. [WF2]
Most interactive elements have content models that disallow nesting interactive elements.
Some elements are described as transparent; they have "transparent" as their content model. Some elements are described as semi-transparent; this means that part of their content model is "transparent" but that is not the only part of the content model that must be satisfied.
When a content model includes a part that is "transparent", those parts must not contain content that would not be conformant if all transparent and semi-transparent elements in the tree were replaced, in their parent element, by the children in the "transparent" part of their content model, retaining order.
When a transparent or semi-transparent element has no parent, then the part of its content model that is "transparent" must instead be treated as accepting any flow content.
A paragraph is typically a block of text with one or more sentences that discuss a particular topic, as in typography, but can also be used for more general thematic grouping. For instance, an address is also a paragraph, as is a part of a form, a byline, or a stanza in a poem.
Paragraphs in flow content are defined
relative to what the document looks like without the ins
and del
elements complicating matters. Let view be a view of
the DOM that replaces all ins
and del
elements in the document with their contents.
Then, in view, for each run of phrasing content uninterrupted by other types of
content, in an element that accepts content other than phrasing content, let first be
the first node of the run, and let last be the last
node of the run. For each run, a paragraph exists in the original DOM from
immediately before first to immediately after last. (Paragraphs can thus span across ins
and del
A paragraph is also formed by p
The p
element can be used to
wrap individual paragraphs when there would otherwise not be any content
other than phrasing content to separate the paragraphs from each other.
In the following example, there are two paragraphs in a section. There is also a header, which contains phrasing content that is not a paragraph. Note how the comments and intra-element whitespace do not form paragraphs.
<section> <h1>Example of paragraphs</h1> This is the <em>first</em> paragraph in this example. <p>This is the second.</p> <!-- This is not a paragraph. --> </section>
The following example takes that markup and puts ins
and del
elements around some of the markup to show that the text was changed
(though in this case, the changes don't really make much sense,
admittedly). Notice how this example has exactly the same paragraphs as
the previous one, despite the ins
<section> <ins><h1>Example of paragraphs</h1> This is the <em>first</em> paragraph in</ins> this example<del>. <p>This is the second.</p></del> <!-- This is not a paragraph. --> </section>
The following attributes are common to and may be specified on all HTML elements (even those not defined in this specification):
In addition, the following event handler content attributes may be specified on any HTML element:
Also, custom data
attributes (e.g. data-foldername
or data-msgid
) can be specified on any HTML
element, to store custom data specific to the page.
In HTML documents, the html
element, and any other elements in the HTML namespace whose parent element is not in
the HTML namespace, may have an xmlns
attribute specified, if, and only if, it has the
exact value "
". This does not
apply to XML documents.
In HTML, the xmlns
attribute has
absolutely no effect. It is basically a talisman. It is allowed merely to
make migration to and from XHTML mildly easier. When parsed by an HTML parser, the attribute ends up in no namespace, not
the "
" namespace like namespace
declaration attributes in XML do.
In XML, an xmlns
attribute is part of
the namespace declaration mechanism, and an element cannot actually have
an xmlns
attribute in no namespace specified.
attributeThe id
attribute represents
its element's unique identifier. The value must be unique in the subtree
within which the element finds itself and must contain at least one
character. The value must not contain any space characters.
If the value is not the empty string, user agents must associate the
element with the given value (exactly, including any space characters) for
the purposes of ID matching within the subtree the element finds itself
(e.g. for selectors in CSS or for the getElementById()
in the DOM).
Identifiers are opaque strings. Particular meanings should not be
derived from the value of the id
This specification doesn't preclude an element having multiple IDs, if
other mechanisms (e.g. DOM Core methods) can set an element's ID in a way
that doesn't conflict with the id
The id
DOM attribute must reflect the id
content attribute.
attributeThe title
represents advisory information for the element, such as would be
appropriate for a tooltip. On a link, this could be the title or a
description of the target resource; on an image, it could be the image
credit or a description of the image; on a paragraph, it could be a
footnote or commentary on the text; on a citation, it could be further
information about the source; and so forth. The value is text.
If this attribute is omitted from an element, then it implies that the
attribute of the
nearest ancestor HTML
element with a title
attribute set is also relevant to this
element. Setting the attribute overrides this, explicitly stating that the
advisory information of any ancestors is not relevant to this element.
Setting the attribute to the empty string indicates that the element has
no advisory information.
If the title
attribute's value contains U+000A LINE FEED (LF) characters, the content
is split into multiple lines. Each U+000A LINE FEED (LF) character
represents a line break.
Some elements, such as link
, define additional semantics for the
attribute beyond
the semantics described above.
The title
attribute must reflect the title
content attribute.
(HTML only) and xml:lang
(XML only) attributesThe lang
specifies the primary language for the element's
contents and for any of the element's attributes that contain text. Its
value must be a valid RFC 3066 language code, or the empty string. [RFC3066]
The xml:lang
attribute is defined in XML. [XML]
If these attributes are omitted from an element, then it implies that the language of this element is the same as the language of the parent element. Setting the attribute to the empty string indicates that the primary language is unknown.
The lang
attribute may
be used on elements of HTML documents. Authors must
not use the lang
attribute in XML documents.
The xml:lang
attribute may be used on elements of XML
documents. Authors must not use the xml:lang
attribute in HTML
To determine the language of a node, user agents must look at the
nearest ancestor element (including the element itself if the node is an
element) that has an xml:lang
attribute set or is an HTML element and has a
attribute set. That
attribute specifies the language of the node.
If both the xml:lang
attribute and the lang
attribute are set on an
element, user agents must use the xml:lang
attribute, and the lang
attribute must be ignored for the purposes of determining
the element's language.
If no explicit language is given for the root element, then language information from a higher-level protocol (such as HTTP), if any, must be used as the final fallback language. In the absence of any language information, the default value is unknown (the empty string).
User agents may use the element's language to determine proper processing or rendering (e.g. in the selection of appropriate fonts or pronunciations, or for dictionary selection).
The lang
DOM attribute
must reflect the lang
content attribute.
attributeThe dir
specifies the element's text directionality. The attribute is an enumerated attribute with the keyword ltr
mapping to the state ltr, and the keyword
mapping to the state rtl. The attribute
has no defaults.
If the attribute has the state ltr, the element's directionality is left-to-right. If the attribute has the state rtl, the element's directionality is right-to-left. Otherwise, the element's directionality is the same as its parent element, or ltr if there is no parent element.
The processing of this attribute depends on the presentation layer. For example, CSS 2.1 defines a mapping from this attribute to the CSS 'direction' and 'unicode-bidi' properties, and defines rendering in terms of those properties.
The dir
DOM attribute on
an element must reflect the dir
content attribute of that element, limited to only known values.
The dir
attribute on HTMLDocument
must reflect the dir
content attribute of the
element, if any, limited to only
known values. If there is no such element, then the attribute must
return the empty string and do nothing on setting.
attributeEvery HTML element
may have a class
attribute specified.
The attribute, if specified, must have a value that is an unordered set of unique space-separated tokens representing the various classes that the element belongs to.
The classes that an HTML
element has assigned to it consists of all the classes returned when
the value of the class
attribute is split on
Assigning classes to an element affects class matching in
selectors in CSS, the getElementsByClassName()
in the DOM, and other such features.
Authors may use any value in the class
attribute, but are encouraged to use the
values that describe the nature of the content, rather than values that
describe the desired presentation of the content.
The className
and classList
attributes must both reflect the class
content attribute.
attributeAll elements may have the irrelevant
content attribute set. The irrelevant
attribute is a boolean attribute. When specified
on an element, it indicates that the element is not yet, or is no longer,
relevant. User agents should not render elements that have the irrelevant
attribute specified.
In the following skeletal example, the attribute is used to hide the Web game's main screen until the user logs in:
<h1>The Example Game</h1> <section id="login"> <h2>Login</h2> <form> ... <!-- calls login() once the user's credentials have been checked --> </form> <script> function login() { // switch screens document.getElementById('login').irrelevant = true; document.getElementById('game').irrelevant = false; } </script> </section> <section id="game" irrelevant> ... </section>
The irrelevant
attribute must not be used to
hide content that could legitimately be shown in another presentation. For
example, it is incorrect to use irrelevant
to hide panels in a tabbed
dialog, because the tabbed interface is merely a kind of overflow
presentation — showing all the form controls in one big page with a
scrollbar would be equivalent, and no less correct.
Elements in a section hidden by the irrelevant
attribute are still active, e.g.
scripts and form controls in such sections still render execute and submit
respectively. Only their presentation to the user changes.
The irrelevant
DOM attribute must reflect the content attribute of the same name.
attributeAll elements may have the style
content attribute set. If specified, the
attribute must contain only a list of zero or more semicolon-separated (;)
CSS declarations. [CSS21]
The attribute, if specified, must be parsed and treated as the body (the part inside the curly brackets) of a declaration block in a rule whose selector matches just the element on which the attribute is set. For the purposes of the CSS cascade, the attribute must be considered to be a 'style' attribute at the author level.
Documents that use style
attributes on any of their elements must
still be comprehensible and usable if those attributes were removed.
In particular, using the style
attribute to hide and show content, or to
convey meaning that is otherwise not included in the document, is
The style
attribute must return a CSSStyleDeclaration
whose value
represents the declarations specified in the attribute, if present.
Mutating the CSSStyleDeclaration
object must create a style
attribute on the element (if there
isn't one already) and then change its value to be a value representing
the serialized form of the CSSStyleDeclaration
object. [CSSOM]
In the following example, the words that refer to colors are marked up
using the span
element and the style
attribute to make
those words show up in the relevant colors in visual media.
<p>My sweat suit is <span style="color: green; background: transparent">green</span> and my eyes are <span style="color: blue; background: transparent">blue</span>.</p>
A custom data attribute is an attribute whose name
starts with the string "data-
" and has at least one
character after the hyphen.
Custom data attributes are intended to store custom data private to the page or application, for which there are no more appropriate attributes or elements.
Every HTML element may have any number of custom data attributes specified, with any value.
The dataset
attribute provides convenient accessors for all the data-*
attributes on an
element. On getting, the dataset
DOM attribute must return a DOMStringMap
object, associated with the
following three algorithms, which expose these attributes on their
and the name passed to the algorithm.
and the name passed to the algorithm.
would have raised an exception when
setting an attribute with the name name, then this
must raise the same exception.
and the name passed to the algorithm.
If a Web page wanted an element to represent a space ship, e.g. as part
of a game, it would have to use the class
attribute along with data-*
<div class="spaceship" data-id="92432" data-weapons="laser 2" data-shields="50%" data-x="30" data-y="10" data-z="90"> <button class="fire" onclick="spaceships[].fire()"> Fire </button> </div>
Authors should carefully design such extensions so that when the attributes are ignored and any associated CSS dropped, the page is still usable.
User agents must not derive any implementation behavior from these attributes or values. Specifications intended for user agents must not define these attributes to have any meaningful values.
The click() method must fire a click
event at the element, whose
default action is the firing of a
further DOMActivate
event at
the same element, whose own default action is to go through all the
elements the DOMActivate
bubbled through (starting at the target node and going towards the
node), looking for an element with an activation behavior; the first element, in reverse
tree order, to have one, must have its activation behavior executed.
When an element is focused, key events received by the document
must be targeted at that element. There may be no element focused; when no
element is focused, key events received by the document must be targetted
at the body
User agents may track focus for each browsing
context or Document
individually, or may support only one
focused elment per top-level browsing context
— user agents should follow platform conventions in this regard.
Which element(s) within a top-level browsing context currently has focus must be independent of whether or not the top-level browsing context itself has the system focus.
The focusing steps are as follows:
If focusing the element will remove the focus from another element, then run the unfocusing steps for that element.
Make the element the currently focused element in its top-level browsing context.
Some elements, most notably area
, can
correspond to more than one distinct focusable area. If a particular
area was indicated when the element was focused, then that is the area
that must get focus; otherwise, e.g. when using the focus()
method, the first
such region in tree order is the one that must be focused.
Fire a simple event that doesn't bubble called
at the element.
User agents must run the focusing steps for an element whenever the user moves the focus to a focusable element.
The unfocusing steps are as follows:
Unfocus the element.
Fire a simple event that doesn't bubble called
at the element.
User agents should run the unfocusing steps for an element whenever the user moves the focus away from any focusable element.
The focus()
when invoked, must run the following algorithm:
If the element is marked as locked for focus, then abort these steps.
If the element is not focusable, then abort these steps.
Mark the element as locked for focus.
If the element is not already focused, run the focusing steps for the element.
Unmark the element as locked for focus.
The blur()
method, when
invoked, should run the unfocusing steps for the
element. User agents may selectively or uniformly ignore calls to this
method for usability reasons.
The activeElement
attribute must return the element in the document that is focused. If no
element in the Document
is focused, this must return the body
The hasFocus
attribute must
return true if the document, one of its nested browsing contexts, or any element in the
document or its browsing contexts currently has the system focus.
The tabindex
content attribute specifies whether the element is focusable, whether it
can be reached using sequential focus navigation, and the relative order
of the element for the purposes of sequential focus navigation. The name
"tab index" comes from the common use of the "tab" key to navigate through
the focusable elements. The term "tabbing" refers to moving forward
through the focusable elements that can be reached using sequential focus
The tabindex
attribute, if specified, must have a value that is a valid integer.
If the attribute is specified, it must be parsed using the rules for parsing integers. The attribute's values have the following meanings:
The user agent should follow platform conventions to determine if the element is to be focusable and, if so, whether the element can be reached using sequential focus navigation, and if so, what its relative order should be.
The user agent must allow the element to be focused, but should not allow the element to be reached using sequential focus navigation.
The user agent must allow the element to be focused, should allow the element to be reached using sequential focus navigation, and should follow platform conventions to determine the element's relative order.
The user agent must allow the element to be focused, should allow the element to be reached using sequential focus navigation, and should place the element in the sequential focus navigation order so that it is:
attribute has been omitted or
whose value, when parsed, returns an error,
attribute has a value equal to or
less than zero,
attribute has a value greater than
zero but less than the value of the tabindex
attribute on the element,
attribute has a value equal to the
value of the tabindex
attribute on the element but that
is earlier in the document in tree order than
the element,
attribute has a value equal to the
value of the tabindex
attribute on the element but that
is later in the document in tree order than
the element, and
attribute has a value greater than
the value of the tabindex
attribute on the element.
An element is focusable if the tabindex
definition above defines the element to be focusable and the
element is being
When an element is focused, the element matches the CSS
pseudo-class and key events are dispatched on that
element in response to keyboard input.
The tabIndex
attribute must reflect the value of the tabIndex
attribute. If the attribute is not present, or parsing its value returns
an error, then the DOM attribute must return 0 for elements that are
focusable and −1 for elements that are not focusable.
The scrollIntoView([top])
method, when called, must cause the
element on which the method was called to have the attention of the user
called to it.
In a speech browser, this could happen by having the current playback position move to the start of the given element.
In visual user agents, if the argument is present and has the value false, the user agent should scroll the element into view such that both the bottom and the top of the element are in the viewport, with the bottom of the element aligned with the bottom of the viewport. If it isn't possible to show the entire element in that way, or if the argument is omitted or is true, then the user agent must instead simply align the top of the element with the top of the viewport.
Non-visual user agents may ignore the argument, or may treat it in some media-specific manner most useful to the user.
element followed by a body
.The html
element represents the root of
an HTML document.
The manifest
attribute gives the
address of the document's application cache manifest, if
there is one. If the attribute is present, the attribute's value must be a
valid URI (or IRI).
The manifest
attribute only has an
effect during the early stages of document load. Changing the
attribute dynamically thus has no effect (and thus, no DOM API is provided
for this attribute). Furthermore, as it is processed before any base
elements are seen, its value is not subject
to being made relative to any base URI.
The head
element collects the
document's metadata.
element containing no other
The title
element represents the
document's title or name. Authors should use titles that identify their
documents even when they are used out of context, for example in a user's
history or bookmarks, or in search results. The document's title is often
different from its first header, since the first header does not have to
stand alone when taken out of context.
There must be no more than one title
element per document.
The title
element must not contain
any elements.
Here are some examples of appropriate titles, contrasted with the top-level headers that might be used on those same pages.
<title>Introduction to The Mating Rituals of Bees</title> ... <h1>Introduction</h1> <p>This companion guide to the highly successful <cite>Introduction to Medieval Bee-Keeping</cite> book is...
The next page might be a part of the same site. Note how the title describes the subject matter unambiguously, while the first header assumes the reader knowns what the context is and therefore won't wonder if the dances are Salsa or Waltz:
<title>Dances used during bee mating rituals</title> ... <h1>The Dances</h1>
The string to use as the document's title is given by the document.title
DOM attribute. User
agents should use the document's title when referring to the document in
their user interface.
element containing no other
interface HTMLBaseElement : HTMLElement { attribute DOMString href; attribute DOMString target; };
The base
element allows authors to
specify the document's base URI for the purposes of resolving relative
URIs, and the name of the default browsing
context for the purposes of following
There must be no more than one base
element per document.
A base
element must have either an
attribute, a
attribute, or both.
The href
attribute, if specified, must contain a URI (or IRI).
A base
element, if it has an href
attribute, must come
before any other elements in the tree that have attributes with URIs
(except the html
element and its manifest
User agents must use the value of the href
attribute of the first base
element that is both a child of the head
element and has an href
attribute, if there is such an element, as
the document entity's base URI for the purposes of section 5.1.1 of RFC
3986 ("Establishing a Base URI": "Base URI Embedded in Content"). This
base URI from RFC 3986 is referred to by the algorithm given in XML Base,
which is a normative part of this specification. [RFC3986]
If the base URI given by this attribute is a relative URI, it must be
resolved relative to the higher-level base URIs (i.e. the base URI from
the encapsulating entity or the URI used to retrieve the entity) to obtain
an absolute base URI. All xml:base
attributes must be ignored when resolving relative URIs in this href
If there are multiple base
elements with href
attributes, all but
the first are ignored.
The target
attribute, if specified, must contain a valid browsing
context name or keyword. User agents use this name when following hyperlinks.
A base
element, if it has a target
attribute, must
come before any elements in the tree that represent hyperlinks.
The href
and target
DOM attributes
must reflect the content attributes of the same
element that is a
child of a head
attribute has special semantics on this
interface HTMLLinkElement : HTMLElement { attribute boolean disabled; attribute DOMString href; attribute DOMString rel; readonly attribute DOMTokenList relList; attribute DOMString media; attribute DOMString hreflang; attribute DOMString type; attribute DOMString sizes; };
The LinkStyle
interface must also be implemented by this
element, the styling processing model defines
how. [CSSOM]
The link
element allows authors to link
their document to other resources.
The destination of the link is given by the href
attribute, which must be
present and must contain a URI (or IRI). If the href
attribute is absent,
then the element does not define a link.
The type of link indicated (the relationship) is given by the value of
the rel
which must be present, and must have a value that is a set of space-separated tokens. The allowed values and their meanings are defined in a
later section. If the rel
attribute is absent, or if the value used is
not allowed according to the definitions in this specification, then the
element does not define a link.
Two categories of links can be created using the link
element. Links to external resources are links to resources
that are to be used to augment the current document, and hyperlink links are links to other documents. The link types section defines whether a particular link
type is an external resource or a hyperlink. One element can create
multiple links (of which some might be external resource links and some
might be hyperlinks); exactly which and how many links are created depends
on the keywords given in the rel
attribute. User agents must process the links
on a per-link basis, not a per-element basis.
The exact behavior for links to external resources depends on the exact relationship, as defined for the relevant link type. Some of the attributes control whether or not the external resource is to be applied (as defined below). For external resources that are represented in the DOM (for example, style sheets), the DOM representation must be made available even if the resource is not applied. (However, user agents may opt to only fetch such resources when they are needed, instead of pro-actively downloading all the external resources that are not applied.)
HTTP semantics must be followed when fetching external resources. (For example, redirects must be followed and 404 responses must cause the external resource to not be applied.)
Interactive user agents should provide users with a means to follow the hyperlinks
created using the link
element, somewhere
within their user interface. The exact interface is not defined by this
specification, but it should include the following information (obtained
from the element's attributes, again as defined below), in some form or
another (possibly simplified), for each hyperlink created with each
element in the document:
User agents may also include other information, such as the type of the
resource (as given by the type
Hyperlinks created with the link
element and its rel
attribute apply to the whole page. This
contrasts with the rel
attribute of a
and area
elements, which indicates the
type of a link whose context is given by the link's location within the
The media
attribute says which media the resource applies to. The value must be a
valid media query. [MQ]
If the link is a hyperlink then the media
attribute is purely advisory, and
describes for which media the document in question was designed.
However, if the link is an external resource link,
then the media
attribute is prescriptive. The user agent must apply the external resource
to views while their state match the listed
media, and must not apply them otherwise.
The default, if the media
attribute is omitted, is all
meaning that by default links apply to all media.
The hreflang
attribute on the
element has the same semantics as
the hreflang
attribute on hyperlink
The type
gives the MIME type of the linked resource. It is purely advisory. The
value must be a valid MIME type, optionally with parameters. [RFC2046]
For external resource links, user agents may use the type given in this attribute to decide whether or not to consider using the resource at all. If the UA does not support the given MIME type for the given link relationship, then the UA may opt not to download and apply the resource.
User agents must not consider the type
attribute authoritative — upon fetching
the resource, user agents must not use metadata included in the link to
the resource to determine its type.
If the attribute is omitted, but the user agent would fetch the resource if the type was known and supported, then the user agent must fetch the resource and determine its type from its Content-Type metadata to determine if it supports (and can apply) that external resource. If no type metadata is specified, but the external resource link type has a default type defined, then the user agent must assume that the resource is of that type.
If a document contains four style sheet links labeled as follows:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="A" type="text/plain"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="B" type="text/css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="C">
...then a compliant UA that supported only CSS style sheets would fetch
the B and C files, and skip the A file (since text/plain
not the MIME type for CSS style sheets).
For files B and C, it would then check the actual types returned by the
server. For those that are sent as text/css
, it would apply
the styles, but for those labeled as text/plain
, or any
other type, it would not.
If one the two files was returned without a Content-Type metadata, or with a syntactically
incorrect type like Content-Type: "null"
, then
the default type for stylesheet
links would kick in. Since that
default type is text/css
, the style sheet
would nonetheless be applied.
The title
attribute gives the title of the link. With one exception, it is purely
advisory. The value is text. The exception is for style sheet links, where
the title
attribute defines alternative style sheet sets.
The title
attribute on link
elements differs from the global title
attribute of most other
elements in that a link without a title does not inherit the title of the
parent element: it merely has no title.
The sizes
attribute is used with the icon
link type. The attribute must not be
specified on link
elements that do not
have a rel
that specifies the icon
Some versions of HTTP defined a Link:
header, to
be processed like a series of link
elements. When processing links, those must be taken into consideration as
well. For the purposes of ordering, links defined by HTTP headers must be
assumed to come before any links in the document, in the order that they
were given in the HTTP entity header. Relative URIs in these headers must
be resolved according to the rules given in HTTP, not relative to base
URIs set by the document (e.g. using a base
element or xml:base
attributes). [RFC2616] [RFC2068]
The DOM attributes href
, rel
, media
, hreflang
, and type
, and sizes
each must reflect the respective content attributes of the same
The DOM attribute relList
must reflect the rel
content attribute.
The DOM attribute disabled
only applies to style
sheet links. When the link
defines a style sheet link, then the disabled
attribute behaves as defined for the alternative style
sheets DOM. For all other link
elements it always return false and does nothing on setting.
attribute is present, or if the
element is in the Encoding declaration state:
as the first element in a head
attribute is present, and the
element is not in the Encoding declaration state:
in a head
attribute is present, and the
element is not in the Encoding declaration state:
in a noscript
element that is a
child of a head
attribute is present: where metadata content is
(HTML only)
interface HTMLMetaElement : HTMLElement { attribute DOMString content; attribute DOMString name; attribute DOMString httpEquiv; };
The meta
element represents various
kinds of metadata that cannot be expressed using the title
, base
, style
, and script
The meta
element can represent
document-level metadata with the name
attribute, pragma directives with the http-equiv
attribute, and the file's character encoding
declaration when an HTML document is serialized to string form (e.g.
for transmission over the network or for disk storage) with the charset
Exactly one of the name
, http-equiv
, and charset
must be specified.
If either name
is specified, then the content
must also be specified. Otherwise, it must be omitted.
The charset
attribute specifies the character encoding used by the document. This is
called a character encoding declaration.
The charset
attribute may be specified in HTML
documents only, it must not be used in XML documents. If the charset
attribute is specified, the element
must be the first element in the head
element of the file.
The content
attribute gives the value of the document metadata or pragma directive
when the element is used for those purposes. The allowed values depend on
the exact context, as described in subsequent sections of this
If a meta
element has a name
attribute, it sets document
metadata. Document metadata is expressed in terms of name/value pairs, the
attribute on
the meta
element giving the name, and
the content
attribute on the same element giving the value. The name specifies what
aspect of metadata is being set; valid names and the meaning of their
values are described in the following sections. If a meta
element has no content
then the value part of the metadata name/value pair is the empty string.
If a meta
element has the http-equiv
attribute specified, it must be either in a head
element or in a noscript
element that itself is in a head
element. If a meta
element does not have the http-equiv
attribute specified, it must be in a head
The DOM attributes name
and content
must reflect the respective content attributes of the same
name. The DOM attribute httpEquiv
must reflect the content attribute http-equiv
This specification defines a few names for the name
attribute of the
The value must be a short free-form string that giving the name of the
Web application that the page represents. If the page is not a Web
application, the application-name
metadata name must
not be used. User agents may use the application name in UI in
preference to the page's title
, since
the title might include status messages and the like relevant to the
status of the page at a particular moment in time instead of just being
the name of the application.
The value must be a free-form string that describes the page. The value must be appropriate for use in a directory of pages, e.g. in a search engine.
The value must be a free-form string that identifies the software used to generate the document. This value must not be used on hand-authored pages.
Extensions to the predefined set of metadata names may be registered in the WHATWG Wiki MetaExtensions page.
Anyone is free to edit the WHATWG Wiki MetaExtensions page at any time to add a type. These new names must be specified with the following information:
The actual name being defined. The name should not be confusingly similar to any other defined name (e.g. differing only in case).
A short description of what the metadata name's meaning is, including the format the value is required to be in.
A list of other names that have exactly the same processing requirements. Authors should not use the names defined to be synonyms, they are only intended to allow user agents to support legacy content.
One of the following:
If a metadata name is added with the "proposal" status and found to be redundant with existing values, it should be removed and listed as a synonym for the existing value.
Conformance checkers must use the information given on the WHATWG Wiki MetaExtensions page to establish if a value not explicitly defined in this specification is allowed or not. When an author uses a new type not defined by either this specification or the Wiki page, conformance checkers should offer to add the value to the Wiki, with the details described above, with the "proposal" status.
This specification does not define how new values will get approved. It is expected that the Wiki will have a community that addresses this.
Metadata names whose values are to be URIs must not be proposed or
accepted. Links must be represented using the link
element, not the meta
When the http-equiv
attribute is
specified on a meta
element, the element
is a pragma directive.
The http-equiv
attribute is an
enumerated attribute. The following table lists
the keywords defined for this attribute. The states given in the first
cell of the rows with keywords give the states to which those keywords
State | Keywords |
Encoding declaration | Content-Type
Default style | default-style
Refresh | refresh
When a meta
element is inserted into
the document, if its http-equiv
attribute is present and
represents one of the above states, then the user agent must run the
algorithm appropriate for that state, as described in the following list:
The Encoding declaration state's
user agent requirements are all handled by the parsing section of the
specification. The state is just an alternative form of setting the
attribute: it is a character encoding declaration.
For meta
elements in the Encoding
declaration state, the content
attribute must have a value that is
a case-insensitive match of a string that consists
of the literal string "text/html;
", optionally
followed by any number of space
characters, followed by the literal string "charset=
", followed by the character encoding name of the character encoding declaration.
If the document contains a meta
element in the Encoding declaration state
then that element must be the first element in the document's head
element, and the document must not contain
a meta
element with the charset
The Encoding declaration state may be used in HTML documents only, elements in that state must not be used in XML documents.
If another meta
element in the Refresh state
has already been successfully processed (i.e. when it was inserted the
user agent processed it and reached the last step of this list of
steps), then abort these steps.
If the meta
element has no content
attribute, or if that attribute's value is the empty string, then
abort these steps.
Let input be the value of the element's content
Let position point at the first character of input.
Collect a sequence of characters in the range U+0030 DIGIT ZERO to U+0039 DIGIT NINE, and parse the resulting string using the rules for parsing non-negative integers. If the sequence of characters collected is the empty string, then no number will have been parsed; abort these steps. Otherwise, let time be the parsed number.
a sequence of characters in the range U+0030 DIGIT ZERO to U+0039
"). Ignore
any collected characters.
Let url be the address of the current page.
If the character in input pointed to by position is a U+003B SEMICOLON (";
"), then advance position to the
next character. Otherwise, jump to the last step.
If the character in input pointed to by position is one of U+0055 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER U or U+0075 LATIN SMALL LETTER U, then advance position to the next character. Otherwise, jump to the last step.
If the character in input pointed to by position is one of U+0052 LATIN CAPITAL LETTER R or U+0072 LATIN SMALL LETTER R, then advance position to the next character. Otherwise, jump to the last step.
If the character in input pointed to by position is one of U+004C LATIN CAPITAL LETTER L or U+006C LATIN SMALL LETTER L, then advance position to the next character. Otherwise, jump to the last step.
If the character in input pointed to by position is a U+003D EQUALS SIGN ("=
"), then advance position to the
next character. Otherwise, jump to the last step.
Let url be equal to the substring of input from the character at position to the end of the string.
Strip any trailing space characters from the end of url.
Strip any U+0009 CHARACTER TABULATION, U+000A LINE FEED (LF), and U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR) characters from url.
Resolve the url value to an absolute URI using
the base URI of the meta
Perform one or more of the following steps:
Set a timer so that in time seconds, adjusted to take into account user or user agent preferences, if the user has not canceled the redirect, the user agent navigates the document's browsing context to url, with replacement enabled, and with the document's browsing context as the source browsing context.
Provide the user with an interface that, when selected, navigates a browsing context to url, with the document's browsing context as the source browsing context.
Do nothing.
In addition, the user agent may, as with anything, inform the user of any and all aspects of its operation, including the state of any timers, the destinations of any timed redirects, and so forth.
For meta
elements in the Refresh state,
the content
attribute must have a value consisting either of:
), followed by one or more space characters, followed by
), and then a valid URI (or
In the former case, the integer represents a number of seconds before the page is to be reloaded; in the latter case the integer represents a number of seconds before the page is to be replaced by the page at the given URI.
There must not be more than one meta
element with any particular state in the document at a time.
A character encoding declaration is a mechanism by which the character encoding used to store or transmit a document is specified.
The following restrictions apply to character encoding declarations:
If the document does not start with a BOM, and if its encoding is not
explicitly given by Content-Type metadata, then the character encoding
used must be an ASCII-compatible character
encoding, and, in addition, if that encoding isn't US-ASCII itself,
then the encoding must be specified using a meta
element with a charset
or a meta
element in the Encoding
declaration state.
If the document contains a meta
element with a charset
attribute or a meta
element in the Encoding declaration state,
then the character encoding used must be an ASCII-compatible character encoding.
An ASCII-compatible character encoding is one that is a superset of US-ASCII (specifically, ANSI_X3.4-1968) for bytes in the range 0x09 - 0x0D, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x26, 0x27, 0x2C - 0x3F, 0x41 - 0x5A, and 0x61 - 0x7A.
Authors should not use JIS_X0212-1990, x-JIS0208, and encodings based on EBCDIC. Authors should not use UTF-32. Authors must not use the CESU-8, UTF-7, BOCU-1 and SCSU encodings. [CESU8] [UTF7] [BOCU1] [SCSU]
Authors are encouraged to use UTF-8. Conformance checkers may advise against authors using legacy encodings.
In XHTML, the XML declaration should be used for inline character encoding information, if necessary.
attribute is present: flow content.
attribute is absent: where metadata content is expected.
attribute is absent: in a noscript
element that is a child of a
attribute is present: where flow content is expected, but before any
sibling elements other than style
elements and before any text nodes other than inter-element whitespace.
attribute has special semantics on this
interface HTMLStyleElement : HTMLElement { attribute booleandisabled
; attribute DOMStringmedia
; attribute DOMStringtype
; attribute booleanscoped
; };
The LinkStyle
interface must also be implemented by this
element, the styling processing model defines
how. [CSSOM]
The style
element allows authors to
embed style information in their documents. The style
element is one of several inputs to the styling processing model.
If the type
attribute is given, it must contain a valid MIME type, optionally with
parameters, that designates a styling language. [RFC2046] If the attribute is absent, the type
defaults to text/css
. [RFC2138]
When examining types to determine if they support the language, user agents must not ignore unknown MIME parameters — types with unknown parameters must be assumed to be unsupported.
The media
attribute says which media the styles apply to. The value must be a valid
media query. [MQ] User agents must
apply the styles to views while their state match the listed
media, and must not apply them otherwise. [DOM3VIEWS]
The default, if the media
attribute is
omitted, is all
, meaning that by default styles apply to all
The scoped
attribute is a boolean attribute. If the attribute
is present, then the user agent must apply the specified style information
only to the style
element's parent
element (if any), and that element's child nodes. Otherwise, the specified
styles must, if applied, be applied to the entire document.
If the scoped
attribute is not specified, the style
element must be the child of a head
element or of a noscript
element that
is a child of a head
If the scoped
attribute is specified, then the style
element must be the child of a flow content element, before any text nodes
other than inter-element whitespace, and
before any elements other than other style
The title
attribute on style
elements defines alternative style sheet sets. If the style
element has no title
attribute, then
it has no title; the title
attribute of ancestors does not apply to
the style
The title
attribute on style
elements, like the title
attribute on
elements, differs from the global
attribute in that
a style
block without a title does not
inherit the title of the parent element: it merely has no title.
All descendant elements must be processed, according to their semantics,
before the style
element itself is
evaluated. For styling languages that consist of pure text, user agents
must evaluate style
elements by passing
the concatenation of the contents of all the text nodes that are direct children of the style
element (not any other nodes such as
comments or elements), in tree order, to the
style system. For XML-based styling languages, user agents must pass all
the children nodes of the style
to the style system.
This specification does not specify a style system, but CSS is expected to be supported by most Web browsers. [CSS21]
The media
, type
and scoped
DOM attributes must reflect the respective content attributes of the same
The DOM disabled
attribute behaves as
defined for the
alternative style sheets DOM.
The link
and style
elements can provide styling information
for the user agent to use when rendering the document. The DOM Styling
specification specifies what styling information is to be used by the user
agent and how it is to be used. [CSSOM]
The style
and link
elements implement the LinkStyle
interface. [CSSOM]
For style
elements, if the user agent
does not support the specified styling language, then the sheet
attribute of the element's
interface must return null. Similarly, link
elements that do not represent external resource links that
contribute to the styling processing model (i.e. that do not have a
keyword in their rel
attribute), and link
elements whose
specified resource has not yet been downloaded, or is not in a supported
styling language, must have their LinkStyle
interface's sheet
attribute return null.
Otherwise, the LinkStyle
interface's sheet
attribute must return a
object with the attributes implemented as follows:
The content type must be the same as the style's specified type. For
elements, this is the same as
the type
attribute's value, or text/css
if that is omitted.
For link
elements, this is the Content-Type metadata of the
specified resource.
For link
elements, the location must
be the URI given by the element's href
content attribute. For style
elements, there is no location.
DOM attribute)
The media must be the same as the value of the element's media
content attribute.
DOM attribute)
The title must be the same as the value of the element's title
content attribute. If the attribute is absent,
then the style sheet does not have a title. The title is used for
defining alternative style sheet sets.
The disabled
DOM attribute on
and style
elements must return false and do nothing
on setting, if the sheet
of their LinkStyle
interface is null. Otherwise, it must
return the value of the StyleSheet
interface's disabled
attribute on getting, and
forward the new value to that same attribute on setting.
Some elements, for example address
elements, are scoped to their nearest
ancestor sectioning content. For such elements
x, the elements that apply to a sectioning content element e
are all the x elements whose nearest sectioning content ancestor is e.
interface HTMLBodyElement : HTMLElement {};
The body
element represents the main
content of the document.
In conforming documents, there is only one body
element. The document.body
attribute provides scripts with easy access to a document's body
Some DOM operations (for example, parts of the drag and drop model) are defined in terms of "the body element". This refers to a particular
element in the DOM, as per the definition of the term, and not any
arbitrary body
The section
element represents a
generic document or application section. A section, in this context, is a
thematic grouping of content, typically with a header, possibly with a
Examples of sections would be chapters, the various tabbed pages in a tabbed dialog box, or the numbered sections of a thesis. A Web site's home page could be split into sections for an introduction, news items, contact information.
The nav
element represents a section of
a page that links to other pages or to parts within the page: a section
with navigation links. Not all groups of links on a page need to be in a
element — only sections that
consist of primary navigation blocks are appropriate for the nav
element. In particular, it is common for
footers to have a list of links to various key parts of a site, but the
element is more appropriate in
such cases.
In the following example, the page has several places where links are present, but only one of those places is considered a navigation section.
<body> <header> <h1>Wake up sheeple!</h1> <p><a href="news.html">News</a> - <a href="blog.html">Blog</a> - <a href="forums.html">Forums</a></p> </header> <nav> <h1>Navigation</h1> <ul> <li><a href="articles.html">Index of all articles</a><li> <li><a href="today.html">Things sheeple need to wake up for today</a><li> <li><a href="successes.html">Sheeple we have managed to wake</a><li> </ul> </nav> <article> <p> content would be here...</p> </article> <footer> <p>Copyright © 2006 The Example Company</p> <p><a href="about.html">About</a> - <a href="policy.html">Privacy Policy</a> - <a href="contact.html">Contact Us</a></p> </footer> </body>
The article
element represents a
section of a page that consists of a composition that forms an independent
part of a document, page, or site. This could be a forum post, a magazine
or newspaper article, a Web log entry, a user-submitted comment, or any
other independent item of content.
An article
element is
"independent" in that its contents could stand alone, for example in
syndication. However, the element is still associated with its ancestors;
for instance, contact information that applies to a parent body
element still covers the article
as well.
When article
elements are nested,
the inner article
elements represent
articles that are in principle related to the contents of the outer
article. For instance, a Web log entry on a site that accepts
user-submitted comments could represent the comments as article
elements nested within the article
element for the Web log entry.
Author information associated with an article
element (q.v. the address
element) does not apply to nested
The aside
element represents a section
of a page that consists of content that is tangentially related to the
content around the aside
element, and
which could be considered separate from that content. Such sections are
often represented as sidebars in printed typography.
The following example shows how an aside is used to mark up background material on Switzerland in a much longer news story on Europe.
<aside> <h1>Switzerland</h1> <p>Switzerland, a land-locked country in the middle of geographic Europe, has not joined the geopolitical European Union, though it is a signatory to a number of European treaties.</p> </aside>
The following example shows how an aside is used to mark up a pull quote in a longer article.
... <p>He later joined a large company, continuing on the same work. <q>I love my job. People ask me what I do for fun when I'm not at work. But I'm paid to do my hobby, so I never know what to answer. Some people wonder what they would do if they didn't have to work... but I know what I would do, because I was unemployed for a year, and I filled that time doing exactly what I do now.</q></p> <aside> <q> People ask me what I do for fun when I'm not at work. But I'm paid to do my hobby, so I never know what to answer. </q> </aside> <p>Of course his work — or should that be hobby? — isn't his only passion. He also enjoys other pleasures.</p> ...
, h2
, h3
, h4
, h5
, and h6
These elements define headers for their sections.
The semantics and meaning of these elements are defined in the section on headings and sections.
These elements have a rank given by the number in
their name. The h1
element is said to have
the highest rank, the h6
element has the
lowest rank, and two elements with the same name have equal rank.
element descendants, and no footer
element descendants.
The header
element represents the
header of a section. The element is typically used to group a set of
elements to mark up a page's title with its subtitle or tagline. However,
elements may contain more than
just the section's headings and subheadings — for example it would
be reasonable for the header to include version history information.
For the purposes of document summaries, outlines, and the like, header
elements are equivalent to the highest ranked h1
descendant of the header
element (the
first such element if there are multiple elements with that rank).
Other heading elements in the header
element indicate subheadings or subtitles.
The rank of a header
element is the same as for an h1
element (the highest rank).
The section on headings and sections defines
how header
elements are assigned to
individual sections.
Here are some examples of valid headers. In each case, the emphasised text represents the text that would be used as the header in an application extracting header data and ignoring subheadings.
<header> <h1>The reality dysfunction</h1> <h2>Space is not the only void</h2> </header>
<header> <h1>Dr. Strangelove</h1> <h2>Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb</h2> </header>
<header> <p>Welcome to...</p> <h1>Voidwars!</h1> </header>
<header> <h1>Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 1.2</h1> <h2>W3C Working Draft 27 October 2004</h2> <dl> <dt>This version:</dt> <dd><a href=""></a></dd> <dt>Previous version:</dt> <dd><a href=""></a></dd> <dt>Latest version of SVG 1.2:</dt> <dd><a href=""></a></dd> <dt>Latest SVG Recommendation:</dt> <dd><a href=""></a></dd> <dt>Editor:</dt> <dd>Dean Jackson, W3C, <a href=""></a></dd> <dt>Authors:</dt> <dd>See <a href="#authors">Author List</a></dd> </dl> <p class="copyright"><a href=" ... </header>
element descendants.
The footer
element represents the
footer for the section it applies to. A
footer typically contains information about its section such as who wrote
it, links to related documents, copyright data, and the like.
Contact information for the section given in a footer
should be marked up using the address
Footers don't necessarily have to appear at the end of a section, though they usually do.
Here is a page with two footers, one at the top and one at the bottom, with the same content:
<body> <footer><a href="../">Back to index...</a></footer> <h1>Lorem ipsum</h1> <p>A dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.</p> <footer><a href="../">Back to index...</a></footer> </body>
element descendants, and no address
element descendants.
The address
element represents the
contact information for the section it applies to. If it applies to the body
element, then it instead
applies to the document as a whole.
For example, a page at the W3C Web site related to HTML might include the following contact information:
<ADDRESS> <A href="../People/Raggett/">Dave Raggett</A>, <A href="../People/Arnaud/">Arnaud Le Hors</A>, contact persons for the <A href="Activity">W3C HTML Activity</A> </ADDRESS>
The address
element must not be used
to represent arbitrary addresses (e.g. postal addresses), unless those
addresses are contact information for the section. (The p
element is the appropriate element for marking up
such addresses.)
The address
element must not contain
information other than contact information.
For example, the following is non-conforming use of the address
<ADDRESS>Last Modified: 1999/12/24 23:37:50</ADDRESS>
Typically, the address
element would
be included with other information in a footer
To determine the contact information for a sectioning content element (such as a document's
element, which would give the
contact information for the page), UAs must collect all the address
elements that apply to that sectioning
content element and its ancestor sectioning
content elements. The contact information is the collection of all the
information given by those elements.
Contact information for one sectioning
content element, e.g. an aside
element, does not apply to its ancestor elements, e.g. the page's body
The h1
elements and the header
element are headings.
The first element of heading content in an element of sectioning content gives the header for that section. Subsequent headers of equal or higher rank start new (implied) sections, headers of lower rank start subsections that are part of the previous one.
Sectioning content elements are always considered subsections of their nearest ancestor element of sectioning content, regardless of what implied sections other headings may have created.
Certain elements are said to be sectioning roots, including blockquote
and td
elements. These elements can have their own
outlines, but the sections and headers inside these elements do not
contribute to the outlines of their ancestors.
For the following fragment:
<body> <h1>Foo</h1> <h2>Bar</h2> <blockquote> <h3>Bla</h3> </blockquote> <p>Baz</p> <h2>Quux</h2> <section> <h3>Thud</h3> </section> <p>Grunt</p> </body>
...the structure would be:
section, containing the "Grunt" paragraph)
Notice how the section
ends the
earlier implicit section so that a later paragraph ("Grunt") is back at
the top level.
Sections may contain headers of any rank, but
authors are strongly encouraged to either use only h1
elements, or to use elements of the appropriate
rank for the section's nesting level.
Authors are also encouraged to explicitly wrap sections in elements of sectioning content, instead of relying on the implicit sections generated by having multiple heading in one element of sectioning content.
For example, the following is correct:
<body> <h4>Apples</h4> <p>Apples are fruit.</p> <section> <h2>Taste</h2> <p>They taste lovely.</p> <h6>Sweet</h6> <p>Red apples are sweeter than green ones.</p> <h1>Color</h1> <p>Apples come in various colors.</p> </section> </body>
However, the same document would be more clearly expressed as:
<body> <h1>Apples</h1> <p>Apples are fruit.</p> <section> <h2>Taste</h2> <p>They taste lovely.</p> <section> <h3>Sweet</h3> <p>Red apples are sweeter than green ones.</p> </section> </section> <section> <h2>Color</h2> <p>Apples come in various colors.</p> </section> </body>
Both of the documents above are semantically identical and would produce the same outline in compliant user agents.
This section defines an algorithm for creating an outline for a sectioning content element or a sectioning root element. It is defined in terms of a walk over the nodes of a DOM tree, in tree order, with each node being visited when it is entered and when it is exited during the walk.
The outline for a sectioning content element
or a sectioning root element consists of a list
of one or more potentially nested sections. Each section can have one
heading associated with it. The algorithm for the outline also associates
each node in the DOM tree with a particular section and potentially a
heading. (The sections in the outline aren't section
elements, though some may correspond to
such elements — they are merely conceptual sections.)
The algorithm that must be followed during a walk of a DOM subtree rooted at a sectioning content element or a sectioning root element to determine that element's outline is as follows:
Let current outlinee be null. (It holds the element whose outline is being created.)
Let current section be null. (It holds a pointer to a section, so that elements in the DOM can all be associated with a section.)
Create a stack to hold elements, which is used to handle nesting. Initialize this stack to empty.
As you walk over the DOM in tree order, trigger the first relevant step below for each element as you enter and exit it.
The element being exited is a heading content element.
Pop that element from the stack.
Do nothing.
If current outlinee is not null, push current outlinee onto the stack.
Let current outlinee be the element that is being entered.
Let current section be a newly created section for the current outlinee element.
Let there be a new outline for the new current outlinee, initialized with just the new current section as the only section in the outline.
Pop the top element from the stack, and let the current outlinee be that element.
Let current section be the last section in the outline of the current outlinee element.
Append the outline of the sectioning content element being exited to the current section. (This does not change which section is the last section in the outline.)
Run these steps:
Pop the top element from the stack, and let the current outlinee be that element.
Let current section be the last section in the outline of the current outlinee element.
Loop: If current section has no child sections, stop these steps.
Let current section be the last child section of the current current section.
Go back to the substep labeled Loop.
The current outlinee is the element being exited.
Let current section be the first section in the outline of the current outlinee element.
Skip to the next step in the overall set of steps. (The walk is over.)
Do nothing.
If the current section has no heading, let the element being entered be the heading for the current section.
Otherwise, if the element being entered has a rank equal to or greater than the heading of the current section, then create a new section and append it to the outline of the current outlinee element, so that this new section is the new last section of that outline. Let current section be that new section. Let the element being entered be the new heading for the current section.
Otherwise, run these substeps:
Let candidate section be current section.
If the element being entered has a rank lower than the rank of the heading of the candidate section, then create a new section, and append it to candidate section. (This does not change which section is the last section in the outline.) Let current section be this new section. Let the element being entered be the new heading for the current section. Abort these substeps.
Let candidate section be the section that contains the previous candidate section in the outline of current outlinee.
Return to step 2.
Push the element being entered onto the stack. (This causes the algorithm to skip any descendants of the element.)
Do nothing.
In addition, whenever you exit a node, after doing the steps above, if current section is not null, associate the node with the section current section.
If the current outlinee is null, then there was no sectioning content element or sectioning root element in the DOM. There is no outline. Abort these steps.
Associate any nodes that were not associated a section in the steps above with current outlinee as their section.
Associate all nodes with the heading of the section which which they are associated, if any.
If current outlinee is the
element, then the outline created for that element
is the outline of the entire document.
The tree of sections created by the algorithm above, or a proper subset thereof, must be used when generating document outlines, for example when generating tables of contents.
When creating an interactive table of contents, entries should jump the user to the relevant sectioning content element, if the section was created for a real element in the original document, or to the relevant heading content element, if the section in the tree was generated for a heading in the above process.
Selecting the first section of the document therefore always
takes the user to the top of the document, regardless of where the first
header in the body
is to be found.
The following JavaScript function shows how the tree walk could be implemented. The root argument is the root of the tree to walk, and the enter and exit arguments are callbacks that are called with the nodes as they are entered and exited. [ECMA262]
function (root, enter, exit) { var node = root; start: do while (node) { enter(node); if (node.firstChild) { node = node.firstChild; continue start; } while (node) { exit(node); if (node.nextSibling) { node = node.nextSibling; continue start; } if (node == root) node = null; else node = node.parentNode; } } }
Given the outline of a document, but ignoring any
sections created for nav
and aside
elements, and any of their descendants, if
the only root of the tree is the body
element's section, and it has only a single subsection which is
created by an article
element, then
the heading of the body
should be assumed to be a site-wide heading, and the heading of the
element should be assumed to
be the page's heading.
If a page starts with a heading that is common to the whole site, the
document must be authored such that, in the document's outline, ignoring any sections created for nav
and aside
elements and any of their descendants, the tree has only one root section,
the body
element's section, its
heading is the site-wide heading, the
element has just one subsection, that subsection is
created by an article
element, and
that article
's heading is the page
If a page does not contain a site-wide heading, then the page must be
authored such that, in the document's outline,
ignoring any sections created for nav
elements and any of their
descendants, either the body
has no subsections, or it has more than one subsection, or it has a single
subsection but that subsection is not created by an article
element, or there is more than one
section at the root of the outline.
Conceptually, a site is thus a document with many articles — when those articles are split into many pages, the heading of the original single page becomes the heading of the site, repeated on every page.
The p
element represents a paragraph.
The following examples are conforming HTML fragments:
<p>The little kitten gently seated himself on a piece of carpet. Later in his life, this would be referred to as the time the cat sat on the mat.</p>
<fieldset> <legend>Personal information</legend> <p> <label>Name: <input name="n"></label> <label><input name="anon" type="checkbox"> Hide from other users</label> </p> <p><label>Address: <textarea name="a"></textarea></label></p> </fieldset>
<p>There was once an example from Femley,<br> Whose markup was of dubious quality.<br> The validator complained,<br> So the author was pained,<br> To move the error from the markup to the rhyming.</p>
The p
element should not be used when a
more specific element is more appropriate.
The following example is technically correct:
<section> <!-- ... --> <p>Last modified: 2001-04-23</p> <p>Author:</p> </section>
However, it would be better marked-up as:
<section> <!-- ... --> <footer>Last modified: 2001-04-23</footer> <address>Author:</address> </section>
<section> <!-- ... --> <footer> <p>Last modified: 2001-04-23</p> <address>Author:</address> </footer> </section>
The hr
element represents a paragraph-level thematic break, e.g. a scene change
in a story, or a transition to another topic within a section of a
reference book.
The br
element represents a line break.
elements must be empty. Any content
inside br
elements must not be considered
part of the surrounding text.
elements must be used only for line
breaks that are actually part of the content, as in poems or addresses.
The following example is correct usage of the br
<p>P. Sherman<br> 42 Wallaby Way<br> Sydney</p>
elements must not be used for
separating thematic groups in a paragraph.
The following examples are non-conforming, as they abuse the br
<p><a ...>34 comments.</a><br> <a ...>Add a comment.<a></p>
<p>Name: <input name="name"><br> Address: <input name="address"></p>
Here are alternatives to the above, which are correct:
<p><a ...>34 comments.</a></p> <p><a ...>Add a comment.<a></p>
<p>Name: <input name="name"></p> <p>Address: <input name="address"></p>
If a paragraph consists of nothing but a single
element, it represents a placeholder
blank line (e.g. as in a template). Such blank lines must not be used for
presentation purposes.
The pre
element represents a block of
preformatted text, in which structure is represented by typographic
conventions rather than by elements.
In the HTML
serialization, a leading newline character
immediately following the pre
start tag is stripped.
Some examples of cases where the pre
element could be used:
To represent a block of computer code, the pre
element can be used with a code
element; to represent a block of computer
output the pre
element can be used with a
element. Similarly, the kbd
element can be used within a pre
element to indicate text that the user is to
In the following snippet, a sample of computer code is presented.
<p>This is the <code>Panel</code> constructor:</p> <pre><code>function Panel(element, canClose, closeHandler) { this.element = element; this.canClose = canClose; this.closeHandler = function () { if (closeHandler) closeHandler() }; }</code></pre>
In the following snippet, samp
elements are mixed in the contents of
a pre
element to show a session of Zork
<pre><samp>You are in an open field west of a big white house with a boarded front door. There is a small mailbox here. ></samp> <kbd>open mailbox</kbd> <samp>Opening the mailbox reveals: A leaflet. ></samp></pre>
The following shows a contemporary poem that uses the pre
element to preserve its unusual formatting,
which forms an intrinsic part of the poem itself.
<pre> maxling it is with a heart heavy that i admit loss of a feline so loved a friend lost to the unknown (night) ~cdr 11dec07</pre>
followed by one dd
The dialog
element represents a
Each part of the conversation must have an explicit talker (or speaker)
given by a dt
element, and a discourse (or
quote) given by a dd
This example demonstrates this using an extract from Abbot and Costello's famous sketch, Who's on first:
<dialog> <dt> Costello <dd> Look, you gotta first baseman? <dt> Abbott <dd> Certainly. <dt> Costello <dd> Who's playing first? <dt> Abbott <dd> That's right. <dt> Costello <dd> When you pay off the first baseman every month, who gets the money? <dt> Abbott <dd> Every dollar of it. </dialog>
Text in a dt
element in a
element is implicitly the source
of the text given in the following dd
element, and the contents of the dd
are implicitly a quote from that speaker. There is thus no need to include
, q
or blockquote
elements in this
markup. Indeed, a q
element inside a
element in a conversation would actually
imply the people talking were themselves quoting another work. See the
, q
and blockquote
elements for other
ways to cite or quote.
interface HTMLQuoteElement : HTMLElement { attribute DOMString cite; };
The HTMLQuoteElement
interface is also
used by the q
The blockquote
element represents
a section that is quoted from another source.
Content inside a blockquote
be quoted from another source, whose URI, if it has one, should be cited
in the cite
If the cite
attribute is present, it must be a URI (or IRI). User agents should allow
users to follow such citation links.
If a blockquote
element is preceded or followed by a single paragraph that contains a single cite
element and that is itself not preceded or followed by another blockquote
element and does not itself have
a q
element descendant, then, the title of
the work given by that cite
gives the source of the quotation contained in the blockquote
The cite
attribute must reflect the element's cite
content attribute.
The best way to represent a conversation is not with the
and blockquote
elements, but with the dialog
interface HTMLOListElement : HTMLElement { attribute boolean reversed; attribute long start; };
The ol
element represents a list of
items, where the items have been intentionally ordered, such that changing
the order would change the meaning of the document.
The items of the list are the li
child nodes of the ol
element, in tree order.
The reversed
attribute is a boolean attribute. If present, it
indicates that the list is a descending list (..., 3, 2, 1). If the
attribute is omitted, the list is an ascending list (1, 2, 3, ...).
The start
attribute, if present, must be a valid integer
giving the ordinal value of the first list item.
If the start
attribute is present, user agents must parse it as an integer, in order to determine the
attribute's value. The default value, used if the attribute is missing or
if the value cannot be converted to a number according to the referenced
algorithm, is 1 if the element has no reversed
attribute, and is the number of child
elements otherwise.
The first item in the list has the ordinal value given by the ol
element's start
attribute, unless that li
element has a value
attribute with a value that can be
successfully parsed, in which case it has the ordinal value given by that
Each subsequent item in the list has the ordinal value given by its
attribute, if
it has one, or, if it doesn't, the ordinal value of the previous item,
plus one if the reversed
is absent, or minus one if it is
The reversed
DOM attribute must reflect the value of the reversed
The start
attribute must reflect the value of the start
content attribute.
The following markup shows a list where the order matters, and where
the ol
element is therefore appropriate.
Compare this list to the equivalent list in the ul
section to see an example of the same items
using the ul
<p>I have lived in the following countries (given in the order of when I first lived there):</p> <ol> <li>Switzerland <li>United Kingdom <li>United States <li>Norway </ol>
Note how changing the order of the list changes the meaning of the document. In the following example, changing the relative order of the first two items has changed the birthplace of the author:
<p>I have lived in the following countries (given in the order of when I first lived there):</p> <ol> <li>United Kingdom <li>Switzerland <li>United States <li>Norway </ol>
The ul
element represents a list of
items, where the order of the items is not important — that is,
where changing the order would not materially change the meaning of the
The items of the list are the li
child nodes of the ul
The following markup shows a list where the order does not matter, and
where the ul
element is therefore
appropriate. Compare this list to the equivalent list in the ol
section to see an example of the same items
using the ol
<p>I have lived in the following countries:</p> <ul> <li>Norway <li>Switzerland <li>United Kingdom <li>United States </ul>
Note that changing the order of the list does not change the meaning of the document. The items in the snippet above are given in alphabetical order, but in the snippet below they are given in order of the size of their current account balance in 2007, without changing the meaning of the document whatsoever:
<p>I have lived in the following countries:</p> <ul> <li>Switzerland <li>Norway <li>United Kingdom <li>United States </ul>
element: phrasing content.ol
element: value
element: None.
interface HTMLLIElement : HTMLElement { attribute long value; };
The li
element represents a list item. If
its parent element is an ol
, ul
, or menu
element, then the element is an item of the parent element's list, as
defined for those elements. Otherwise, the list item has no defined
list-related relationship to any other li
The value
attribute, if present, must be a valid integer
giving the ordinal value of the list item.
If the value
attribute is present, user agents must parse it as an integer, in order to determine the
attribute's value. If the attribute's value cannot be converted to a
number, the attribute must be treated as if it was absent. The attribute
has no default value.
The value
attribute is processed relative to the element's parent ol
element (q.v.), if there is one. If there is not,
the attribute has no effect.
The value
attribute must reflect the value of the value
content attribute.
The following example, the top ten movies are listed (in reverse
order). Note the way the list is given a title by using a figure
element and its legend
<figure> <legend>The top 10 movies of all time</legend> <ol> <li value="10"><cite>Josie and the Pussycats</cite>, 2001</li> <li value="9"><cite lang="sh">Црна мачка, бели мачор</cite>, 1998</li> <li value="8"><cite>A Bugs Life</cite>, 1998</li> <li value="7"><cite>Toy Story</cite>, 1995</li> <li value="6"><cite>Monsters, Inc</cite>, 2001</li> <li value="5"><cite>Cars</cite>, 2006</li> <li value="4"><cite>Toy Story 2</cite>, 1999</li> <li value="3"><cite>Finding Nemo</cite>, 2003</li> <li value="2"><cite>The Incredibles</cite>, 2004</li> <li value="1"><cite>Ratatouille</cite>, 2007</li> </ol> </figure>
The markup could also be written as follows, using the reversed
on the ol
<figure> <legend>The top 10 movies of all time</legend> <ol reversed> <li><cite>Josie and the Pussycats</cite>, 2001</li> <li><cite lang="sh">Црна мачка, бели мачор</cite>, 1998</li> <li><cite>A Bugs Life</cite>, 1998</li> <li><cite>Toy Story</cite>, 1995</li> <li><cite>Monsters, Inc</cite>, 2001</li> <li><cite>Cars</cite>, 2006</li> <li><cite>Toy Story 2</cite>, 1999</li> <li><cite>Finding Nemo</cite>, 2003</li> <li><cite>The Incredibles</cite>, 2004</li> <li><cite>Ratatouille</cite>, 2007</li> </ol> </figure>
elements followed by one or mode dd
The dl
element introduces an association
list consisting of zero or more name-value groups (a description list).
Each group must consist of one or more names (dt
elements) followed by one or more values
Name-value groups may be terms and definitions, metadata topics and values, or any other groups of name-value data.
The values within a group are alternatives; multiple paragraphs forming
part of the same value must all be given within the same dd
The order of the list of groups, and of the names and values within each group, may be significant.
If a dl
element is empty, it contains no
If a dl
element contains non-whitespace text nodes, or elements other than
and dd
then those elements or text
nodes do not form part of any groups in that dl
If a dl
element contains only dt
elements, then it consists of one group with
names but no values.
If a dl
element contains only dd
elements, then it consists of one group with
values but no names.
If a dl
element starts with one or more
elements, then the first group has no
associated name.
If a dl
element ends with one or more
elements, then the last group has no
associated value.
When a dl
element doesn't
match its content model, it is often due to accidentally using dd
elements in the place of dt
elements and vice versa. Conformance checkers can
spot such mistakes and might be able to advise authors how to correctly
use the markup.
In the following example, one entry ("Authors") is linked to two values ("John" and "Luke").
<dl> <dt> Authors <dd> John <dd> Luke <dt> Editor <dd> Frank </dl>
In the following example, one definition is linked to two terms.
<dl> <dt lang="en-US"> <dfn>color</dfn> </dt> <dt lang="en-GB"> <dfn>colour</dfn> </dt> <dd> A sensation which (in humans) derives from the ability of the fine structure of the eye to distinguish three differently filtered analyses of a view. </dd> </dl>
The following example illustrates the use of the dl
element to mark up metadata of sorts. At the end
of the example, one group has two metadata labels ("Authors" and
"Editors") and two values ("Robert Rothman" and "Daniel Jackson").
<dl> <dt> Last modified time </dt> <dd> 2004-12-23T23:33Z </dd> <dt> Recommended update interval </dt> <dd> 60s </dd> <dt> Authors </dt> <dt> Editors </dt> <dd> Robert Rothman </dd> <dd> Daniel Jackson </dd> </dl>
The following example shows the dl
element used to give a set of instructions. The order of the instructions
here is important (in the other examples, the order of the blocks was not
<p>Determine the victory points as follows (use the first matching case):</p> <dl> <dt> If you have exactly five gold coins </dt> <dd> You get five victory points </dd> <dt> If you have one or more gold coins, and you have one or more silver coins </dt> <dd> You get two victory points </dd> <dt> If you have one or more silver coins </dt> <dd> You get one victory point </dd> <dt> Otherwise </dt> <dd> You get no victory points </dd> </dl>
The following snippet shows a dl
being used as a glossary. Note the use of dfn
to indicate the word being defined.
<dl> <dt><dfn>Apartment</dfn>, n.</dt> <dd>An execution context grouping one or more threads with one or more COM objects.</dd> <dt><dfn>Flat</dfn>, n.</dt> <dd>A deflated tire.</dd> <dt><dfn>Home</dfn>, n.</dt> <dd>The user's login directory.</dd> </dl>
The dl
element is
inappropriate for marking up dialogue, since dialogue is ordered (each
speaker/line pair comes after the next). For an example of how to mark up
dialogue, see the dialog
or dt
elements inside dl
element inside a dialog
The dt
element represents the term, or
name, part of a term-description group in a description list (dl
element), and the talker, or speaker, part of a
talker-discourse pair in a conversation (dialog
The dt
element itself, when
used in a dl
element, does not indicate
that its contents are a term being defined, but this can be indicated
using the dfn
If the dt
element is the child of a
element, and it further contains
a time
element, then that time
element represents a timestamp for when the
associated discourse (dd
element) was said,
and is not part of the name of the talker.
The following extract shows how an IM conversation log could be marked up.
<dialog> <dt> <time>14:22</time> egof <dd> I'm not that nerdy, I've only seen 30% of the star trek episodes <dt> <time>14:23</time> kaj <dd> if you know what percentage of the star trek episodes you have seen, you are inarguably nerdy <dt> <time>14:23</time> egof <dd> it's unarguably <dt> <time>14:24</time> kaj <dd> you are not helping your case </dialog>
or dd
elements inside dl
element inside a dialog
The dd
element represents the
description, definition, or value, part of a term-description group in a
description list (dl
element), and the
discourse, or quote, part in a conversation (dialog
[Stringifies=href] interface HTMLAnchorElement : HTMLElement { attribute DOMString href; attribute DOMString target; attribute DOMString ping; attribute DOMString rel; readonly attribute DOMTokenList relList; attribute DOMString media; attribute DOMString hreflang; attribute DOMString type; };
The Command
interface must also be implemented by this element.
If the a
element has an href
attribute, then
it represents a hyperlink.
If the a
element has no href
attribute, then
the element is a placeholder for where a link might otherwise have been
placed, if it had been relevant.
The target
, ping
, rel
, media
, hreflang
, and type
must be omitted if the href
attribute is not present.
If a site uses a consistent navigation toolbar on every page, then the
link that would normally link to the page itself could be marked up using
an a
<nav> <ul> <li> <a href="/">Home</a> </li> <li> <a href="/news">News</a> </li> <li> <a>Examples</a> </li> <li> <a href="/legal">Legal</a> </li> </ul> </nav>
Interactive user agents should allow users to follow hyperlinks created using the
element. The href
, target
and ping
decide how the link is followed. The rel
, media
, hreflang
, and type
attributes may
be used to indicate to the user the likely nature of the target resource
before the user follows the link.
The activation behavior of a
elements that represent hyperlinks is
to run the following steps:
If the DOMActivate
event in
question is not trusted (i.e.
a click()
method call
was the reason for the event being dispatched), and the a
element's target
attribute is ... then raise an INVALID_ACCESS_ERR
exception and abort these steps.
If the target of the DOMActivate
event is an img
element with an ismap
specified, then server-side image map processing must be performed, as
event was
dispatched as the result of a real pointing-device-triggered click
event on the img
element, then let x be
the distance in CSS pixels from the left edge of the image to the
location of the click, and let y be the distance in
CSS pixels from the top edge of the image to the location of the click.
Otherwise, let x and y be zero.
Finally, the user agent must follow the hyperlink defined by the a
element. If the steps above defined a hyperlink suffix, then take that into
account when following the hyperlink.
One way that a user agent can enable users to follow
hyperlinks is by allowing a
elements to be
clicked, or focussed and activated by the keyboard. This will cause the aforementioned activation behavior to be invoked.
The DOM attributes href
, ping
, target
, rel
, media
, hreflang
, and type
, must each reflect the respective content attributes of the same
The DOM attribute relList
must reflect the rel
content attribute.
element uses the HTMLQuoteElement
The q
element represents some phrasing content quoted
from another source.
Quotation punctuation (such as quotation marks), if any, must be placed
inside the q
Content inside a q
element must be quoted
from another source, whose URI, if it has one, should be cited in the cite
If the cite
attribute is present, it must be a URI (or IRI). User agents should allow
users to follow such citation links.
If a q
element is contained (directly or
indirectly) in a paragraph that contains a single
element and has no other q
element descendants, then, the title of the work
given by that cite
element gives the
source of the quotation contained in the q
Here is a simple example of the use of the q
<p>The man said <q>"Things that are impossible just take longer"</q>. I disagreed with him.</p>
Here is an example with both an explicit citation link in the q
element, and an explicit citation outside:
<p>The W3C page <cite>About W3C</cite> says the W3C's mission is <q cite="">"To lead the World Wide Web to its full potential by developing protocols and guidelines that ensure long-term growth for the Web"</q>. I disagree with this mission.</p>
In the following example, the quotation itself contains a quotation:
<p>In <cite>Example One</cite>, he writes <q>"The man said <q>'Things that are impossible just take longer'</q>. I disagreed with him"</q>. Well, I disagree even more!</p>
In the following example, there are no quotation marks:
<p>His best argument: <q>I disagree!</q></p>
.The cite
element represents the title
of a work (e.g. a book, a paper, an essay, a poem, a score, a song, a
script, a film, a TV show, a game, a sculpture, a painting, a theatre
production, a play, an opera, a musical, an exhibition, etc). This can be
a work that is being quoted or referenced in detail (i.e. a citation), or
it can just be a work that is mentioned in passing.
A person's name is not the title of a work — even if people call
that person a piece of work — and the element must therefore not be
used to mark up people's names. (In some cases, the b
element might be appropriate for names; e.g. in a
gossip article where the names of famous people are keywords rendered with
a different style to draw attention to them. In other cases, if an element
is really needed, the span
element can be used.)
A ship is similarly not a work, and the element must not be used to mark
up ship names (the i
element can be used for
that purpose).
This next example shows a typical use of the cite
<p>My favourite book is <cite>The Reality Dysfunction</cite> by Peter F. Hamilton. My favourite comic is <cite>Pearls Before Swine</cite> by Stephan Pastis. My favourite track is <cite>Jive Samba</cite> by the Cannonball Adderley Sextet.</p>
This is correct usage:
<p>According to the Wikipedia article <cite>HTML</cite>, as it stood in mid-February 2008, leaving attribute values unquoted is unsafe. This is obviously an over-simplification.</p>
The following, however, is incorrect usage, as the cite
element here is containing far more than
the title of the work:
<!-- do not copy this example, it is an example of bad usage! --> <p>According to <cite>the Wikipedia article on HTML</cite>, as it stood in mid-February 2008, leaving attribute values unquoted is unsafe. This is obviously an over-simplification.</p>
The cite
element is obviously a key
part of any citation in a bibliography, but it is only used to mark the
<p><cite>Universal Declaration of Human Rights</cite>, United Nations, December 1948. Adopted by General Assembly resolution 217 A (III).</p>
A citation is not a quote (for which the
element is appropriate).
This is incorrect usage, because cite
is not for quotes:
<p><cite>This is wrong!</cite>, said Ian.</p>
This is also incorrect usage, because a person is not a work:
<p><q>This is still wrong!</q>, said <cite>Ian</cite>.</p>
The correct usage does not use a cite
<p><q>This is correct</q>, said Ian.</p>
As mentioned above, the b
element might
be relevant for marking names as being keywords in certain kinds of
<p>And then <b>Ian</b> said <q>this might be right, in a gossip column, maybe!</q>.</p>
The cite
element can apply
to blockquote
and q
elements in certain cases described in the
definitions of those elements.
This next example shows the use of cite
alongside blockquote
<p>His next piece was the aptly named <cite>Sonnet 130</cite>:</p> <blockquote> <p>My mistress' eyes are nothing like the sun,<br> Coral is far more red, than her lips red, ...
The em
element represents stress emphasis
of its contents.
The level of emphasis that a particular piece of content has is given by
its number of ancestor em
The placement of emphasis changes the meaning of the sentence. The element thus forms an integral part of the content. The precise way in which emphasis is used in this way depends on the language.
These examples show how changing the emphasis changes the meaning. First, a general statement of fact, with no emphasis:
<p>Cats are cute animals.</p>
By emphasizing the first word, the statement implies that the kind of animal under discussion is in question (maybe someone is asserting that dogs are cute):
<p><em>Cats</em> are cute animals.</p>
Moving the emphasis to the verb, one highlights that the truth of the entire sentence is in question (maybe someone is saying cats are not cute):
<p>Cats <em>are</em> cute animals.</p>
By moving it to the adjective, the exact nature of the cats is reasserted (maybe someone suggested cats were mean animals):
<p>Cats are <em>cute</em> animals.</p>
Similarly, if someone asserted that cats were vegetables, someone correcting this might emphasize the last word:
<p>Cats are cute <em>animals</em>.</p>
By emphasizing the entire sentence, it becomes clear that the speaker is fighting hard to get the point across. This kind of emphasis also typically affects the punctuation, hence the exclamation mark here.
<p><em>Cats are cute animals!</em></p>
Anger mixed with emphasizing the cuteness could lead to markup such as:
<p><em>Cats are <em>cute</em> animals!</em></p>
The strong
element represents strong
importance for its contents.
The relative level of importance of a piece of content is given by its
number of ancestor strong
each strong
element increases the
importance of its contents.
Changing the importance of a piece of text with the strong
element does not change the meaning of
the sentence.
Here is an example of a warning notice in a game, with the various parts marked up according to how important they are:
<p><strong>Warning.</strong> This dungeon is dangerous. <strong>Avoid the ducks.</strong> Take any gold you find. <strong><strong>Do not take any of the diamonds</strong>, they are explosive and <strong>will destroy anything within ten meters.</strong></strong> You have been warned.</p>
The small
element represents small
print (part of a document often describing legal restrictions, such as
copyrights or other disadvantages), or other side comments.
The small
element does not
"de-emphasize" or lower the importance of text emphasised by the em
element or marked as important with the strong
In this example the footer contains contact information and a copyright.
<footer> <address> For more details, contact <a href="">John Smith</a>. </address> <p><small>© copyright 2038 Example Corp.</small></p> </footer>
In this second example, the small
element is used for a side comment.
<p>Example Corp today announced record profits for the second quarter <small>(Full Disclosure: Foo News is a subsidiary of Example Corp)</small>, leading to speculation about a third quarter merger with Demo Group.</p>
In this last example, the small
element is marked as being important small print.
<p><strong><small>Continued use of this service will result in a kiss.</small></strong></p>
The mark
element represents a run of
text in one document marked or highlighted for reference purposes, due to
its relevance in another context. When used in a quotation or other block
of text referred to from the prose, it indicates a highlight that was not
originally present but which has been added to bring the reader's
attention to a part of the text that might not have been considered
important by the original author when the block was originally written,
but which is now under previously unexpected scrutiny. When used in the
main prose of a document, it indicates a part of the document that has
been highlighted due to its likely relevance to the user's current
The rendering section will eventually suggest that user
agents provide a way to let users jump between mark
elements. Suggested rendering is a neon
yellow background highlight, though UAs maybe should allow this to be
This example shows how the mark
example can be used to bring attention to a particular part of a
<p lang="en-US">Consider the following quote:</p> <blockquote lang="en-GB"> <p>Look around and you will find, no-one's really <mark>colour</mark> blind.</p> </blockquote> <p lang="en-US">As we can tell from the <em>spelling</em> of the word, the person writing this quote is clearly not American.</p>
Another example of the mark
element is
highlighting parts of a document that are matching some search string. If
someone looked at a document, and the server knew that the user was
searching for the word "kitten", then the server might return the
document with one paragraph modified as follows:
<p>I also have some <mark>kitten</mark>s who are visiting me these days. They're really cute. I think they like my garden! Maybe I should adopt a <mark>kitten</mark>.</p>
In the following snippet, a paragraph of text refers to a specific part of a code fragment.
<p>The highlighted part below is where the error lies:</p> <pre><code>var i: Integer; begin i := <mark>1.1</mark>; end.</code></pre>
This is another example showing the use of mark
to highlight a part of quoted text that was
originally not emphasised. In this example, common typographic
conventions have led the author to explicitly style mark
elements in quotes to render in italics.
<article> <style> blockquote mark, q mark { font: inherit; font-style: italic; text-decoration: none; background: transparent; color: inherit; } .bubble em { font: inherit; font-size: larger; text-decoration: underline; } </style> <h1>She knew</h1> <p>Did you notice the subtle joke in the joke on panel 4?</p> <blockquote> <p class="bubble">I didn't <em>want</em> to believe. <mark>Of course on some level I realized it was a known-plaintext attack.</mark> But I couldn't admit it until I saw for myself.</p> </blockquote> <p>(Emphasis mine.) I thought that was great. It's so pedantic, yet it explains everything neatly.</p> </article>
Note, incidentally, the distinction between the em
element in this example, which is part of the
original text being quoted, and the mark
element, which is highlighting a part for comment.
The following example shows the difference between denoting the
importance of a span of text (strong
) as opposed to denoting the
relevance of a span of text (mark
). It is an extract from a textbook, where
the extract has had the parts relevant to the exam highlighted. The
safety warnings, important though they may be, are apparently not
relevant to the exam.
<h3>Wormhole Physics Introduction</h3> <p><mark>A wormhole in normal conditions can be held open for a maximum of just under 39 minutes.</mark> Conditions that can increase the time include a powerful energy source coupled to one or both of the gates connecting the wormhole, and a large gravity well (such as a black hole).</p> <p><mark>Momentum is preserved across the wormhole. Electromagnetic radiation can travel in both directions through a wormhole, but matter cannot.</mark></p> <p>When a wormhole is created, a vortex normally forms. <strong>Warning: The vortex caused by the wormhole opening will annihilate anything in its path.</strong> Vortexes can be avoided when using sufficiently advanced dialing technology.</p> <p><mark>An obstruction in a gate will prevent it from accepting a wormhole connection.</mark></p>
attribute has special semantics on this
The dfn
element represents the defining
instance of a term. The paragraph, description list
group, or section that is the nearest ancestor of the dfn
element must also contain the definition(s) for
the term given by the
Defining term: If the dfn
element has a title
attribute, then the exact
value of that attribute is the term being defined. Otherwise, if it
contains exactly one element child node and no child text nodes, and that child element is an abbr
element with a title
attribute, then the exact value of
that attribute is the term being defined. Otherwise, it is the
exact textContent
of the dfn
element that gives the term being defined.
If the title
attribute of the dfn
element is present,
then it must contain only the term being defined.
The title
attribute of ancestor elements does not affect dfn
An a
element that links to a dfn
element represents an instance of the term
defined by the dfn
In the following fragment, the term "GDO" is first defined in the first paragraph, then used in the second.
<p>The <dfn><abbr title="Garage Door Opener">GDO</abbr></dfn> is a device that allows off-world teams to open the iris.</p> <!-- ... later in the document: --> <p>Teal'c activated his <abbr title="Garage Door Opener">GDO</abbr> and so Hammond ordered the iris to be opened.</p>
With the addition of an a
element, the
reference can be made explicit:
<p>The <dfn id=gdo><abbr title="Garage Door Opener">GDO</abbr></dfn> is a device that allows off-world teams to open the iris.</p> <!-- ... later in the document: --> <p>Teal'c activated his <a href=#gdo><abbr title="Garage Door Opener">GDO</abbr></a> and so Hammond ordered the iris to be opened.</p>
attribute has special semantics on this
The abbr
element represents an
abbreviation or acronym, optionally with its expansion. The title
attribute may be used to
provide an expansion of the abbreviation. The attribute, if specified,
must contain an expansion of the abbreviation, and nothing else.
The paragraph below contains an abbreviation marked up with the
element. This paragraph defines the term "Web
Hypertext Application Technology Working Group".
<p>The <dfn id=whatwg><abbr title="Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group">WHATWG</abbr></dfn> is a loose unofficial collaboration of Web browser manufacturers and interested parties who wish to develop new technologies designed to allow authors to write and deploy Applications over the World Wide Web.</p>
This paragraph has two abbreviations. Notice how only one is defined;
the other, with no expansion associated with it, does not use the
<p>The <abbr title="Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group">WHATWG</abbr> started working on HTML5 in 2004.</p>
This paragraph links an abbreviation to its definition.
<p>The <a href="#whatwg"><abbr title="Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group">WHATWG</abbr></a> community does not have much representation from Asia.</p>
This paragraph marks up an abbreviation without giving an expansion, possibly as a hook to apply styles for abbreviations (e.g. smallcaps).
<p>Philip` and Dashiva both denied that they were going to get the issue counts from past revisions of the specification to backfill the <abbr>WHATWG</abbr> issue graph.</p>
If an abbreviation is pluralized, the expansion's grammatical number (plural vs singular) must match the grammatical number of the contents of the element.
Here the plural is outside the element, so the expansion is in the singular:
<p>Two <abbr title="Working Group">WG</abbr>s worked on this specification: the <abbr>WHATWG</abbr> and the <abbr>HTMLWG</abbr>.</p>
Here the plural is inside the element, so the expansion is in the plural:
<p>Two <abbr title="Working Groups">WGs</abbr> worked on this specification: the <abbr>WHATWG</abbr> and the <abbr>HTMLWG</abbr>.</p>
interface HTMLTimeElement : HTMLElement { attribute DOMString dateTime; readonly attribute DOMTimeStamp date; readonly attribute DOMTimeStamp time; readonly attribute DOMTimeStamp timezone; };
The time
element represents a date
and/or a time.
The datetime
attribute, if
present, must contain a date or time string that
identifies the date or time being specified.
If the datetime
attribute is not present, then the
date or time must be specified in the content of the element, such that
parsing the element's textContent
according to the rules for parsing date or time strings in content successfully
extracts a date or time.
The dateTime
DOM attribute must reflect the datetime
content attribute.
User agents, to obtain the date, time, and timezone represented by a time
element, must follow these steps:
attribute is present, then parse it
according to the rules for parsing date or time strings in attributes, and
let the result be result.
according to the rules for
parsing date or time strings in content, and let the result be
The date
attribute must return null if the date is unknown, and otherwise must return the
time corresponding to midnight UTC (i.e. the first second) of the given date.
The time
attribute must return null if the time is unknown, and otherwise must return the
time corresponding to the given time of 1970-01-01, with the timezone UTC.
The timezone
DOM attribute must
return null if the timezone is unknown, and otherwise must
return the time corresponding to 1970-01-01 00:00 UTC in the given timezone, with the
timezone set to UTC (i.e. the time corresponding to 1970-01-01 at 00:00
UTC plus the offset corresponding to the timezone).
In the following snippet:
<p>Our first date was <time datetime="2006-09-23">a Saturday</time>.</p>
...the time
element's date
attribute would have
the value 1,158,969,600,000ms, and the time
and timezone
attributes would return null.
In the following snippet:
<p>We stopped talking at <time datetime="2006-09-24 05:00 -7">5am the next morning</time>.</p>
...the time
element's date
attribute would have
the value 1,159,056,000,000ms, the time
attribute would have the value
18,000,000ms, and the timezone
attribute would return
−25,200,000ms. To obtain the actual time, the three attributes can
be added together, obtaining 1,159,048,800,000, which is the specified
date and time in UTC.
Finally, in the following snippet:
<p>Many people get up at <time>08:00</time>.</p>
...the time
element's date
attribute would have
the value null, the time
attribute would have the value
28,800,000ms, and the timezone
attribute would return null.
These APIs may be suboptimal. Comments on making them more useful to JS authors are welcome. The primary use cases for these elements are for marking up publication dates e.g. in blog entries, and for marking event dates in hCalendar markup. Thus the DOM APIs are likely to be used as ways to generate interactive calendar widgets or some such.
interface HTMLProgressElement : HTMLElement { attribute float value; attribute float max; readonly attribute float position; };
The progress
element represents the
completion progress of a task. The progress is either indeterminate,
indicating that progress is being made but that it is not clear how much
more work remains to be done before the task is complete (e.g. because the
task is waiting for a remote host to respond), or the progress is a number
in the range zero to a maximum, giving the fraction of work that has so
far been completed.
There are two attributes that determine the current task completion represented by the element.
The value
attribute specifies how much of the task has been completed, and the max
attribute specifies
how much work the task requires in total. The units are arbitrary and not
Instead of using the attributes, authors are recommended to simply include the current value and the maximum value inline as text inside the element.
Here is a snippet of a Web application that shows the progress of some automated task:
<section> <h2>Task Progress</h2> <p>Progress: <progress><span id="p">0</span>%</progress></p> <script> var progressBar = document.getElementById('p'); function updateProgress(newValue) { progressBar.textContent = newValue; } </script> </section>
(The updateProgress()
method in this example would be
called by some other code on the page to update the actual progress bar
as the task progressed.)
Author requirements: The max
and value
when present, must have values that are valid floating point numbers. The max
attribute, if
present, must have a value greater than zero. The value
attribute, if
present, must have a value equal to or greater than zero, and less than or
equal to the value of the max
attribute, if present.
The progress
element is
the wrong element to use for something that is just a gauge, as opposed to
task progress. For instance, indicating disk space usage using progress
would be inappropriate. Instead, the
element is available for such use
User agent requirements: User agents must parse the
and value
values according to the rules for parsing floating point
number values.
If the value
attribute is omitted, then user agents
must also parse the textContent
the progress
element in question
using the steps for finding one or two numbers of a ratio
in a string. These steps will return nothing, one number, one number
with a denominator punctuation character, or two numbers.
Using the results of this processing, user agents must determine whether the progress bar is an indeterminate progress bar, or whether it is a determinate progress bar, and in the latter case, what its current and maximum values are, all as follows:
attribute is omitted, and the value
is omitted, and the results of parsing
the textContent
was nothing, then
the progress bar is an indeterminate progress bar. Abort these steps.
attribute is included, then, if a value could be parsed out of it, then
the maximum value is that value.
attribute is absent but the value
attribute is
present, or, if the max
attribute is present but no value could be
parsed from it, then the maximum is 1.
contained one number with an
associated denominator punctuation character, then the maximum value is
the value associated with that denominator punctuation
character; otherwise, if the textContent
contained two numbers, the
maximum value is the higher of the two values; otherwise, the maximum
value is 1.
attribute is present on the element and a
value could be parsed out of it, that value is the current value of the
progress bar. Otherwise, if the attribute is present but no value could
be parsed from it, the current value is zero.
attribute is absent and the max
attribute is
present, then, if the textContent
was parsed and found to contain just one number, with no associated
denominator punctuation character, then the current value is that number.
Otherwise, if the value
attribute is absent and the max
attribute is
present then the current value is zero.
of the element.
UA requirements for showing the progress bar: When
representing a progress
element to
the user, the UA should indicate whether it is a determinate or
indeterminate progress bar, and in the former case, should indicate the
relative position of the current value relative to the maximum value.
The max
and value
DOM attributes
must reflect the elements' content attributes of
the same name. When the relevant content attributes are absent, the DOM
attributes must return zero. The value parsed from the textContent
never affects the DOM values.
Would be cool to have the value
DOM attribute
update the textContent
If the progress bar is an indeterminate progress bar, then the position
attribute must return −1. Otherwise, it must return the result of
dividing the current value by the maximum value.
interface HTMLMeterElement : HTMLElement { attribute float value; attribute float min; attribute float max; attribute float low; attribute float high; attribute float optimum; };
The meter
element represents a scalar
measurement within a known range, or a fractional value; for example disk
usage, the relevance of a query result, or the fraction of a voting
population to have selected a particular candidate.
This is also known as a gauge.
The meter
element should
not be used to indicate progress (as in a progress bar). For that role,
HTML provides a separate progress
The meter
element also does
not represent a scalar value of arbitrary range — for example, it
would be wrong to use this to report a weight, or height, unless there is
a known maximum value.
There are six attributes that determine the semantics of the gauge represented by the element.
The min
specifies the lower bound of the range, and the max
attribute specifies the upper
bound. The value
attribute specifies the value to have the gauge indicate as the "measured"
The other three attributes can be used to segment the gauge's range into
"low", "medium", and "high" parts, and to indicate which part of the gauge
is the "optimum" part. The low
attribute specifies the range
that is considered to be the "low" part, and the high
attribute specifies the
range that is considered to be the "high" part. The optimum
attribute gives the
position that is "optimum"; if that is higher than the "high" value then
this indicates that the higher the value, the better; if it's lower than
the "low" mark then it indicates that lower values are better, and
naturally if it is in between then it indicates that neither high nor low
values are good.
Authoring requirements: The recommended way of giving the value is to include it as contents of the element, either as two numbers (the higher number represents the maximum, the other number the current value, and the minimum is assumed to be zero), or as a percentage or similar (using one of the characters such as "%"), or as a fraction.
The value
, low
, high
, max
, and optimum
are all optional. When present, they must have values that are valid floating point
numbers, and their values must satisfy the following inequalities:
The following examples all represent a measurement of three quarters (of the maximum of whatever is being measured):
<meter>75%</meter> <meter>750‰</meter> <meter>3/4</meter> <meter>6 blocks used (out of 8 total)</meter> <meter>max: 100; current: 75</meter> <meter><object data="graph75.png">0.75</object></meter> <meter min="0" max="100" value="75"></meter>
The following example is incorrect use of the element, because it doesn't give a range (and since the default maximum is 1, both of the gauges would end up looking maxed out):
<p>The grapefruit pie had a radius of <meter>12cm</meter> and a height of <meter>2cm</meter>.</p> <!-- BAD! -->
Instead, one would either not include the meter element, or use the meter element with a defined range to give the dimensions in context compared to other pies:
<p>The grapefruit pie had a radius of 12cm and a height of 2cm.</p> <dl> <dt>Radius: <dd> <meter min=0 max=20 value=12>12cm</meter> <dt>Height: <dd> <meter min=0 max=10 value=2>2cm</meter> </dl>
There is no explicit way to specify units in the meter
element, but the units may be specified in
the title
attribute in
free-form text.
The example above could be extended to mention the units:
<dl> <dt>Radius: <dd> <meter min=0 max=20 value=12 title="centimeters">12cm</meter> <dt>Height: <dd> <meter min=0 max=10 value=2 title="centimeters">2cm</meter> </dl>
User agent requirements: User agents must parse the
, max
, value
, low
, high
, and optimum
using the rules for parsing floating point number
If the value
attribute has been omitted, the user agent must also process the textContent
of the element according to the
steps for finding one or two numbers of a ratio in a
string. These steps will return nothing, one number, one number with a
denominator punctuation character, or two numbers.
User agents must then use all these numbers to obtain values for six points on the gauge, as follows. (The order in which these are evaluated is important, as some of the values refer to earlier ones.)
If the min
attribute is specified and a value could be parsed out of it, then the
minimum value is that value. Otherwise, the minimum value is zero.
If the max
attribute is specified and a value could be parsed out of it, the
maximum value is that value.
Otherwise, if the max
attribute is specified but no value could be
parsed out of it, or if it was not specified, but either or both of the
or value
were specified, then the maximum value is 1.
Otherwise, none of the max
, min
, and value
attributes were specified. If the result
of processing the textContent
the element was either nothing or just one number with no denominator
punctuation character, then the maximum value is 1; if the result was
one number but it had an associated denominator punctuation character,
then the maximum value is the value associated
with that denominator punctuation character; and finally, if there
were two numbers parsed out of the textContent
, then the maximum is the
higher of those two numbers.
If the above machinations result in a maximum value less than the minimum value, then the maximum value is actually the same as the minimum value.
If the value
attribute is specified and a value could be parsed out of it, then that
value is the actual value.
If the value
attribute is not specified but the max
attribute is specified and the
result of processing the textContent
of the element was one number
with no associated denominator punctuation character, then that number
is the actual value.
If neither of the value
and max
attributes are specified, then, if the
result of processing the textContent
of the element was one number
(with or without an associated denominator punctuation character), then
that is the actual value, and if the result of processing the textContent
of the element was two
numbers, then the actual value is the lower of the two numbers found.
Otherwise, if none of the above apply, the actual value is zero.
If the above procedure results in an actual value less than the minimum value, then the actual value is actually the same as the minimum value.
If, on the other hand, the result is an actual value greater than the maximum value, then the actual value is the maximum value.
If the low
attribute is specified and a value could be parsed out of it, then the
low boundary is that value. Otherwise, the low boundary is the same as
the minimum value.
If the above results in a low boundary that is less than the minimum value, the low boundary is the minimum value.
If the high
attribute is specified and a value could be parsed out of it, then the
high boundary is that value. Otherwise, the high boundary is the same as
the maximum value.
If the above results in a high boundary that is higher than the maximum value, the high boundary is the maximum value.
If the optimum
attribute is specified and a value
could be parsed out of it, then the optimum point is that value.
Otherwise, the optimum point is the midpoint between the minimum value
and the maximum value.
If the optimum point is then less than the minimum value, then the optimum point is actually the same as the minimum value. Similarly, if the optimum point is greater than the maximum value, then it is actually the maximum value instead.
All of which should result in the following inequalities all being true:
UA requirements for regions of the gauge: If the optimum point is equal to the low boundary or the high boundary, or anywhere in between them, then the region between the low and high boundaries of the gauge must be treated as the optimum region, and the low and high parts, if any, must be treated as suboptimal. Otherwise, if the optimum point is less than the low boundary, then the region between the minimum value and the low boundary must be treated as the optimum region, the region between the low boundary and the high boundary must be treated as a suboptimal region, and the region between the high boundary and the maximum value must be treated as an even less good region. Finally, if the optimum point is higher than the high boundary, then the situation is reversed; the region between the high boundary and the maximum value must be treated as the optimum region, the region between the high boundary and the low boundary must be treated as a suboptimal region, and the remaining region between the low boundary and the minimum value must be treated as an even less good region.
UA requirements for showing the gauge: When
representing a meter
element to the
user, the UA should indicate the relative position of the actual value to
the minimum and maximum values, and the relationship between the actual
value and the three regions of the gauge.
The following markup:
<h3>Suggested groups</h3> <menu type="toolbar"> <a href="?cmd=hsg" onclick="hideSuggestedGroups()">Hide suggested groups</a> </menu> <ul> <li> <p><a href="/group/comp.infosystems.www.authoring.stylesheets/view">comp.infosystems.www.authoring.stylesheets</a> - <a href="/group/comp.infosystems.www.authoring.stylesheets/subscribe">join</a></p> <p>Group description: <strong>Layout/presentation on the WWW.</strong></p> <p><meter value="0.5">Moderate activity,</meter> Usenet, 618 subscribers</p> </li> <li> <p><a href="/group/netscape.public.mozilla.xpinstall/view">netscape.public.mozilla.xpinstall</a> - <a href="/group/netscape.public.mozilla.xpinstall/subscribe">join</a></p> <p>Group description: <strong>Mozilla XPInstall discussion.</strong></p> <p><meter value="0.25">Low activity,</meter> Usenet, 22 subscribers</p> </li> <li> <p><a href="/group/"></a> - <a href="/group/">join</a></p> <p><meter value="0.25">Low activity,</meter> Usenet, 66 subscribers</p> </li> </ul>
Might be rendered as follows:
User agents may combine the value of the title
attribute and the other attributes to
provide context-sensitive help or inline text detailing the actual values.
For example, the following snippet:
<meter min=0 max=60 value=23.2 title=seconds></meter>
...might cause the user agent to display a gauge with a tooltip saying "Value: 23.2 out of 60." on one line and "seconds" on a second line.
The min
, max
, value
, low
, high
, and optimum
DOM attributes must reflect the elements' content attributes of the same
name. When the relevant content attributes are absent, the DOM attributes
must return zero. The value parsed from the textContent
never affects the DOM values.
Would be cool to have the value
DOM attribute update the textContent
The code
element represents a fragment
of computer code. This could be an XML element name, a filename, a
computer program, or any other string that a computer would recognize.
Although there is no formal way to indicate the language of computer
code being marked up, authors who wish to mark code
elements with the language used, e.g. so that
syntax highlighting scripts can use the right rules, may do so by adding a
class prefixed with "language-
" to the element.
The following example shows how the element can be used in a paragraph to mark up element names and computer code, including punctuation.
<p>The <code>code</code> element represents a fragment of computer code.</p> <p>When you call the <code>activate()</code> method on the <code>robotSnowman</code> object, the eyes glow.</p> <p>The example below uses the <code>begin</code> keyword to indicate the start of a statement block. It is paired with an <code>end</code> keyword, which is followed by the <code>.</code> punctuation character (full stop) to indicate the end of the program.</p>
The following example shows how a block of code could be marked up
using the pre
and code
<pre><code class="language-pascal">var i: Integer; begin i := 1; end.</code></pre>
A class is used in that example to indicate the language used.
See the pre
element for more
The var
element represents a variable.
This could be an actual variable in a mathematical expression or
programming context, or it could just be a term used as a placeholder in
In the paragraph below, the letter "n" is being used as a variable in prose:
<p>If there are <var>n</var> pipes leading to the ice cream factory then I expect at <em>least</em> <var>n</var> flavours of ice cream to be available for purchase!</p>
The samp
element represents (sample)
output from a program or computing system.
See the pre
and kbd
elements for more details.
This example shows the samp
being used inline:
<p>The computer said <samp>Too much cheese in tray two</samp> but I didn't know what that meant.</p>
This second example shows a block of sample output. Nested samp
and kbd
elements allow for the styling of specific elements of the sample output
using a style sheet.
<pre><samp><samp class="prompt">jdoe@mowmow:~$</samp> <kbd>ssh</kbd> Last login: Tue Apr 12 09:10:17 2005 from on pts/1 Linux demo 2.6.10-grsec+gg3+e+fhs6b+nfs+gr0501+++p3+c4a+gr2b-reslog-v6.189 #1 SMP Tue Feb 1 11:22:36 PST 2005 i686 unknown <samp class="prompt">jdoe@demo:~$</samp> <samp class="cursor">_</samp></samp></pre>
The kbd
element represents user input
(typically keyboard input, although it may also be used to represent other
input, such as voice commands).
When the kbd
element is nested inside a
element, it represents the input as
it was echoed by the system.
When the kbd
element contains a
element, it represents input based
on system output, for example invoking a menu item.
When the kbd
element is nested inside
another kbd
element, it represents an
actual key or other single unit of input as appropriate for the input
Here the kbd
element is used to
indicate keys to press:
<p>To make George eat an apple, press <kbd><kbd>Shift</kbd>+<kbd>F3</kbd></kbd></p>
In this second example, the user is told to pick a particular menu
item. The outer kbd
element marks up a
block of input, with the inner kbd
elements representing each individual step of the input, and the samp
elements inside them indicating that the
steps are input based on something being displayed by the system, in this
case menu labels:
<p>To make George eat an apple, select <kbd><kbd><samp>File</samp></kbd>|<kbd><samp>Eat Apple...</samp></kbd></kbd> </p>
and sup
The sup
element represents a superscript
and the sub
element represents a
These elements must be used only to mark up typographical conventions
with specific meanings, not for typographical presentation for
presentation's sake. For example, it would be inappropriate for the
and sup
elements to be used in the name of the LaTeX
document preparation system. In general, authors should use these elements
only if the absence of those elements would change the meaning of
the content.
When the sub
element is used inside a
element, it represents the subscript
that identifies the variable in a family of variables.
<p>The coordinate of the <var>i</var>th point is (<var>x<sub><var>i</var></sub></var>, <var>y<sub><var>i</var></sub></var>). For example, the 10th point has coordinate (<var>x<sub>10</sub></var>, <var>y<sub>10</sub></var>).</p>
In certain languages, superscripts are part of the typographical conventions for some abbreviations.
<p>The most beautiful women are <span lang="fr"><abbr>M<sup>lle</sup></abbr> Gwendoline</span> and <span lang="fr"><abbr>M<sup>me</sup></abbr> Denise</span>.</p>
Mathematical expressions often use subscripts and superscripts. Authors
are encouraged to use MathML for marking up mathematics, but authors may
opt to use sub
and sup
if detailed mathematical markup is not desired.
f(<var>x</var>, <var>n</var>) = log<sub>4</sub><var>x</var><sup><var>n</var></sup>
The span
element doesn't mean anything
on its own, but can be useful when used together with other attributes,
e.g. class
, lang
, or dir
The i
element represents a span of text in
an alternate voice or mood, or otherwise offset from the normal prose,
such as a taxonomic designation, a technical term, an idiomatic phrase
from another language, a thought, a ship name, or some other prose whose
typical typographic presentation is italicized.
Terms in languages different from the main text should be annotated with
attributes (xml:lang
in XML).
The examples below show uses of the i
<p>The <i class="taxonomy">Felis silvestris catus</i> is cute.</p> <p>The term <i>prose content</i> is defined above.</p> <p>There is a certain <i lang="fr">je ne sais quoi</i> in the air.</p>
In the following example, a dream sequence is marked up using i
<p>Raymond tried to sleep.</p> <p><i>The ship sailed away on Thursday</i>, he dreamt. <i>The ship had many people aboard, including a beautiful princess called Carey. He watched her, day-in, day-out, hoping she would notice him, but she never did.</i></p> <p><i>Finally one night he picked up the courage to speak with her—</i></p> <p>Raymond woke with a start as the fire alarm rang out.</p>
The i
element should be used as a last
resort when no other element is more appropriate. In particular, citations
should use the cite
element, defining
instances of terms should use the dfn
element, stress emphasis should use the em
element, importance should be denoted with the strong
element, quotes should be marked up with
the q
element, and small print should use
the small
Authors are encouraged to use the class
attribute on the i
element to identify why the element is being used,
so that if the style of a particular use (e.g. dream sequences as opposed
to taxonomic terms) is to be changed at a later date, the author doesn't
have to go through the entire document (or series of related documents)
annotating each use.
Style sheets can be used to format i
elements, just like any other element can be
restyled. Thus, it is not the case that content in i
elements will necessarily be italicized.
The b
element represents a span of text to
be stylistically offset from the normal prose without conveying any extra
importance, such as key words in a document abstract, product names in a
review, or other spans of text whose typical typographic presentation is
The following example shows a use of the b
element to highlight key words without marking
them up as important:
<p>The <b>frobonitor</b> and <b>barbinator</b> components are fried.</p>
In the following example, objects in a text adventure are highlighted
as being special by use of the b
<p>You enter a small room. Your <b>sword</b> glows brighter. A <b>rat</b> scurries past the corner wall.</p>
Another case where the b
element is
appropriate is in marking up the lede (or lead) sentence or paragraph.
The following example shows how a BBC
article about kittens adopting a rabbit as their own could be marked
up using HTML5 elements:
<article> <h2>Kittens 'adopted' by pet rabbit</h2> <p><b>Six abandoned kittens have found an unexpected new mother figure — a pet rabbit.</b></p> <p>Veterinary nurse Melanie Humble took the three-week-old kittens to her Aberdeen home.</p> [...]
The b
element should be used as a last
resort when no other element is more appropriate. In particular, headers
should use the h1
to h6
elements, stress emphasis should use the em
element, importance should be denoted with the
element, and text marked or
highlighted should use the mark
The following would be incorrect usage:
<p><b>WARNING!</b> Do not frob the barbinator!</p>
In the previous example, the correct element to use would have been
, not b
Style sheets can be used to format b
elements, just like any other element can be
restyled. Thus, it is not the case that content in b
elements will necessarily be boldened.
global attribute has special requirements on this element.
The bdo
element allows authors to
override the Unicode bidi algorithm by explicitly specifying a direction
override. [BIDI]
Authors must specify the dir
attribute on this element, with the value
to specify a left-to-right override and with the value
to specify a right-to-left override.
If the element has the dir
attribute set to the exact value
, then for the purposes of the bidi algorithm, the user
agent must act as if there was a U+202D LEFT-TO-RIGHT OVERRIDE character
at the start of the element, and a U+202C POP DIRECTIONAL FORMATTING at
the end of the element.
If the element has the dir
attribute set to the exact value
, then for the purposes of the bidi algorithm, the user
agent must act as if there was a U+202E RIGHT-TO-LEFT OVERRIDE character
at the start of the element, and a U+202C POP DIRECTIONAL FORMATTING at
the end of the element.
The requirements on handling the bdo
element for the bidi algorithm may be implemented indirectly through the
style layer. For example, an HTML+CSS user agent should implement these
requirements by implementing the CSS unicode-bidi
element, or
an rp
element, an rt
element, and another rp
The ruby
element allows one or more
spans of phrasing content to be marked with ruby annotations.
A ruby
element represents the spans of
phrasing content it contains, ignoring all the child rt
and rp
and their descendants. Those spans of phrasing content have associated
annotations created using the rt
In this example, each ideograph in the text 斎藤信男 is annotated with its reading.
... <ruby>
斎 <rt> さい </rt>
藤 <rt> とう </rt>
信 <rt> のぶ </rt>
男 <rt> お </rt>
</ruby> ...
This might be rendered as:
The rt
element marks the ruby text
component of a ruby annotation.
An rt
element that is a child of a
element represents an annotation
(given by its children) for the zero or more nodes of phrasing content
that immediately precedes it in the ruby
element, ignoring rp
An rt
element that is not a child of a
element represents the same thing as
its children.
element, either
immediately before or immediately after an rt
element is immediately after
an rt
element that is immediately preceded
by another rp
element: a single character
from Unicode character class Pe.
The rp
element can be used to provide
parentheses around a ruby text component of a ruby annotation, to be shown
by user agents that don't support ruby annotations.
An rp
element that is a child of a
element represents nothing and it
and its contents must be ignored. An rp
element whose parent element is not a ruby
element represents the same thing as its
The example above, in which each ideograph in the text 斎藤信男 is annotated with its
reading, could be expanded to use rp
that in legacy user agentthe readings are in parentheses:
... <ruby>
斎 <rp>(</rp><rt>さい</rt><rp>)</rp>
藤 <rp>(</rp><rt>とう</rt><rp>)</rp>
信 <rp>(</rp><rt>のぶ</rt><rp>)</rp>
男 <rp>(</rp><rt>お</rt><rp>)</rp>
</ruby> ...
In conforming user agents the rendering would be as above, but in user agents that do not support ruby, the rendering would be:
... 斎 (さい) 藤 (とう) 信 (のぶ) 男 (お) ...
We need to summarize the various elements, in particular to distinguish b/i/em/strong/var/q/mark/cite.
HTML does not have a dedicated mechanism for marking up footnotes. Here are the recommended alternatives.
For short inline annotations, the title
attribute should be used.
In this example, two parts of a dialog are annotated.
<dialog> <dt>Customer <dd>Hello! I wish to register a complaint. Hello. Miss? <dt>Shopkeeper <dd><span title="Colloquial pronunciation of 'What do you'" >Watcha</span> mean, miss? <dt>Customer <dd>Uh, I'm sorry, I have a cold. I wish to make a complaint. <dt>Shopkeeper <dd>Sorry, <span title="This is, of course, a lie.">we're closing for lunch</span>. </dialog>
For longer annotations, the a
should be used, pointing to an element later in the document. The
convention is that the contents of the link be a number in square
In this example, a footnote in the dialog links to a paragraph below the dialog. The paragraph then reciprocally links back to the dialog, allowing the user to return to the location of the footnote.
<dialog> <dt>Announcer <dd>Number 16: The <i>hand</i>. <dt>Interviewer <dd>Good evening. I have with me in the studio tonight Mr Norman St John Polevaulter, who for the past few years has been contradicting people. Mr Polevaulter, why <em>do</em> you contradict people? <dt>Norman <dd>I don't. <a href="#fn1" id="r1">[1]</a> <dt>Interviewer <dd>You told me you did! </dialog> <section> <p id="fn1"><a href="#r1">[1]</a> This is, naturally, a lie, but paradoxically if it were true he could not say so without contradicting the interviewer and thus making it false.</p> </section>
For side notes, longer annotations that apply to entire sections of the
text rather than just specific words or sentences, the aside
element should be used.
In this example, a sidebar is given after a dialog, giving some context to the dialog.
<dialog> <dt>Customer <dd>I will not buy this record, it is scratched. <dt>Shopkeeper <dd>I'm sorry? <dt>Customer <dd>I will not buy this record, it is scratched. <dt>Shopkeeper <dd>No no no, this's'a tobacconist's. </dialog> <aside> <p>In 1970, the British Empire lay in ruins, and foreign nationalists frequented the streets — many of them Hungarians (not the streets — the foreign nationals). Sadly, Alexander Yalt has been publishing incompetently-written phrase books. </aside>
The ins
and del
elements represent edits to the document.
The ins
element represents an addition
to the document.
The following represents the addition of a single paragraph:
<aside> <ins> <p> I like fruit. </p> </ins> </aside>
As does this, because everything in the aside
element here counts as phrasing content and therefore there is just one paragraph:
<aside> <ins> Apples are <em>tasty</em>. </ins> <ins> So are pears. </ins> </aside>
elements should not cross implied paragraph boundaries.
The following example represents the addition of two paragraphs, the
second of which was inserted in two parts. The first ins
element in this example thus crosses a
paragraph boundary, which is considered poor form.
<aside> <ins datetime="2005-03-16T00:00Z"> <p> I like fruit. </p> Apples are <em>tasty</em>. </ins> <ins datetime="2007-12-19T00:00Z"> So are pears. </ins> </aside>
Here is a better way of marking this up. It uses more elements, but none of the elements cross implied paragraph boundaries.
<aside> <ins datetime="2005-03-16T00:00Z"> <p> I like fruit. </p> </ins> <ins datetime="2005-03-16T00:00Z"> Apples are <em>tasty</em>. </ins> <ins datetime="2007-12-19T00:00Z"> So are pears. </ins> </aside>
The del
element represents a removal
from the document.
elements should not cross implied paragraph boundaries.
and del
elementsThe cite
may be used to specify a URI that explains the change. When that document
is long, for instance the minutes of a meeting, authors are encouraged to
include a fragment identifier pointing to the specific part of that
document that discusses the change.
If the cite
attribute is present, it must be a URI (or IRI) that explains the change.
User agents should allow users to follow such citation links.
The datetime
attribute may be used
to specify the time and date of the change.
If present, the datetime
attribute must be a valid datetime value.
User agents must parse the datetime
attribute according to the parse a string as a datetime value algorithm.
If that doesn't return a time, then the modification has no associated
timestamp (the value is non-conforming; it is not a valid datetime). Otherwise, the modification is marked
as having been made at the given datetime. User agents should use the
associated timezone information to determine which timezone to present the
given datetime in.
The ins
and del
elements must implement the HTMLModElement
interface HTMLModElement : HTMLElement { attribute DOMString cite; attribute DOMString dateTime; };
The cite
attribute must reflect the element's cite
content attribute.
The dateTime
DOM attribute must reflect the element's datetime
content attribute.
Since the ins
and del
elements do not affect paragraphing, it is possible, in some cases where
paragraphs are implied (without
explicit p
elements), for an ins
or del
to span both an entire paragraph or other non-phrasing content elements and part of another
For example:
<section> <ins> <p> This is a paragraph that was inserted. </p> This is another paragraph whose first sentence was inserted at the same time as the paragraph above. </ins> This is a second sentence, which was there all along. </section>
By only wrapping some paragraphs in p
elements, one can even get the end of one paragraph, a whole second
paragraph, and the start of a third paragraph to be covered by the same
or del
element (though this is very confusing, and not considered good practice):
<section> This is the first paragraph. <ins>This sentence was inserted. <p>This second paragraph was inserted.</p> This sentence was inserted too.</ins> This is the third paragraph in this example. </section>
However, due to the way implied
paragraphs are defined, it is not possible to mark up the end of one
paragraph and the start of the very next one using the same ins
or del
You instead have to use one (or two) p
element(s) and two ins
or del
For example:
<section> <p>This is the first paragraph. <del>This sentence was deleted.</del></p> <p><del>This sentence was deleted too.</del> That sentence needed a separate <del> element.</p> </section>
Partly because of the confusion described above, authors are strongly
recommended to always mark up all paragraphs with the p
element, and to not have any ins
or del
that cross across any implied
The content models of the ol
and ul
elements do not allow ins
and del
elements as children. Lists always represent all their items, including
items that would otherwise have been marked as deleted.
To indicate that an item is inserted or deleted, an ins
or del
can be wrapped around the contents of the li
element. To indicate that an item has been
replaced by another, a single li
can have one or more del
elements followed
by one or more ins
In the following example, a list that started empty had items added and removed from it over time. The bits in the example that have been emphasised show the parts that are the "current" state of the list. The list item numbers don't take into account the edits, though.
<h1>Stop-ship bugs</h1> <ol> <li><ins datetime="2008-02-12 15:20 Z">Bug 225: Rain detector doesn't work in snow</ins></li> <li><del datetime="2008-03-01 20:22 Z"><ins datetime="2008-02-14 12:02 Z">Bug 228: Water buffer overflows in April</ins></del></li> <li><ins datetime="2008-02-16 13:50 Z">Bug 230: Water heater doesn't use renewable fuels</ins></li> <li><del datetime="2008-02-20 21:15 Z"><ins datetime="2008-02-16 14:25 Z">Bug 232: Carbon dioxide emissions detected after startup</ins></del></li> </ol>
In the following example, a list that started with just fruit was replaced by a list with just colors.
<h1>List of <del>fruits</del><ins>colors</ins></h1> <ul> <li><del>Lime</del><ins>Green</ins></li> <li><del>Apple</del></li> <li>Orange</li> <li><del>Pear</del></li> <li><ins>Teal</ins></li> <li><del>Lemon</del><ins>Yellow</ins></li> <li>Olive</li> <li><ins>Purple</ins> </ul>
element followed
by flow content.
The figure
element represents some flow content, optionally with a caption, which
can be moved away from the main flow of the document without affecting the
document's meaning.
The element can thus be used to annotate illustrations, diagrams, photos, code listings, etc, that are referred to from the main content of the document, but that could, without affecting the flow of the document, be moved away from that primary content, e.g. to the side of the page, to dedicated pages, or to an appendix.
The first legend
element child of the
element, if any, represents the caption of the figure
element's contents. If there is no child
element, then there is no
The remainder of the element's contents, if any, represents the content.
This example shows the figure
element to mark up a code listing.
<p>In <a href="#l4">listing 4</a> we see the primary core interface API declaration.</p> <figure id="l4"> <legend>Listing 4. The primary core interface API declaration.</legend> <pre><code>interface PrimaryCore { boolean verifyDataLine(); void sendData(in sequence<byte> data); void initSelfDestruct(); }</code></pre> </figure> <p>The API is designed to use UTF-8.</p>
Here we see a figure
element to mark
up a photo.
<figure> <img src="bubbles-work.jpeg" alt="Bubbles, sitting in his office chair, works on his latest project intently."> <legend>Bubbles at work</legend> </figure>
In this example, we see an image that is not a figure, as well as an image and a video that are.
<h2>Malinko's comics</h2> <p>This case centered on some sort of "intellectual property" infringement related to a comic (see Exhibit A). The suit started after a trailer ending with these words:</p> <img src="promblem-packed-action.png" alt="ROUGH COPY! Promblem-Packed Action!"> <p>...was aired. A lawyer, armed with a Bigger Notebook, launched a preemptive strike using snowballs. A complete copy of the trailer is included with Exhibit B.</p> <figure> <img src="ex-a.png" alt="Two squiggles on a dirty piece of paper."> <legend>Exhibit A. The alleged <cite>rough copy</cite> comic.</legend> </figure> <figure> <video src=""></video> <legend>Exhibit A. The alleged <cite>rough copy</cite> comic.</legend> </figure> <p>The case was resolved out of court.</p>
Here, a part of a poem is marked up using figure
<figure> <p>'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves<br> Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;<br> All mimsy were the borogoves,<br> And the mome raths outgrabe.</p> <legend><cite>Jabberwocky</cite> (first verse). Lewis Carroll, 1832-98</legend> </figure>
In this example, which could be part of a much larger work discussing a castle, the figure has three images in it.
<figure> <img src="castle1423.jpeg" title="Etching. Anonymous, ca. 1423." alt="The castle has one tower, and a tall wall around it."> <img src="castle1858.jpeg" title="Oil-based paint on canvas. Maria Towle, 1858." alt="The castle now has two towers and two walls."> <img src="castle1999.jpeg" title="Film photograph. Peter Jankle, 1999." alt="The castle lies in ruins, the original tower all that remains in one piece."> <legend>The castle through the ages: 1423, 1858, and 1999 respectively.</legend> </figure>
interface HTMLImageElement : HTMLElement { attribute DOMString alt; attribute DOMString src; attribute DOMString useMap; attribute boolean isMap; attribute long width; attribute long height; readonly attribute boolean complete; };
An instance of HTMLImageElement
can be obtained
using the Image
An img
element represents an image.
The image given by the src
attribute is the embedded
content, and the value of the alt
attribute is the img
element's fallback
Authoring requirements: The src
attribute must be present, and must contain a
URI (or IRI).
Should we restrict the URI to pointing to an image? What's an image? Is PDF an image? (Safari supports PDFs in <img> elements.) How about SVG? (Opera supports those). WMFs? XPMs? HTML?
The requirements for the alt
attribute depend on what the image is intended
to represent:
Sometimes something can be more clearly stated in graphical form, for
example as a flowchart, a diagram, a graph, or a simple map showing
directions. In such cases, an image can be given using the img
element, but the lesser textual version must
still be given, so that users who are unable to view the image (e.g.
because they have a very slow connection, or because they are using a
text-only browser, or because they are listening to the page being read
out by a hands-free automobile voice Web browser, or simply because they
are blind) are still able to understand the message being conveyed.
The text must be given in the alt
attribute, and must convey the same message
as the image specified in the src
In the following example we have a flowchart in image form,
with text in the alt
attribute rephrasing the flowchart in prose form:
<p>In the common case, the data handled by the tokenisation stage comes from the network, but it can also come from script.</p> <p><img src="images/parsing-model-overview.png" alt="The network passes data to the Tokeniser stage, which passes data to the Tree Construction stage. From there, data goes to both the DOM and to Script Execution. Script Execution is linked to the DOM, and, using document.write(), passes data to the Tokeniser."></p>
Here's another example, showing a good solution and a bad solution to the problem of including an image in a description.
First, here's the good solution. This sample shows how the alternative text should just be what you would have put in the prose if the image had never existed.
<!-- This is the correct way to do things. --> <p> You are standing in an open field west of a house. <img src="house.jpeg" alt="The house is white, with a boarded front door."> There is a small mailbox here. </p>
Second, here's the bad solution. In this incorrect way of doing things, the alternative text is simply a description of the image, instead of a textual replacement for the image. It's bad because when the image isn't shown, the text doesn't flow as well as in the first example.
<!-- This is the wrong way to do things. --> <p> You are standing in an open field west of a house. <img src="house.jpeg" alt="A white house, with a boarded front door."> There is a small mailbox here. </p>
It is important to realize that the alternative text is a replacement for the image, not a description of the image.
A document can contain information in iconic form. The icon is intended to help users of visual browsers to recognize features at a glance.
In some cases, the icon is supplemental to a text label conveying the
same meaning. In those cases, the alt
attribute must be present but must be empty.
Here the icons are next to text that conveys the same meaning, so
they have an empty alt
<nav> <p><a href="/help/"><img src="/icons/help.png" alt=""> Help</a></p> <p><a href="/configure/"><img src="/icons/configuration.png" alt=""> Configuration Tools</a></p> </nav>
In other cases, the icon has no text next to it describing what it
means; the icon is supposed to be self-explanatory. In those cases, an
equivalent textual label must be given in the alt
Here, posts on a news site are labeled with an icon indicating their topic.
<body> <article> <header> <h1>Ratatouille wins <i>Best Movie of the Year</i> award</h1> <p><img src="movies.png" alt="Movies"></p> </header> <p>Pixar has won yet another <i>Best Movie of the Year</i> award, making this its 8th win in the last 12 years.</p> </article> <article> <header> <h1>Latest TWiT episode is online</h1> <p><img src="podcasts.png" alt="Podcasts"></p> </header> <p>The latest TWiT episode has been posted, in which we hear several tech news stories as well as learning much more about the iPhone. This week, the panelists compare how reflective their iPhones' Apple logos are.</p> </article> </body>
Many pages include logos, insignia, flags, or emblems, which stand for a particular entity such as a company, organization, project, band, software package, country, or some such.
If the logo is being used to represent the entity, the alt
attribute must contain
the name of the entity being represented by the logo. The alt
attribute must
not contain text like the word "logo", as it is not the fact
that it is a logo that is being conveyed, it's the entity itself.
If the logo is being used next to the name of the entity that it
represents, then the logo is supplemental, and its alt
attribute must instead
be empty.
If the logo is merely used as decorative material (as branding, or, for example, as a side image in an article that mentions the entity to which the logo belongs), then the entry below on purely decorative images applies. If the logo is actually being discussed, then it is being used as a phrase or paragraph (the description of the logo) with an alternative graphical representation (the logo itself), and the first entry above applies.
In the following snippets, all four of the above cases are present. First, we see a logo used to represent a company:
<h1><img src="XYZ.gif" alt="The XYZ company"></h1>
Next, we see a paragraph which uses a logo right next to the company name, and so doesn't have any alternative text:
<article> <h2>News</h2> <p>We have recently been looking at buying the <img src="alpha.gif" alt=""> ΑΒΓ company, a small Greek company specializing in our type of product.</p>
In this third snippet, we have a logo being used in an aside, as part of the larger article discussing the acquisition:
<aside><p><img src="alpha-large.gif" alt=""></p></aside> <p>The ΑΒΓ company has had a good quarter, and our pie chart studies of their accounts suggest a much bigger blue slice than its green and orange slices, which is always a good sign.</p> </article>
Finally, we have an opinion piece talking about a logo, and the logo is therefore described in detail in the alternative text.
<p>Consider for a moment their logo:</p> <p><img src="/images/logo" alt="It consists of a green circle with a green question mark centered inside it."></p> <p>How unoriginal can you get? I mean, oooooh, a question mark, how <em>revolutionary</em>, how utterly <em>ground-breaking</em>, I'm sure everyone will rush to adopt those specifications now! They could at least have tried for some sort of, I don't know, sequence of rounded squares with varying shades of green and bold white outlines, at least that would look good on the cover of a blue book.</p>
This example shows how the alternative text should be written such that if the image isn't available, and the text is used instead, the text flows seamlessly into the surrounding text, as if the image had never been there in the first place.
In many cases, the image is actually just supplementary, and its
presence merely reinforces the surrounding text. In these cases, the
attribute must be
present but its value must be the empty string.
A flowchart that repeats the previous paragraph in graphical form:
<p>The network passes data to the Tokeniser stage, which passes data to the Tree Construction stage. From there, data goes to both the DOM and to Script Execution. Script Execution is linked to the DOM, and, using document.write(), passes data to the Tokeniser.</p> <p><img src="images/parsing-model-overview.png" alt=""></p>
A graph that repeats the previous paragraph in graphical form:
<p>According to a study covering several billion pages, about 62% of documents on the Web in 2007 triggered the Quirks rendering mode of Web browsers, about 30% triggered the Almost Standards mode, and about 9% triggered the Standards mode.</p> <p><img src="rendering-mode-pie-chart.png" alt=""></p>
In general, an image falls into this category if removing the image doesn't make the page any less useful, but including the image makes it a lot easier for users of visual browsers to understand the concept.
In some cases, the image isn't discussed by the surrounding text, but
it has some relevance. Such images are decorative, but still form part
of the content. In these cases, the alt
attribute must be present but its value must
be the empty string.
Examples where the image is purely decorative despite being relevant would include things like a photo of the Black Rock City landscape in a blog post about an event at Burning Man, or an image of a painting inspired by a poem, on a page reciting that poem. The following snippet shows an example of the latter case (only the first verse is included in this snippet):
<h1>The Lady of Shalott</h1> <p><img src="shalott.jpeg" alt=""></p> <p>On either side the river lie<br> Long fields of barley and of rye,<br> That clothe the wold and meet the sky;<br> And through the field the road run by<br> To many-tower'd Camelot;<br> And up and down the people go,<br> Gazing where the lilies blow<br> Round an island there below,<br> The island of Shalott.</p>
In general, if an image is decorative but isn't especially page-specific, for example an image that forms part of a site-wide design scheme, the image should be specified in the site's CSS, not in the markup of the document.
In some cases, the image is a critical part of the content. This could be the case, for instance, on a page that is part of a photo gallery. The image is the whole point of the page containing it.
When it is possible for alternative text to be provided, for example
if the image is part of a series of screenshots in a magazine review, or
part of a comic strip, or is a photograph in a blog entry about that
photograph, text that conveys can serve as a substitute for the image
must be given as the contents of the alt
In a rare subset of these cases, there might be no alternative text
available. This could be the case, for instance, on a photo upload site,
if the site has received 8000 photos from a user without the user
annotating any of them. In such cases, the alt
attribute may be omitted, but the alt
attribute should be
included, with a useful value, if at all possible.
In any case, if an image is a key part of the content, the alt
attribute must not be
specified with an empty value.
A screenshot in a gallery of screenshots for a new OS, with some alternative text:
<figure> <img src="KDE%20Light%20desktop.png" alt="The desktop is blue, with icons along the left hand side in two columns, reading System, Home, K-Mail, etc. A window is open showing that menus wrap to a second line if they cannot fit in the window. The window has a list of icons along the top, with an address bar below it, a list of icons for tabs along the left edge, a status bar on the bottom, and two panes in the middle. The desktop has a bar at the bottom of the screen with a few buttons, a pager, a list of open applications, and a clock."> <legend>Screenshot of a KDE desktop.</legend> </figure>
A photo on a photo-sharing site, if the site received the image with no metadata other than the caption:
<figure> <img src="1100670787_6a7c664aef.jpg"> <legend>Bubbles traveled everywhere with us.</legend> </figure>
In this case, though, it would be better if a detailed description of the important parts of the image obtained from the user and included on the page.
Sometimes there simply is no text that can do justice to an image. For example, there is little that can be said to usefully describe a Rorschach inkblot test.
<figure> <img src="/commons/a/a7/Rorschach1.jpg"> <legend>A black outline of the first of the ten cards in the Rorschach inkblot test.</legend> </figure>
Note that the following would be a very bad use of alternative text:
<!-- This example is wrong. Do not copy it. --> <figure> <img src="/commons/a/a7/Rorschach1.jpg" alt="A black outline of the first of the ten cards in the Rorschach inkblot test."> <legend>A black outline of the first of the ten cards in the Rorschach inkblot test.</legend> </figure>
Including the caption in the alternative text like this isn't useful because it effectively duplicates the caption for users who don't have images, taunting them twice yet not helping them any more than if they had only read or heard the caption once.
Since some users cannot use images at all (e.g. because
they have a very slow connection, or because they are using a text-only
browser, or because they are listening to the page being read out by a
hands-free automobile voice Web browser, or simply because they are
blind), the alt
attribute is only allowed to be omitted when no alternative text is
available and none can be made available, e.g. on automated image
gallery sites.
When an image is included in a communication (such as an HTML e-mail)
aimed at someone who is known to be able to view images, the alt
attribute may be
omitted. However, even in such cases it is strongly recommended that
alternative text be included (as appropriate according to the kind of
image involved, as described in the above entries), so that the e-mail
is still usable should the user use a mail client that does not support
images, or should the e-mail be forwarded on to other users whose
abilities might not include easily seeing images.
The img
must not be used as a layout
tool. In particular, img
elements should
not be used to display fully transparent images, as they rarely convey
meaning and rarely add anything useful to the document.
There has been some suggestion that the longdesc
attribute from HTML4, or some other mechanism
that is more powerful than alt=""
, should be
included. This has not yet been considered.
User agent requirements: When the alt
attribute is present and
its value is the empty string, the image supplements the surrounding
content. In such cases, the image may be omitted without affecting the
meaning of the document.
When the alt
attribute is present and its value is not the empty string, the image is a
graphical equivalent of the string given in the alt
attribute. In such cases,
the image may be replaced in the rendering by the string given in the
attribute without significantly affecting the meaning of the document.
When the alt
attribute is missing, the image represents a key part of the content.
Non-visual user agents should apply image analysis heuristics to help the
user make sense of the image.
The alt
does not represent advisory information. User agents must not present the
contents of the alt
attribute in the same way as content of the title
If the src
is omitted, the image represents whatever string is given by the element's
attribute, if any,
or nothing, if that attribute is empty or absent.
The src
attribute, on
setting, must cause the user agent to immediately begin to download the
specified resource,
unless the user agent cannot support images, or its support for images has
been disabled.
The download of the image must delay the load
This, unfortunately, can be used to perform a rudimentary port scan of the user's local network (especially in conjunction with scripting, though scripting isn't actually necessary to carry out such an attack). User agents may implement cross-origin access control policies that mitigate this attack.
Once the download has completed, if the image is a valid image, the user
agent must fire a load
event on the img
element (this happens
after complete
starts returning true). If the download fails or it completes but the
image is not a valid or supported image, the user agent must fire an error
event on
the img
The remote server's response metadata (e.g. an HTTP 404 status code, or associated Content-Type headers) must be ignored when determining whether the resource obtained is a valid image or not.
This allows servers to return images with error responses.
User agents must not support non-image resources with the img
The usemap
attribute, if present, can indicate that
the image has an associated image map.
The ismap
attribute, when used on an element that is a descendant of an a
element with an href
attribute, indicates by its presence that
the element provides access to a server-side image map. This affects how
events are handled on the corresponding a
The ismap
attribute is a boolean attribute. The attribute
must not be specified on an element that does not have an ancestor
element with an href
The img
element supports dimension attributes.
The DOM attributes alt
, src
, useMap
, and isMap
each must reflect the respective content attributes of the same
The DOM attributes height
and width
must return the rendered
height and width of the image, in CSS pixels, if the image is being
rendered, and is being rendered to a visual medium, or 0 otherwise. [CSS21]
The DOM attribute complete
must return true if the
user agent has downloaded the image specified in the src
attribute, and it is a
valid image, and false otherwise.
The value of complete
can change while a script is
A single image can have different appropriate alternative text depending on the context.
In each of the following cases, the same image is used, yet the alt
text is different each
time. The image is the coat of arms of the Canton Geneva in Switzerland.
Here it is used as a supplementary icon:
<p>I lived in <img src="carouge.svg" alt=""> Carouge.</p>
Here it is used as an icon representing the town:
<p>Home town: <img src="carouge.svg" alt="Carouge"></p>
Here it is used as part of a text on the town:
<p>Carouge has a coat of arms.</p> <p><img src="carouge.svg" alt="The coat of arms depicts a lion, sitting in front of a tree."></p> <p>It is used as decoration all over the town.</p>
Here it is used as a way to support a similar text where the description is given as well as, instead of as an alternative to, the image:
<p>Carouge has a coat of arms.</p> <p><img src="carouge.svg" alt=""></p> <p>The coat of arms depicts a lion, sitting in front of a tree. It is used as decoration all over the town.</p>
Here it is used as part of a story:
<p>He picked up the folder and a piece of paper fell out.</p> <p><img src="carouge.svg" alt="Shaped like a shield, the paper had a red background, a green tree, and a yellow lion with its tongue hanging out and whose tail was shaped like an S."></p> <p>He stared at the folder. S! The answer he had been looking for all this time was simply the letter S! How had he not seen that before? It all came together now. The phone call where Hector had referred to a lion's tail, the time Marco had stuck his tongue out...</p>
Here are some more examples showing the same picture used in different contexts, with different appropriate alternate texts each time.
<article> <h1>My cats</h1> <h2>Fluffy</h2> <p>Fluffy is my favourite.</p> <img src="fluffy.jpg" alt="She likes playing with a ball of yarn."> <p>She's just too cute.</p> <h2>Miles</h2> <p>My other cat, Miles just eats and sleeps.</p> </article>
<article> <h1>Photography</h1> <h2>Shooting moving targets indoors</h2> <p>The trick here is to know how to anticipate; to know at what speed and what distance the subject will pass by.</p> <img src="fluffy.jpg" alt="A cat flying by, chasing a ball of yarn, can be photographed quite nicely using this technique."> <h2>Nature by night</h2> <p>To achieve this, you'll need either an extremely sensitive film, or immense flash lights.</p> </article>
<article> <h1>About me</h1> <h2>My pets</h2> <p>I've got a cat named Fluffy and a dog named Miles.</p> <img src="fluffy.jpg" alt="Fluffy, my cat, tends to keep itself busy."> <p>My dog Miles and I like go on long walks together.</p> <h2>music</h2> <p>After our walks, having emptied my mind, I like listening to Bach.</p> </article>
<article> <h1>Fluffy and the Yarn</h1> <p>Fluffy was a cat who liked to play with yarn. He also liked to jump.</p> <aside><img src="fluffy.jpg" alt="" title="Fluffy"></aside> <p>He would play in the morning, he would play in the evening.</p> </article>
interface HTMLIFrameElement : HTMLElement { attribute DOMString src; attribute DOMString name; attribute DOMString sandbox; attribute boolean seamless; attribute long width; attribute long height; };
Objects implementing the HTMLIFrameElement
interface must
also implement the EmbeddingElement
interface defined in
the Window Object specification. [WINDOW]
The iframe
element introduces a new
nested browsing context.
The src
if present, must be a URI (or IRI) to a page that the nested browsing context is to contain. When the browsing
context is created, if the attribute is present, the user agent must navigate this browsing context to the given URI, with
replacement enabled, and with the iframe
element's document's browsing context as the source
browsing context. If the user navigates away from this page, the iframe
's corresponding Window
object will reference new
objects, but the src
attribute will not change.
Whenever the src
attribute is set, the nested browsing context
must be navigated to the given URI,
with the iframe
element's document's browsing context as the source
browsing context.
If the src
attribute is not set when the element is created, the browsing context
will remain at the initial about:blank
The name
attribute, if present, must be a valid browsing context
name. When the browsing context is created, if the attribute is
present, the browsing context name must be set to
the value of this attribute; otherwise, the browsing
context name must be set to the empty string.
Whenever the name
attribute is set, the nested browsing context's name must be changed to the new value.
If the attribute is removed, the browsing context
name must be set to the empty string.
When content loads in an iframe
after any load
are fired within the content itself, the user agent must fire a load
event at the
element. When content fails to
load (e.g. due to a network error), then the user agent must fire an error
event at
the element instead.
When there is an active parser in the iframe
, and when anything in the iframe
that is delaying the load
in the iframe
's browsing context, the iframe
must delay the load
If, during the handling of the load
event, the browsing
context in the iframe
is again navigated, that will further delay the load
The sandbox
attribute, when specified, enables a set of extra restrictions on any
content hosted by the iframe
. Its value
must be an unordered set of unique space-separated
tokens. The allowed values are allow-same-origin
, allow-forms
, and allow-scripts
While the sandbox
attribute is specified, the iframe
element's nested
browsing context, and all the browsing contexts nested within it (either directly or
indirectly through other nested browsing contexts) must have the following
flags set:
This flag prevents content from navigating browsing contexts other than the sandboxed browsing context itself (or browsing contexts further nested inside it).
This flag also prevents content from
creating new auxiliary browsing contexts, e.g. using the target
attribute or the
This flag prevents content from instantiating plugins, whether using the embed
element, the object
element, the applet
element, or
through navigation of a nested browsing context.
This flag prevents content from showing notifications outside of the nested browsing context.
attribute's value, when split on spaces, is
found to have the allow-same-origin
keyword set
This flag forces content into a unique origin for the purposes of the same-origin policy.
This flag also prevents script from reading
the document.cookies
The allow-same-origin
attribute is
intended for two cases.
First, it can be used to allow content from the same site to be sandboxed to disable scripting, while still allowing access to the DOM of the sandboxed content.
Second, it can be used to embed content from a third-party site, sandboxed to prevent that site from opening popup windows, etc, without preventing the embedded page from communicating back to its originating site, using the database APIs to store data, etc.
attribute's value, when split on spaces, is
found to have the allow-forms
keyword set
This flag blocks form submission.
attribute's value, when split on spaces, is
found to have the allow-scripts
keyword set
This flag blocks script execution.
These flags must not be set unless the conditions listed above define them as being set.
In this example, some completely-unknown, potentially hostile, user-provided HTML content is embedded in a page. Because it is sandboxed, it is treated by the user agent as being from a unique origin, despite the content being served from the same site. Thus it is affected by all the normal cross-site restrictions. In addition, the embedded page has scripting disabled, plugins disabled, forms disabled, and it cannot navigate any frames or windows other than itself (or any frames or windows it itself embeds).
<p>We're not scared of you! Here is your content, unedited:</p> <iframe sandbox src="getusercontent.cgi?id=12193"></iframe>
Note that cookies are still send to the server in the getusercontent.cgi
request, though they are not visible
in the document.cookies
In this example, a gadget from another site is embedded. The gadget has scripting and forms enabled, and the origin sandbox restrictions are lifted, allowing the gadget to communicate with its originating server. The sandbox is still useful, however, as it disables plugins and popups, thus reducing the risk of the user being exposed to malware and other annoyances.
<iframe sandbox="allow-same-origin allow-forms allow-scripts" src=""></iframe>
The seamless
attribute is a
boolean attribute. When specified, it indicates that the iframe
element's browsing
context is to be rendered in a manner that makes it appear to be part
of the containing document (seamlessly included in the parent document).
Specifically, when the attribute is set on an element and while the browsing context's active
document has the same origin as the
element's document, or the browsing context's active
document's URI has the same origin
as the iframe
element's document, the
following requirements apply:
The user agent must set the seamless browsing context flag to true for that browsing context. This will cause links to open in the parent browsing context.
In a CSS-supporting user agent: the user agent must add all the style
sheets that apply to the iframe
element to the cascade of the active document of
the iframe
element's nested browsing context, at the appropriate cascade
levels, before any style sheets specified by the document itself.
In a CSS-supporting user agent: the user agent must, for the purpose
of CSS property inheritance only, treat the root element of the active document of the iframe
element's nested
browsing context as being a child of the iframe
element. (Thus inherited properties on
the root element of the document in the iframe
will inherit the computed values of
those properties on the iframe
element instead of taking their initial values.)
In visual media, in a CSS-supporting user agent: the user agent should
set the intrinsic width of the iframe
to the width that the element would have if it was a non-replaced
block-level element with 'width: auto'.
In visual media, in a CSS-supporting user agent: the user agent should
set the intrinsic height of the iframe
to the height of the bounding box
around the content rendered in the iframe
at its current width.
In visual media, in a CSS-supporting user agent: the user agent must
force the height of the initial containing block of the active document of the nested
browsing context of the iframe
This is intended to get around the otherwise circular dependency of percentage dimensions that depend on the height of the containing block, thus affecting the height of the document's bounding box, thus affecting the height of the viewport, thus affecting the size of the initial containing block.
In speech media, the user agent should render the nested browsing context without announcing that it is a separate document.
User agents should, in general, act as if the active
document of the iframe
's nested browsing context was part of the document
that the iframe
is in.
For example if the user agent supports listing all the links in a document, links in "seamlessly" nested documents would be included in that list without being significantly distinguished from links in the document itself.
Parts of the above might get moved into the rendering section at some point.
If the attribute is not specified, or if the origin conditions listed above are not met, then the user agent should render the nested browsing context in a manner that is clearly distinguishable as a separate browsing context, and the seamless browsing context flag must be set to false for that browsing context.
It is important that user agents recheck the above
conditions whenever the active document of the nested browsing context of the iframe
changes, such that the seamless browsing context flag gets unset if the nested browsing context is navigated to another origin.
In this example, the site's navigation is embedded using a client-side
include using an iframe
. Any links in
the iframe
will, in new user agents,
be automatically opened in the iframe
's parent browsing context; for legacy
user agents, the site could also include a base
element with a target
attribute with
the value _parent
. Similarly, in new user agents
the styles of the parent page will be automatically applied to the
contents of the frame, but to support legacy user agents authors might
wish to include the styles explicitly.
<nav><iframe seamless src="nav.include.html"></iframe></nav>
The iframe
element supports dimension attributes for cases where the embedded
content has specific dimensions (e.g. ad units have well-defined
An iframe
element never has fallback content, as it will always create a nested
browsing context, regardless of whether the
specified initial contents are successfully used.
Descendants of iframe
represent nothing. (In legacy user agents that do not support iframe
elements, the contents would be parsed as
markup that could act as fallback content.)
The content model of iframe
is text, except that the text must be such that ...
anyone have any bright ideas?
The HTML parser treats markup inside
elements as text.
The DOM attributes src
, name
, sandbox
, and seamless
must reflect the content attributes of the same name.
interface HTMLEmbedElement : HTMLElement { attribute DOMString src; attribute DOMString type; attribute long width; attribute long height; };
Depending on the type of content instantiated by the embed
element, the node may also support other
The embed
element represents an
integration point for an external (typically non-HTML) application or
interactive content.
The src
gives the address of the resource being embedded. The attribute must be
present and contain a URI (or IRI).
If the src
attribute is missing, then the embed
element must be ignored (it represents nothing).
If the sandboxed plugins
browsing context flag is set on the browsing
context for which the embed
element's document is the active document, then the
user agent must render the embed
in a manner that conveys that the plugin was
disabled. The user agent may offer the user the option to override the
sandbox and instantiate the plugin anyway; if the
user invokes such an option, the user agent must act as if the sandboxed plugins browsing context flag was not set
for the purposes of this element.
Plugins are disabled in sandboxed browsing contexts because they might not honor the restrictions imposed by the sandbox (e.g. they might allow scripting even when scripting in the sandbox is disabled). User agents should convey the danger of overriding the sandbox to the user if an option to do so is provided.
Otherwise, the src
attribute is present, and the element is not in a sandboxed browsing
When the src
attribute is set, user agents are expected to find an appropriate plugin for the specified resource, based on the content's type, and hand that
plugin the content of the resource. If the plugin supports a scriptable interface, the HTMLEmbedElement
object representing
the element should expose that interfaces.
The download of the resource must delay the load
The user agent should pass the names and values of all the attributes of
the embed
element that have no namespace
to the plugin used. Any (namespace-less) attribute
may be specified on the embed
The embed
element has no fallback content. If the user agent can't display the
specified resource, e.g. because the given type is not supported, then the
user agent must use a default plugin for the content. (This default could
be as simple as saying "Unsupported Format", of course.)
The type
attribute, if present, gives the MIME type of the linked resource. The
value must be a valid MIME type, optionally with parameters. [RFC2046]
The type of the content being embedded is defined as follows:
attribute, then the value of the type
attribute is the
content's type.
Should we instead say that the content-sniffing used for top-level browsing contexts should apply here?
Should we require the type attribute to match the server information?
We should say that 404s, etc, don't affect whether the resource is used or not. Not sure how to say it here though.
The embed
element supports dimension attributes.
The DOM attributes src
and type
each must reflect the respective content attributes of the same
elements, then,
interface HTMLObjectElement : HTMLElement { attribute DOMString data; attribute DOMString type; attribute DOMString name; attribute DOMString useMap; attribute long width; attribute long height; };
Objects implementing the HTMLObjectElement
interface must
also implement the EmbeddingElement
interface defined in
the Window Object specification. [WINDOW]
Depending on the type of content instantiated by the object
element, the node may also support
other interfaces.
The object
element can represent an
external resource, which, depending on the type of the resource, will
either be treated as an image, as a nested browsing
context, or as an external resource to be processed by a plugin.
The data
attribute, if present, specifies the address of the resource. If present,
the attribute must be a URI (or IRI).
The type
attribute, if present, specifies the type of the resource. If present, the
attribute must be a valid MIME type, optionally with parameters. [RFC2046]
One or both of the data
and type
attributes must be present.
The name
attribute, if present, must be a valid browsing context
When the element is created, and subsequently whenever the classid
attribute changes, or, if the
attribute is not present,
whenever the data
attribute changes, or, if neither classid
attribute nor the data
attribute are
present, whenever the type
attribute changes, the user agent must run
the following steps to determine what the object
element represents:
If the classid
attribute is
present, and has a value that isn't the empty string, then: if the user
agent can find a plugin suitable according to the
value of the classid
and plugins aren't being sandboxed,
then that plugin should
be used, and the value of the data
attribute, if any, should be passed to the
plugin. If no suitable plugin can be found, or if the plugin reports an error, jump to the last step in the
overall set of steps (fallback).
If the data
attribute is present, then:
If the type
attribute is present and its value is not a type that the user agent
supports, and is not a type that the user agent can find a plugin for, then the user agent may jump to the
last step in the overall set of steps (fallback) without downloading
the content to examine its real type.
Begin a load for the resource.
The download of the resource must delay the load
If the resource is not yet available (e.g. because the resource was not available in the cache, so that loading the resource required making a request over the network), then jump to the last step in the overall set of steps (fallback). When the resource becomes available, or if the load fails, restart this algorithm from this step. Resources can load incrementally; user agents may opt to consider a resource "available" whenever enough data has been obtained to begin processing the resource.
If the load failed (e.g. an HTTP 404 error, a DNS error), fire an error
at the element, then jump to the last step in the overall set of steps
Determine the resource type, as follows:
Let the resource type be unknown.
If the resource has associated Content-Type metadata, then let the resource type be the type specified in the resource's Content-Type metadata.
If the resource type is unknown or "application/octet-stream
" and there is a type
present on the object
then change the resource type to instead be the
type specified in that type
If the resource type is still unknown, then change the resource type to instead be the sniffed type of the resource.
Handle the content as given by the first of the following cases that matches:
The user agent should use that plugin and pass the content of the resource to that plugin. If the plugin reports an error, then jump to the last step in the overall set of steps (fallback).
The object
element must be
associated with a nested browsing context,
if it does not already have one. The element's nested browsing context must then be navigated to the given resource,
with replacement enabled, and with the
element's document's browsing context as the source browsing context. (The data
attribute of
the object
element doesn't get
updated if the browsing context gets further navigated to other
If the name
attribute is present, the browsing context name must be set to the value
of this attribute; otherwise, the browsing
context name must be set to the empty string.
navigation might end up treating it as something else, because it can do sniffing. how should we handle that?
", and support for images has not been disabled
Apply the image sniffing rules to determine the type of the image.
The object
element represents
the specified image. The image is not a nested browsing context.
If the image cannot be rendered, e.g. because it is malformed or in an unsupported format, jump to the last step in the overall set of steps (fallback).
The given resource type is not supported. Jump to the last step in the overall set of steps (fallback).
The element's contents are not part of what the object
element represents.
Once the resource is completely loaded, fire a
event at the element.
If the data
attribute is absent but the type
attribute is present, plugins aren't being sandboxed, and the
user agent can find a plugin suitable according to
the value of the type
attribute, then that plugin should be used.
If no suitable plugin can be found, or if the plugin reports an error, jump to the next step
(Fallback.) The object
represents what the element's contents represent, ignoring any leading
element children. This is the
element's fallback content.
When the algorithm above instantiates a plugin, the user agent should pass the names and values
of all the parameters given by
elements that are children of the
element to the plugin used. If the plugin
supports a scriptable interface, the HTMLObjectElement
object representing
the element should expose that interface. The plugin
is not a nested browsing context.
If the sandboxed plugins
browsing context flag is set on the browsing
context for which the object
element's document is the active document, then the
steps above must always act as if they had failed to find a plugin, even if one would otherwise have been used.
Due to the algorithm above, the contents of object
elements act as fallback content, used only when referenced resources
can't be shown (e.g. because it returned a 404 error). This allows
multiple object
elements to be nested
inside each other, targeting multiple user agents with different
capabilities, with the user agent picking the first one it supports.
Whenever the name
attribute is set, if the object
element has a nested browsing context, its name must be changed to the new value.
If the attribute is removed, if the object
element has a browsing context, the browsing
context name must be set to the empty string.
The usemap
attribute, if present while the object
element represents an image, can indicate
that the object has an associated image map. The
attribute must be ignored if the object
element doesn't represent an image.
The object
element supports dimension attributes.
The DOM attributes data
, type
, name
, and useMap
each must reflect the respective content attributes of the same
In the following example, a Java applet is embedded in a page using the
element. (Generally speaking,
it is better to avoid using applets like these and instead use native
JavaScript and HTML to provide the functionality, since that way the
application will work on all Web browsers without requiring a third-party
plugin. Many devices, especially embedded devices, do not support
third-party technologies like Java.)
<figure> <object type="application/x-java-applet"> <param name="code" value="MyJavaClass"> <p>You do not have Java available, or it is disabled.</p> </object> <legend>My Java Clock</legend> </figure>
In this example, an HTML page is embedded in another using the object
<figure> <object data="clock.html"></object> <legend>My HTML Clock</legend> </figure>
before any flow content.
interface HTMLParamElement : HTMLElement { attribute DOMString name; attribute DOMString value; };
The param
element defines parameters
for plugins invoked by object
The name
attribute gives the name of the parameter.
The value
attribute gives the value of the parameter.
Both attributes must be present. They may have any value.
If both attributes are present, and if the parent element of the
is an object
element, then the element defines a parameter with the given
name/value pair.
The DOM attributes name
and value
must both reflect the respective content attributes of the same
attribute: transparent.
attribute: one or more source
elements, then, transparent.
interface HTMLVideoElement : HTMLMediaElement { attribute long width; attribute long height; readonly attribute unsigned long videoWidth; readonly attribute unsigned long videoHeight; attribute DOMString poster; };
A video
element represents a video or
Content may be provided inside the video
element. User agents should not show this
content to the user; it is intended for older Web browsers which do not
support video
, so that legacy video
plugins can be tried, or to show text to the users of these older browser
informing them of how to access the video contents.
In particular, this content is not fallback content intended to address accessibility concerns. To make video content accessible to the blind, deaf, and those with other physical or cognitive disabilities, authors are expected to provide alternative media streams and/or to embed accessibility aids (such as caption or subtitle tracks) into their media streams.
The video
element is a media element whose media data is
ostensibly video data, possibly with associated audio data.
The src
, autoplay
, start
, loopstart
, playcount
, and
attributes are the
attributes common to all media elements.
The video
element supports dimension attributes.
The poster
attribute gives the address of an image file that the user agent can show
while no video data is available. The attribute, if present, must contain
a URI (or IRI).
The poster
attribute must reflect the poster
The videoWidth
DOM attribute
must return the native width of the video in CSS pixels. The videoHeight
DOM attribute must return the native height of the video in CSS pixels. In
the absence of resolution information defining the mapping of pixels in
the video to physical dimensions, user agents may assume that one pixel in
the video corresponds to one CSS pixel. If no video data is available,
then the attributes must return 0.
When no video data is available (the element's networkState
attribute is either EMPTY
), video
elements represent either the image given
by the poster
attribute, or nothing.
When a video
element is actively playing, it represents the frame of video at
the continuously increasing "current" position. When the current
playback position changes such that the last frame rendered is no
longer the frame corresponding to the current playback
position in the video, the new frame must be rendered. Similarly, any
audio associated with the video must, if played, be played synchronized
with the current playback position, at the
specified volume with the
specified mute state.
When a video
element is paused and the current playback
position is the first frame of video, the element represents either
the frame of video corresponding to the current playback position or the image given by the
attribute, at the discretion of the user agent.
When a video
element is paused at any other position,
the element represents the frame of video corresponding to the current playback
position, or, if that is not yet available (e.g. because the video is
seeking or buffering), the last frame of the video to have been rendered.
When a video
element is neither actively playing nor paused (e.g. when seeking or stalled), the
element represents the last frame of the video to have been rendered.
Which frame in a video stream corresponds to a particular playback position is defined by the video stream's format.
Video content should be rendered inside the element's playback area such that the video content is shown centered in the playback area at the largest possible size that fits completely within it, with the video content's adjusted aspect ratio being preserved. Thus, if the aspect ratio of the playback area does not match the adjusted aspect ratio of the video, the video will be shown letterboxed. Areas of the element's playback area that do not contain the video represent nothing.
The adjusted aspect ratio of a video is the ratio of its adjusted width to its intrinsic height. The adjusted width of a video is its intrinsic width multiplied by its pixel ratio.
In addition to the above, the user agent may provide messages to the user (such as "buffering", "no video loaded", "error", or more detailed information) by overlaying text or icons on the video or other areas of the element's playback area, or in another appropriate manner.
User agents that cannot render the video may instead make the element represent a link to an external video playback utility or to the video data itself.
User agents should provide controls to enable or disable the display of closed captions associated with the video stream, though such features should, again, not interfere with the page's normal rendering.
User agents may allow users to view the video content in manners more
suitable to the user (e.g. full-screen or in an independent resizable
window). As for the other user interface features, controls to enable this
should not interfere with the page's normal rendering unless the user
agent is exposing a user interface. In such an independent context,
however, user agents may make full user interfaces visible, with, e.g.,
play, pause, seeking, and volume controls, even if the controls
attribute is absent.
User agents may allow video playback to affect system features that could interfere with the user's experience; for example, user agents could disable screensavers while video playback is in progress.
User agents should not provide a public API to cause videos to be shown full-screen. A script, combined with a carefully crafted video file, could trick the user into thinking a system-modal dialog had been shown, and prompt the user for a password. There is also the danger of "mere" annoyance, with pages launching full-screen videos when links are clicked or pages navigated. Instead, user-agent specific interface features may be provided to easily allow the user to obtain a full-screen playback mode.
The spec does not currently define the interaction of the "controls" attribute with the "height" and "width" attributes. This will likely be defined in the rendering section based on implementation experience. So far, browsers seem to be making the controls overlay-only, thus somewhat sidestepping the issue.
elementsUser agents may support any video and audio codecs and container formats.
It would be helpful for interoperability if all browsers could support the same codecs. However, there are no known codecs that satisfy all the current players: we need a codec that is known to not require per-unit or per-distributor licensing, that is compatible with the open source development model, that is of sufficient quality as to be usable, and that is not an additional submarine patent risk for large companies. This is an ongoing issue and this section will be updated once more information is available.
Certain user agents might support no codecs at all, e.g. text browsers running over SSH connections.
attribute: transparent.
attribute: one or more source
elements, then, transparent.
interface HTMLAudioElement : HTMLMediaElement { // no members };
An audio
element represents a sound
or audio stream.
Content may be provided inside the audio
element. User agents should not show this
content to the user; it is intended for older Web browsers which do not
support audio
, so that legacy audio
plugins can be tried, or to show text to the users of these older browser
informing them of how to access the audio contents.
In particular, this content is not fallback content intended to address accessibility concerns. To make audio content accessible to the deaf or to those with other physical or cognitive disabilities, authors are expected to provide alternative media streams and/or to embed accessibility aids (such as transcriptions) into their media streams.
The audio
element is a media element whose media data is
ostensibly audio data.
The src
, autoplay
, start
, loopstart
, playcount
, and
attributes are the
attributes common to all media elements.
When an audio
element is actively playing, it must have its audio data played
synchronized with the current playback position,
at the specified volume with
the specified mute state.
When an audio
element is not actively playing, audio must not play for the
elementsUser agents may support any audio codecs and container formats.
User agents must support the WAVE container format with audio encoded using the PCM format.
interface HTMLSourceElement : HTMLElement { attribute DOMString src; attribute DOMString type; attribute DOMString media; attribute float pixelRatio; };
The source
element allows authors to
specify multiple media
resources for media
The src
gives the address of the media resource. The value
must be a URI (or IRI). This attribute must be present.
The type
attribute gives the type of the media resource, to
help the user agent determine if it can play this media
resource before downloading it. Its value must be a MIME type. The
parameter may be specified and might be
necessary to specify exactly how the resource is encoded. [RFC2046] [RFC4281]
The following list shows some examples of how to use the codecs=
MIME parameter in the type
<source src="video.mp4" type="video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E, mp4a.40.2"">
<source src="video.mp4" type="video/mp4; codecs="avc1.58A01E, mp4a.40.2"">
<source src="video.mp4" type="video/mp4; codecs="avc1.4D401E, mp4a.40.2"">
<source src="video.mp4" type="video/mp4; codecs="avc1.64001E, mp4a.40.2"">
<source src="video.mp4" type="video/mp4; codecs="mp4v.20.8, mp4a.40.2"">
<source src="video.mp4" type="video/mp4; codecs="mp4v.20.240, mp4a.40.2"">
<source src="video.3gp" type="video/3gpp; codecs="mp4v.20.8, samr"">
<source src="video.ogv" type="video/ogg; codecs="theora, vorbis"">
<source src="video.ogv" type="video/ogg; codecs="theora, speex"">
<source src="audio.ogg" type="audio/ogg; codecs=vorbis">
<source src="audio.spx" type="audio/ogg; codecs=speex">
<source src="audio.oga" type="audio/ogg; codecs=flac">
<source src="video.ogv" type="video/ogg; codecs="dirac, vorbis"">
<source src="video.mkv" type="video/x-matroska; codecs="theora, vorbis"">
The media
attribute gives the intended media type of the media
resource, to help the user agent determine if this media resource is useful to the user before
downloading it. Its value must be a valid media query.
Either the type
attribute, the media
attribute or both, must be specified,
unless this is the last source
child of the parent element.
The pixelratio
allows the author to specify the pixel ratio of anamorphic media resources that do not
self-describe their pixel ratio. The attribute value, if specified, must
be a valid floating point number giving the ratio of
the correct rendered width of each pixel to the actual width of each pixel
in the image (i.e., the multiple by which the video's intrinsic width is
to be multiplied to obtain the rendered width that gives the correct
aspect ratio). The default value, if the attribute is omitted or cannot be
parsed, is 1.0.
If a source
element is inserted into
a media element that is already in a document and
whose networkState
is in the EMPTY
state, the user
agent must implicitly invoke the load()
method on the media
element as soon as all other scripts have finished executing. Any
exceptions raised must be ignored.
The DOM attributes src
, type
, and media
must reflect the respective content attributes of the same
The DOM attribute pixelRatio
must reflect the pixelratio
content attribute.
Media elements implement the following interface:
interface HTMLMediaElement : HTMLElement {
// error state
readonly attribute MediaError error;
// network state
attribute DOMString src;
readonly attribute DOMString currentSrc;
const unsigned short EMPTY = 0;
const unsigned short LOADING = 1;
const unsigned short LOADED_METADATA = 2;
const unsigned short LOADED_FIRST_FRAME = 3;
const unsigned short LOADED = 4;
readonly attribute unsigned short networkState;
readonly attribute float bufferingRate;
readonly attribute boolean bufferingThrottled;
readonly attribute TimeRanges buffered;
readonly attribute ByteRanges bufferedBytes;
readonly attribute unsigned long totalBytes;
void load();
// ready state
const unsigned short DATA_UNAVAILABLE = 0;
const unsigned short CAN_SHOW_CURRENT_FRAME = 1;
const unsigned short CAN_PLAY = 2;
const unsigned short CAN_PLAY_THROUGH = 3;
readonly attribute unsigned short readyState;
readonly attribute boolean seeking;
// playback state
attribute float currentTime;
readonly attribute float duration;
readonly attribute boolean paused;
attribute float defaultPlaybackRate;
attribute float playbackRate;
readonly attribute TimeRanges played;
readonly attribute TimeRanges seekable;
readonly attribute boolean ended;
attribute boolean autoplay;
void play();
void pause();
// looping
attribute float start;
attribute float end;
attribute float loopStart;
attribute float loopEnd;
attribute unsigned long playCount;
attribute unsigned long currentLoop;
// cue ranges
void addCueRange(in DOMString className, in float start, in float end, in boolean pauseOnExit, in VoidCallback enterCallback, in VoidCallback exitCallback);
void removeCueRanges(in DOMString className);
// controls
attribute boolean controls;
attribute float volume;
attribute boolean muted;
The media element attributes, src
, autoplay
, start
, loopstart
, playcount
, and
apply to all media elements.
They are defined in this section.
Media elements are used to present audio data, or video and audio data, to the user. This is referred to as media data in this section, since this section applies equally to media elements for audio or for video. The term media resource is used to refer to the complete set of media data, e.g. the complete video file, or complete audio file.
All media elements have an
associated error status, which records the last error the element
encountered since the load()
method was last invoked. The error
attribute, on getting, must
return the MediaError
created for this last error, or null if there has not been an error.
interface MediaError { const unsigned short MEDIA_ERR_ABORTED = 1; const unsigned short MEDIA_ERR_NETWORK = 2; const unsigned short MEDIA_ERR_DECODE = 3; readonly attribute unsigned short code; };
The code
attribute of a MediaError
must return the code for the error, which must be one of the following:
(numeric value 1)
(numeric value 2)
(numeric value 3)
The src
attribute on media elements
gives the address of the media resource (video, audio) to show. The
attribute, if present, must contain a URI (or IRI).
If the src
attribute of a media element that is already in a
document and whose networkState
is in the EMPTY
state is added,
changed, or removed, the user agent must implicitly invoke the load()
method on the media element as soon as all other scripts have
finished executing. Any exceptions raised must be ignored.
If a src
attribute is specified, the resource it
specifies is the media resource that will be used.
Otherwise, the resource specified by the first suitable source
element child of the media element is the one used.
The src
attribute on media elements
must reflect the content attribute of the same
To pick a media resource for a media element, a user agent must use the following steps:
Let the chosen resource's pixel ratio be 1.0.
If the media element has a src
, then the address
given in that attribute is the address of the media
resource; jump to the last step.
Otherwise, let candidate be the first source
element child in the media element, or null if there is no such child.
Loop: this is the start of the loop that looks at the source
If candidate is not null and it has a pixelratio
attribute, then let the chosen resource's pixel
ratio be result of applying the rules for
parsing floating point number values to the value of that attribute,
or 1.0 if those rules return an error.
If either:
attribute, or
attribute and
that attribute's value, when parsed as a MIME type, does not represent
a type that the user agent can render (including any codecs described
by the codec
parameter), or [RFC2046] [RFC4281]
and that attribute's value, when processed according to the rules for
media queries, does not match the current
environment, [MQ]
...then the candidate is not suitable; go to the next step.
Otherwise, the address given in that candidate
element's src
attribute is the address of the media resource;
jump to the last step.
Let candidate be the next source
element child in the media element, or null if there are no more such
If candidate is not null, return to the step labeled loop.
There is no media resource. Abort these steps.
Let the address of the chosen media resource be the one that was found before jumping to this step, and let its pixel ratio be the value of the chosen resource's pixel ratio.
The currentSrc
DOM attribute
must return the empty string if the media element's
has the value EMPTY, and the absolute URL of the
chosen media resource otherwise.
As media elements interact
with the network, they go through several states. The networkState
attribute, on
getting, must return the current network state of the element, which must
be one of the following values:
value 0)
(numeric value 1)
attribute), but none of the
metadata has yet been obtained and therefore all the other attributes are
still in their initial states.
(numeric value 2)
(numeric value 3)
(numeric value 4)
The algorithm for the load()
method defined below describes exactly when
the networkState
attribute changes value.
All media elements have a begun flag, which must begin in the false state, a loaded-first-frame flag, which must begin in the false state, and an autoplaying flag, which must begin in the true state.
When the load()
method on a media element is invoked, the user agent
must run the following steps. Note that this algorithm might get aborted,
e.g. if the load()
method itself is invoked again.
Any already-running instance of this algorithm for this element must be aborted. If those method calls have not yet returned, they must finish the step they are on, and then immediately return.
If the element's begun flag is true, then the begun flag must be set to false, the error
attribute must
be set to a new MediaError
whose code
attribute is set to MEDIA_ERR_ABORTED
, and the user agent
must synchronously fire a progress event called
at the media element.
The error
attribute must be set to null, the loaded-first-frame flag must be set to
false, and the autoplaying flag must be set
to true.
The playbackRate
attribute must be set to
the value of the defaultPlaybackRate
If the media element's networkState
is not set to EMPTY, then the following
substeps must be followed:
attribute must be set to
is not set to DATA_UNAVAILABLE
, it must be set to
that state.
attribute is false, it must be set to
is true, it must be set to false.
DOM attribute must be set to
at the media
The user agent must pick a media resource for
the media element. If that fails, the method must
exception, and abort these
The networkState
attribute must be set to LOADING.
The currentSrc
attribute starts returning the
new value.
The user agent must then set the begun flag to
true and fire a progress event called loadstart
at the
media element.
The method must return, but these steps must continue.
Playback of any previously playing media resource for this element stops.
If a download is in progress for the media element, the user agent should stop the download.
The user agent must then begin to download the chosen media resource. The rate of the download may be throttled, however, in response to user preferences (including throttling it to zero until the user indicates that the download can start), or to balance the download with other connections sharing the same bandwidth.
While the download is progressing, the user agent must fire a progress event called progress
at the
element every 350ms (±200ms) or for every byte received, whichever
is least frequent.
If at any point the user agent has received no data for more than
about three seconds, the user agent must fire a
progress event called stalled
at the element.
User agents may allow users to selectively block or slow media data downloads. When a media element's download has been blocked, the user agent must act as if it was stalled (as opposed to acting as if the connection was closed).
The user agent may use whatever means necessary to download the resource (within the constraints put forward by this and other specifications); for example, reconnecting to the server in the face of network errors, using HTTP partial range requests, or switching to a streaming protocol. The user agent must consider a resource erroneous only if it has given up trying to download it.
DNS errors and HTTP 4xx and 5xx errors (and equivalents in other protocols) must cause the user agent to execute the following steps. User agents may also follow these steps in response to other network errors of similar severity.
attribute must be set to a new MediaError
object whose code
at the media element.
attribute must be
switched to the EMPTY
value and the user agent must fire a simple
event called emptied
at the element.
The server returning a file of the wrong kind (e.g. one that that
turns out to not be pure audio when the media
element is an audio
or the file using unsupported codecs for all the data, must cause the
user agent to execute the following steps. User agents may also
execute these steps in response to other codec-related fatal errors,
such as the file requiring more resources to process than the user
agent can provide in real time.
attribute must be set to a new MediaError
object whose code
at the media element.
attribute must be
switched to the EMPTY
value and the user agent must fire a simple
event called emptied
at the element.
The download is aborted by the user, e.g. because the user navigated
the browsing context to another page, the user agent must execute the
following steps. These steps are not followed if the load()
method itself
is reinvoked, as the steps above handle that particular kind of abort.
attribute must be set to a new MediaError
object whose code
at the media element.
attribute has the value
the element's networkState
attribute must be
switched to the EMPTY
value and the user agent must fire a simple
event called emptied
at the element. (If the networkState
attribute has a value
greater than LOADING
, then this doesn't happen; the
available data, if any, will be playable.)
The server returning data that is partially usable but cannot be optimally rendered must cause the user agent to execute the following steps.
The user agent must follow these substeps:
The current playback position must be set to the effective start.
The networkState
attribute must be set
A number of attributes, including duration
, and played
, become
The user agent will fire a simple
event called durationchange
at the element at
this point.
The user agent must fire a simple event
called loadedmetadata
at the element.
The user agent must follow these substeps:
The networkState
attribute must be set
The readyState
attribute must change to
The loaded-first-frame flag must be set to true.
The user agent must fire a simple event
called loadedfirstframe
at the
The user agent must fire a simple event
called canshowcurrentframe
at the
When the user agent has completed the download of the entire media resource, it must move on to the next step.
If the download completes without errors, the begun
flag must be set to false, the networkState
attribute must be set to
, and
the user agent must fire a progress event called
at the element.
If a media element whose networkState
has the value EMPTY
is inserted into a
document, user agents must implicitly invoke the load()
method on the media element as soon as all other scripts have
finished executing. Any exceptions raised
must be ignored.
The bufferingRate
must return the average number of bits received per second for the current
download over the past few seconds. If there is no download in progress,
the attribute must return 0.
The bufferingThrottled
attribute must return true if the user agent is intentionally throttling
the bandwidth used by the download (including when throttling to zero to
pause the download altogether), and false otherwise.
The buffered
attribute must return
a static normalized TimeRanges
object that represents the ranges of the media
resource, if any, that the user agent has downloaded, at the time the
attribute is evaluated.
Typically this will be a single range anchored at the zero point, but if, e.g. the user agent uses HTTP range requests in response to seeking, then there could be multiple ranges.
The bufferedBytes
must return a static normalized
object that represents the ranges of the media resource, if any, that the user agent has
downloaded, at the time the attribute is evaluated.
The totalBytes
attribute must
return the length of the media resource, in bytes,
if it is known and finite. If it is not known, is infinite (e.g. streaming
radio), or if no media data is available, the
attribute must return 0.
The duration
attribute must return
the length of the media resource, in seconds. If no
media data is available, then the attributes must
return 0. If media data is available but the length
is not known, the attribute must return the Not-a-Number (NaN) value. If
the media resource is known to be unbounded (e.g. a
streaming radio), then the attribute must return the positive Infinity
When the length of the media resource changes
(e.g. from being unknown to known, or from indeterminate to known, or from
a previously established length to a new length) the user agent must, once
any running scripts have finished, fire a simple
event called durationchange
at the media element.
Media elements have a current playback position, which must initially be zero. The current position is a time.
The currentTime
attribute must,
on getting, return the current playback position,
expressed in seconds. On setting, the user agent must seek to the new value (which might raise an
The start
content attribute gives the offset into the media
resource at which playback is to begin. The default value is the
default start position of the media resource, or 0
if not enough media data has been obtained yet to
determine the default start position or if the resource doesn't specify a
default start position.
The effective start is the smaller of
the start
attribute and the end of the media resource.
The loopstart
content attribute
gives the offset into the media resource at which
playback is to begin when looping a clip. The default value of the loopstart
content attribute is the value of the start
DOM attribute.
The effective loop start is the
smaller of the loopStart
DOM attribute and the end of the
media resource.
The loopend
content attribute gives an offset into the media
resource at which playback is to jump back to the loopstart
, when
looping the clip. The default value of the loopend
attribute is the value of the end
DOM attribute.
The effective loop end is the
greater of the start
, loopStart
, and loopEnd
attributes, except if that is greater than the end of the media resource, in which case that's its value.
The end
attribute gives an offset into the media resource
at which playback is to end. The default value is infinity.
The effective end is the greater of
the start
, loopStart
, and
attributes, except if that is greater than the end of the media resource, in which case that's its value.
The start
, loopend
, and end
attributes must, if specified, contain value time offsets. To get the time
values they represent, user agents must use the rules
for parsing time offsets.
The start
, loopStart
, loopEnd
, and end
DOM attributes must reflect the start
, loopstart
, loopend
, and end
content attributes on the media element respectively.
The playcount
content attribute
gives the number of times to play the clip. The default value is 1.
The playCount
DOM attribute must
reflect the playcount
content attribute on the media element. The value must be limited to only positive non-zero numbers.
The currentLoop
attribute must
initially have the value 0. It gives the index of the current loop. It is
changed during playback as described below.
When any of the start
, loopStart
, loopEnd
, end
, and playCount
DOM attributes change value
(either through content attribute mutations reflecting into the DOM
attribute, or direct mutations of the DOM attribute), the user agent must
apply the following steps:
If the playCount
DOM attribute's value is less
than or equal to the currentLoop
DOM attribute's value, then
the currentLoop
DOM attribute's value must be
set to playCount
-1 (which will make the
current loop the last loop).
If the media element's networkState
is in the EMPTY
state or the
state, then the user agent must at this point abort these steps.
If the currentLoop
is zero, and the current playback position is before the effective start, the user agent must seek to the effective start.
If the currentLoop
is greater than zero, and the
current playback position is before the effective loop start, the user agent must
seek to the effective loop start.
If the currentLoop
is less than playCount
-1, and the current playback position is after the effective loop end, the user agent must seek to the effective loop start, and increase currentLoop
by 1.
If the currentLoop
is equal to playCount
-1, and the current playback position is after the effective end, the user agent must seek to the effective end and then the looping will
Media elements have a ready state, which describes to what degree they are ready to be rendered at the current playback position. The possible values are as follows; the ready state of a media element at any particular time is the greatest value describing the state of the element:
(numeric value 0)
attribute is less than LOADED_FIRST_FRAME
are always in the
(numeric value 1)
state. In video, this
corresponds to the user agent having data from the current frame, but not
the next frame. In audio, this corresponds to the user agent only having
audio up to the current playback position, but no
(numeric value 2)
state. In video, this
corresponds to the user agent having data for the current frame and the
next frame. In audio, this corresponds to the user agent having data
beyond the current playback position.
(numeric value 3)
state, and, in
addition, the user agent estimates that data is being downloaded at a
rate where the current playback position, if it
were to advance at the rate given by the defaultPlaybackRate
would not overtake the available data before playback reaches the effective end of the media
resource on the last loop.
When the ready state of a media element whose
is not EMPTY
changes, the user
agent must follow the steps given below:
The user agent must fire a simple event called
at the element.
If the element's loaded-first-frame
flag is true, the user agent must fire a simple
event called canshowcurrentframe
The first time the networkState
attribute switches to this
value, the loaded-first-frame flag is
false, and the event is fired by the algorithm described
above for the load()
method, in conjunction with other steps.
The user agent must fire a simple event called
The user agent must fire a simple event called
event. If the autoplaying flag is true, and the paused
attribute is
true, and the media element has an autoplay
attribute specified, then the user agent must also set the paused
attribute to
false and fire a simple event called play
It is possible for the ready state of a media element to jump
between these states discontinuously. For example, the state of a media
element whose leaded-first-frame flag is false can jump
straight from DATA_UNAVAILABLE
without passing through
and thus without firing the canshowcurrentframe
and canplay
events. The
only state that is guaranteed to be reached is the CAN_SHOW_CURRENT_FRAME
state, which
is reached as part of the load()
method's processing.
The readyState
DOM attribute
must, on getting, return the value described above that describes the
current ready state of the media element.
The autoplay
attribute is a boolean attribute. When present, the algorithm
described herein will cause the user agent to automatically begin playback
of the media resource as soon as it can do so
without stopping.
The autoplay
DOM attribute must reflect the content attribute of the same name.
The paused
attribute represents whether the media element is
paused or not. The attribute must initially be true.
A media element is said to be actively playing when its paused
attribute is
false, the readyState
attribute is either CAN_PLAY
, the element has not ended playback, playback has not stopped due to errors, and the element has not paused for user interaction.
A media element is said to have ended playback when the element's networkState
attribute is LOADED_METADATA
or greater, the current playback position is equal to the effective end of the media
resource, and the currentLoop
attribute is equal to
A media element is said to have stopped due to errors when the element's networkState
attribute is LOADED_METADATA
or greater, and the user
agent encounters a non-fatal error
during the processing of the media data, and due to
that error, is not able to play the content at the current playback position.
A media element is said to have paused for user interaction when its paused
attribute is
false, the readyState
attribute is either CAN_PLAY
and the user agent has
reached a point in the media resource where the
user has to make a selection for the resource to continue.
It is possible for a media element to have both ended playback and paused for user interaction at the same time.
When a media element is actively playing and its owner Document
is an active document, its current playback position must increase monotonically
at playbackRate
units of media time per unit
time of wall clock time. If this value is not 1, the user agent may apply
pitch adjustments to any audio component of the media
Media resources might be internally scripted or interactive. Thus, a media element could play in a non-linear fashion. If this happens, the user agent must act as if the algorithm for seeking was used whenever the current playback position changes in a discontinuous fashion (so that the relevant events fire).
When a media element
that is actively playing stops playing because its
attribute changes to a value
lower than CAN_PLAY
, without the element having ended playback, or playback having stopped due to errors, or playback having paused for user interaction, or the seeking algorithm being invoked, the user agent
must fire a simple event called timeupdate
at the
element, and then must fire a simple event called
at the
When a media element that is actively playing stops playing because it has paused for user interaction, the user agent must fire a simple event called timeupdate
at the
When currentLoop
is less than playCount
-1 and the current playback position reaches the effective loop end, then the user agent must
seek to the effective loop start, increase currentLoop
by 1, and fire a simple event called timeupdate
When currentLoop
is equal to the playCount
-1 and the current playback position reaches the effective end, then the user agent must
follow these steps:
The user agent must stop playback.
The ended
attribute becomes true.
The user agent must fire a simple event called
at the element.
The user agent must fire a simple event called
at the
The defaultPlaybackRate
attribute gives the desired speed at which the media
resource is to play, as a multiple of its intrinsic speed. The
attribute is mutable, but on setting, if the new value is 0.0, a
exception must be raised instead of the
value being changed. It must initially have the value 1.0.
The playbackRate
gives the speed at which the media resource plays,
as a multiple of its intrinsic speed. If it is not equal to the defaultPlaybackRate
, then the
implication is that the user is using a feature such as fast forward or
slow motion playback. The attribute is mutable, but on setting, if the new
value is 0.0, a NOT_SUPPORTED_ERR
exception must be raised
instead of the value being changed. Otherwise, the playback must change
speed (if the element is actively playing). It
must initially have the value 1.0.
When the defaultPlaybackRate
or playbackRate
attributes change value
(either by being set by script or by being changed directly by the user
agent, e.g. in response to user control) the user agent must, once any
running scripts have finished, fire a simple event
called ratechange
at the media
When the play()
method on a media element is invoked, the user agent
must run the following steps.
If the media element's networkState
attribute has the value EMPTY, then the user agent must
invoke the load()
method and wait for it to return. If that raises an exception, that
exception must be reraised by the play()
If the playback has ended,
then the user agent must set currentLoop
to zero and seek to the effective
If this involved a seek, the user agent will
fire a simple event called timeupdate
the media element.
The playbackRate
attribute must be set to
the value of the defaultPlaybackRate
If this caused the playbackRate
attribute to change value,
the user agent will fire a simple
event called ratechange
at the media
If the media element's paused
attribute is
true, it must be set to false.
The media element's autoplaying flag must be set to false.
The method must then return.
If the fourth step above changed the value of paused
, the user
agent must, after any running scripts have finished executing, and after
any other events triggered by this algorithm (specifically timeupdate
) have fired, fire a simple event called play
at the element.
When the pause()
method is invoked, the user agent must run the following steps:
If the media element's networkState
attribute has the value EMPTY, then the user agent must
invoke the load()
method and wait for it to return. If that raises an exception, that
exception must be reraised by the pause()
If the media element's paused
attribute is
false, it must be set to true.
The media element's autoplaying flag must be set to false.
The method must then return.
If the second step above changed the value of paused
, then, after
any running scripts have finished executing, the user agent must first
fire a simple event called timeupdate
the element, and then fire a simple event called
at the
When a media element is removed from a
, if the media element's networkState
attribute has a value other
than EMPTY then the user agent
must act as if the pause()
method had been invoked.
Media elements that are actively playing while not in a
must not play any video, but
should play any audio component. Media elements must not stop playing just
because all references to them have been removed; only once a media
element to which no references exist has reached a point where no further
audio remains to be played for that element (e.g. because the element is
paused or because the end of the clip has been reached) may the element be
garbage collected.
If the media element's ownerDocument
stops being an active
document, then the playback will stop until
the document is active again.
The ended
attribute must return true if the media element has
ended playback, and false otherwise.
The played
attribute must return a static normalized
object that represents the ranges of the media resource, if any, that the user agent has so far
rendered, at the time the attribute is evaluated.
The seeking
attribute must initially have the value false.
When the user agent is required to seek to a particular new playback position in the media resource, it means that the user agent must run the following steps:
If the media element's networkState
is less than LOADED_METADATA
, then the user agent
must raise an INVALID_STATE_ERR
exception (if the seek was
in response to a DOM method call or setting of a DOM attribute), and
abort these steps.
If currentLoop
is 0, let min be the effective
start. Otherwise, let it be the effective loop start.
If currentLoop
is equal to playCount
-1, let max be the effective
end. Otherwise, let it be the effective loop end.
If the new playback position is more than max, let it be max.
If the new playback position is less than min, let it be min.
If the (possibly now changed) new playback
position is not in one of the ranges given in the seekable
attribute, then the user agent must raise an INDEX_SIZE_ERR
exception (if the seek was in response to a DOM method call or setting
of a DOM attribute), and abort these steps.
The current playback position must be set to the given new playback position.
The seeking
DOM attribute must be set to true.
If the seek was in response to a DOM method call or setting of a DOM attribute, then continue the script. The remainder of these steps must be run asynchronously.
Once any running scripts have finished executing, the user agent must
fire a simple event called timeupdate
the element.
If the media element was actively playing immediately before it started
seeking, but seeking caused its readyState
attribute to change to a value
lower than CAN_PLAY
, the user agent must fire a simple event called waiting
at the
If, when it reaches this step, the user agent has still not
established whether or not the media data for the
new playback position is available, and, if it is,
decoded enough data to play back that position, the user agent must fire a simple event called seeking
at the
The user agent must wait until it has established whether or not the media data for the new playback position is available, and, if it is, until it has decoded enough data to play back that position.
The seeking
DOM attribute must be set to false.
Once any running scripts have finished executing, the user agent must
fire a simple event called seeked
at the element.
The seekable
attribute must return
a static normalized TimeRanges
object that represents the ranges of the media
resource, if any, that the user agent is able to seek to, at the time
the attribute is evaluated, notwithstanding the looping attributes (i.e.
the effective start and effective end, etc, don't affect the seekable
If the user agent can seek to anywhere in the media resource, e.g. because it a simple movie file
and the user agent and the server support HTTP Range requests, then the
attribute would return an object with one range, whose start is the time
of the first frame (typically zero), and whose end is the same as the time
of the first frame plus the duration
attribute's value (which would equal
the time of the last frame).
Media elements have a set of cue ranges. Each cue range is made up of the following information:
The addCueRange(className, start, end, pauseOnExit, enterCallback, exitCallback)
method must, when called, add a
cue range to the media
element, that cue range having the class name className, the start time start (in
seconds), the end time end (in seconds), the "pause"
boolean with the same value as pauseOnExit, the
"enter" callback enterCallback, the "exit" callback
exitCallback, and an "active" boolean that is true if
the current playback position is equal to or
greater than the start time and less than the end time, and false
The removeCueRanges(className)
method must, when called, remove
all the cue ranges of the media element which have the class name className.
When the current playback position of a media element changes (e.g. due to playback or seeking), the user agent must run the following steps. If the current playback position changes while the steps are running, then the user agent must wait for the steps to complete, and then must immediately rerun the steps. (These steps are thus run as often as possible or needed — if one iteration takes a long time, this can cause certain ranges to be skipped over as the user agent rushes ahead to "catch up".)
Let current ranges be an ordered list of cue ranges, initialized to contain all the cue ranges of the media element whose start times are less than or equal to the current playback position and whose end times are greater than the current playback position, in the order they were added to the element.
Let other ranges be an ordered list of cue ranges, initialized to contain all the cue ranges of the media element that are not present in current ranges, in the order they were added to the element.
If none of the cue ranges in current ranges have their "active" boolean set to "false" (inactive) and none of the cue ranges in other ranges have their "active" boolean set to "true" (active), then abort these steps.
If the time was reached through the usual monotonic increase of the
current playback position during normal playback, the user agent must
then fire a simple event called timeupdate
the element. (In the other cases, such as explicit seeks, relevant
events get fired as part of the overall process of changing the current
playback position.)
If the time was reached through the usual monotonic increase of the
current playback position during normal playback, and there are cue ranges in other ranges that have both their "active" boolean and
their "pause" boolean set to "true", then immediately act as if the
element's pause()
method had been invoked. (In the other
cases, such as explicit seeks, playback is not paused by exiting a cue
range, even if that cue range has its "pause" boolean set to "true".)
Invoke all the non-null "exit" callbacks for all of the cue ranges in other ranges that have their "active" boolean set to "true" (active), in list order.
Invoke all the non-null "enter" callbacks for all of the cue ranges in current ranges that have their "active" boolean set to "false" (inactive), in list order.
Set the "active" boolean of all the cue ranges in the current ranges list to "true" (active), and the "active" boolean of all the cue ranges in the other ranges list to "false" (inactive).
Invoking a callback (an object implementing the VoidCallback
interface) means calling its
interface VoidCallback { void handleEvent(); };
The handleEvent
of objects implementing the VoidCallback
interface is the entry point
for the callback represented by the object.
The controls
attribute is a boolean attribute. If the attribute is present, or if
the media element is without
script, then the user agent should expose a user
interface to the user. This user interface should include features
to begin playback, pause playback, seek to an arbitrary position in the
content (if the content supports arbitrary seeking), change the volume,
and show the media content in manners more suitable to the user (e.g.
full-screen video or in an independent resizable window). Other controls
may also be made available.
If the attribute is absent, then the user agent should avoid making a user interface available that could conflict with an author-provided user interface. User agents may make the following features available, however, even when the attribute is absent:
User agents may provide controls to affect playback of the media resource (e.g. play, pause, seeking, and volume controls), but such features should not interfere with the page's normal rendering. For example, such features could be exposed in the media element's context menu.
Where possible (specifically, for starting, stopping, pausing, and unpausing playback, for muting or changing the volume of the audio, and for seeking), user interface features exposed by the user agent must be implemented in terms of the DOM API described above, so that, e.g., all the same events fire.
The controls
DOM attribute must reflect the content attribute of the same name.
The volume
attribute must return the playback volume of any audio portions of the media element, in the range 0.0 (silent) to 1.0
(loudest). Initially, the volume must be 0.5, but user agents may remember
the last set value across sessions, on a per-site basis or otherwise, so
the volume may start at other values. On setting, if the new value is in
the range 0.0 to 1.0 inclusive, the attribute must be set to the new value
and the playback volume must be correspondingly adjusted as soon as
possible after setting the attribute, with 0.0 being silent, and 1.0 being
the loudest setting, values in between increasing in loudness. The range
need not be linear. The loudest setting may be lower than the system's
loudest possible setting; for example the user could have set a maximum
volume. If the new value is outside the range 0.0 to 1.0 inclusive, then,
on setting, an INDEX_SIZE_ERR
exception must be raised
The muted
attribute must return true if the audio channels are muted and false
otherwise. On setting, the attribute must be set to the new value; if the
new value is true, audio playback for this media
resource must then be muted, and if false, audio playback must then be
Whenever either the muted
or volume
attributes are changed, after any running
scripts have finished executing, the user agent must fire a simple event called volumechange
at the media element.
Objects implementing the TimeRanges
interface represent a list of
ranges (periods) of time.
interface TimeRanges { readonly attribute unsigned long length; float start(in unsigned long index); float end(in unsigned long index); };
The length
DOM attribute must
return the number of ranges represented by the object.
The start(index)
method must return the position of the
start of the indexth range represented by the object,
in seconds measured from the start of the timeline that the object covers.
The end(index)
method must return the position of the
end of the indexth range represented by the object, in
seconds measured from the start of the timeline that the object covers.
These methods must raise INDEX_SIZE_ERR
exceptions if
called with an index argument greater than or equal to
the number of ranges represented by the object.
When a TimeRanges
object is said
to be a normalized TimeRanges
object, the ranges it represents must obey the following criteria:
In other words, the ranges in such an object are ordered, don't overlap, aren't empty, and don't touch (adjacent ranges are folded into one bigger range).
The timelines used by the objects returned by the buffered
, seekable
and played
DOM attributes
of media elements must be the
same as that element's media resource's timeline.
Objects implementing the ByteRanges
interface represent a list of
ranges of bytes.
interface ByteRanges { readonly attribute unsigned long length; unsigned long start(in unsigned long index); unsigned long end(in unsigned long index); };
The length
DOM attribute must
return the number of ranges represented by the object.
The start(index)
method must return the position of the
first byte of the indexth range represented by the
The end(index)
method must return the position of the
byte immediately after the last byte of the indexth
range represented by the object. (The byte position returned by this
method is not in the range itself. If the first byte of the range is the
byte at position 0, and the entire stream of bytes is in the range, then
the value of the position of the byte returned by this method for that
range will be the same as the number of bytes in the stream.)
These methods must raise INDEX_SIZE_ERR
exceptions if
called with an index argument greater than or equal to
the number of ranges represented by the object.
When a ByteRanges
object is said
to be a normalized ByteRanges
object, the ranges it represents must obey the following criteria:
In other words, the ranges in such an object are ordered, don't overlap, aren't empty, and don't touch (adjacent ranges are folded into one bigger range).
The following events fire on media elements as part of the processing model described above:
Event name | Interface | Dispatched when... | Preconditions |
| ProgressEvent [PROGRESS]
| The user agent begins fetching the media data,
synchronously during the load() method call.
| networkState equals LOADING
| ProgressEvent [PROGRESS]
| The user agent is fetching media data. | networkState is more than EMPTY and less than
| Event
| The user agent is fetching media data, and the media resource's metadata has just been received. | networkState equals LOADED_METADATA
| Event
| The user agent is fetching media data, and the media resource's first frame has just been received. | networkState equals LOADED_FIRST_FRAME
| ProgressEvent [PROGRESS]
| The user agent finishes downloading the entire media resource. | networkState equals LOADED
| ProgressEvent [PROGRESS]
| The user agent stops fetching the media data
before it is completely downloaded. This can be fired synchronously
during the load()
method call.
| error is an
object with the code MEDIA_ERR_ABORTED . networkState equals either EMPTY or LOADED , depending
on when the download was aborted.
| ProgressEvent [PROGRESS]
| An error occurs while fetching the media data. | error is an
object with the code MEDIA_ERR_NETWORK_ERROR
or higher. networkState equals either EMPTY or LOADED , depending
on when the download was aborted.
| Event
| A media element whose networkState was previously not in the
EMPTY state has
just switched to that state (either because of a fatal error during
load that's about to be reported, or because the load() method was
reinvoked, in which case it is fired synchronously during the load() method call).
| networkState is EMPTY ; all the DOM
attributes are in their initial states.
| ProgressEvent
| The user agent is trying to fetch media data, but data is unexpectedly not forthcoming. | |
| Event
| Playback has begun. Fired after the play method has returned.
| paused is
newly false.
| Event
| Playback has been paused. Fired after the pause method has
| paused is
newly true.
| Event
| Playback has stopped because the next frame is not available, but the user agent expects that frame to become available in due course. | readyState is either DATA_UNAVAILABLE or CAN_SHOW_CURRENT_FRAME , and
paused is
false. Either seeking is true, or the current playback position is not contained in any
of the ranges in buffered . It is possible for playback to
stop for two other reasons without paused being false, but those two reasons do
not fire this event: maybe playback ended, or playback stopped
due to errors.
| Event
| The seeking DOM attribute changed to true and
the seek operation is taking long enough that the user agent has time
to fire the event.
| |
| Event
| The seeking DOM attribute changed to false.
| |
| Event
| The current playback position changed in an interesting way, for example discontinuously. | |
| Event
| Playback has stopped because the end of the media resource was reached. | currentTime equals the effective end; ended is true.
| Event
| The user agent cannot render the data at the current playback position because data for the current frame is not immediately available. | The readyState attribute is newly equal to
| Event
| The user agent cannot render the data after the current playback position because data for the next frame is not immediately available. | The readyState attribute is newly equal to
| Event
| The user agent can resume playback of the media data, but estimates that if playback were to be started now, the media resource could not be rendered at the current playback rate up to its end without having to stop for further buffering of content. | The readyState attribute is newly equal to
| Event
| The user agent estimates that if playback were to be started now, the media resource could be rendered at the current playback rate all the way to its end without having to stop for further buffering. | The readyState attribute is newly equal to
| Event
| Either the defaultPlaybackRate or the playbackRate attribute has just been
| |
| Event
| The duration attribute has just been updated.
| |
| Event
| Either the volume attribute or the muted attribute has
changed. Fired after the relevant attribute's setter has returned.
Talk about making sure interactive media files (e.g. SVG) don't have access to the container DOM (XSS potential); talk about not exposing any sensitive data like metadata from tracks in the media files (intranet snooping risk)
interface HTMLCanvasElement : HTMLElement { attribute unsigned long width; attribute unsigned long height; DOMString toDataURL(); DOMString toDataURL(in DOMString type); DOMObject getContext(in DOMString contextId); };
The canvas
element represents a
resolution-dependent bitmap canvas, which can be used for rendering
graphs, game graphics, or other visual images on the fly.
Authors should not use the canvas
element in a document when a more suitable element is available. For
example, it is inappropriate to use a canvas
element to render a page heading: if the
desired presentation of the heading is graphically intense, it should be
marked up using appropriate elements (typically h1
) and then styled using CSS and supporting
technologies such as XBL.
When authors use the canvas
they should also provide content that, when presented to the user, conveys
essentially the same function or purpose as the bitmap canvas. This
content may be placed as content of the canvas
element. The contents of the canvas
element, if any, are the element's fallback content.
In interactive visual media, if the canvas
element is with
script, the canvas
represents an embedded element with a dynamically created image.
In non-interactive, static, visual media, if the canvas
element has been previously painted on
(e.g. if the page was viewed in an interactive visual medium and is now
being printed, or if some script that ran during the page layout process
painted on the element), then the canvas
element represents embedded content with the current image and size.
Otherwise, the element represents its fallback
content instead.
In non-visual media, and in visual media if the canvas
element is without
script, the canvas
represents its fallback content instead.
The canvas
element has two attributes
to control the size of the coordinate space: width
and height
. These attributes, when
specified, must have values that are valid non-negative integers. The rules for parsing non-negative integers must be used to
obtain their numeric values. If an attribute is missing, or if parsing its
value returns an error, then the default value must be used instead. The
defaults to 300, and the height
attribute defaults to 150.
The intrinsic dimensions of the canvas
element equal the size of the coordinate
space, with the numbers interpreted in CSS pixels. However, the element
can be sized arbitrarily by a style sheet. During rendering, the image is
scaled to fit this layout size.
The size of the coordinate space does not necessarily represent the size of the actual bitmap that the user agent will use internally or during rendering. On high-definition displays, for instance, the user agent may internally use a bitmap with two device pixels per unit in the coordinate space, so that the rendering remains at high quality throughout.
Whenever the width
and height
attributes are set (whether to a new
value or to the previous value), the bitmap and any associated contexts
must be cleared back to their initial state and reinitialized with the
newly specified coordinate space dimensions.
The width
attributes must reflect the content attributes of
the same name.
Only one square appears to be drawn in the following example:
// canvas is a reference to a <canvas> element var context = canvas.getContext('2d'); context.fillRect(0,0,50,50); canvas.setAttribute('width', '300'); // clears the canvas context.fillRect(0,100,50,50); canvas.width = canvas.width; // clears the canvas context.fillRect(100,0,50,50); // only this square remains
When the canvas is initialized it must be set to fully transparent black.
To draw on the canvas, authors must first obtain a reference to a context using the getContext(contextId)
method of the canvas
This specification only defines one context, with the name "2d
". If getContext()
is called with that exact string for its contextId
argument, then the UA must return a reference to an object implementing
Other specifications may define their own contexts, which would return
different objects.
Vendors may also define experimental contexts using the syntax
for example, moz-3d
When the UA is passed an empty string or a string specifying a context that it does not support, then it must return null. String comparisons must be literal and case-sensitive.
Arguments other than the contextId must be ignored, and must not cause the user agent to raise an exception (as would normally occur if a method was called with the wrong number of arguments).
A future version of this specification will probably define a
context (probably based on the OpenGL ES API).
The toDataURL()
method must,
when called with no arguments, return a data:
containing a representation of the image as a PNG file. [PNG].
If the canvas has no pixels (i.e. either its horizontal dimension or its
vertical dimension is zero) then the method must return the string "data:,
". (This is the shortest data:
URI; it represents the empty string in a text/plain
The toDataURL(type)
method (when called with one or
more arguments) must return a data:
containing a representation of the image in the format given by type. The possible values are MIME types with no
parameters, for example image/png
, image/jpeg
or even maybe image/svg+xml
if the implementation actually
keeps enough information to reliably render an SVG image from the canvas.
Only support for image/png
is required. User agents may
support other types. If the user agent does not support the requested
type, it must return the image using the PNG format.
User agents must convert the provided type to lower case before
establishing if they support that type and before creating the data:
When trying to use types other than image/png
authors can check if the image was really returned in the requested format
by checking to see if the returned string starts with one the exact
strings "data:image/png,
" or "data:image/png;
". If it does, the image is PNG, and thus
the requested type was not supported. (The one exception to this is if the
canvas has either no height or no width, in which case the result might
simply be "data:,
Arguments other than the type must be ignored, and
must not cause the user agent to raise an exception (as would normally
occur if a method was called with the wrong number of arguments). A future
version of this specification will probably allow extra parameters to be
passed to toDataURL()
to allow authors to more
carefully control compression settings, image metadata, etc.
When the getContext()
method of a canvas
element is invoked with 2d
as the argument, a CanvasRenderingContext2D
object is returned.
There is only one CanvasRenderingContext2D
object per canvas, so calling the getContext()
method with the 2d
argument a second time
must return the same object.
The 2D context represents a flat Cartesian surface whose origin (0,0) is at the top left corner, with the coordinate space having x values increasing when going right, and y values increasing when going down.
interface CanvasRenderingContext2D { // back-reference to the canvas readonly attribute HTMLCanvasElement canvas; // state void save(); // push state on state stack void restore(); // pop state stack and restore state // transformations (default transform is the identity matrix) void scale(in float x, in float y); void rotate(in float angle); void translate(in float x, in float y); void transform(in float m11, in float m12, in float m21, in float m22, in float dx, in float dy); void setTransform(in float m11, in float m12, in float m21, in float m22, in float dx, in float dy); // compositing attribute float globalAlpha; // (default 1.0) attribute DOMString globalCompositeOperation; // (default source-over) // colors and styles attribute DOMObject strokeStyle; // (default black) attribute DOMObject fillStyle; // (default black) CanvasGradient createLinearGradient(in float x0, in float y0, in float x1, in float y1); CanvasGradient createRadialGradient(in float x0, in float y0, in float r0, in float x1, in float y1, in float r1); CanvasPattern createPattern(in HTMLImageElement image, in DOMString repetition); CanvasPattern createPattern(in HTMLCanvasElement image, in DOMString repetition); // line caps/joins attribute float lineWidth; // (default 1) attribute DOMString lineCap; // "butt", "round", "square" (default "butt") attribute DOMString lineJoin; // "round", "bevel", "miter" (default "miter") attribute float miterLimit; // (default 10) // shadows attribute float shadowOffsetX; // (default 0) attribute float shadowOffsetY; // (default 0) attribute float shadowBlur; // (default 0) attribute DOMString shadowColor; // (default transparent black) // rects void clearRect(in float x, in float y, in float w, in float h); void fillRect(in float x, in float y, in float w, in float h); void strokeRect(in float x, in float y, in float w, in float h); // path API void beginPath(); void closePath(); void moveTo(in float x, in float y); void lineTo(in float x, in float y); void quadraticCurveTo(in float cpx, in float cpy, in float x, in float y); void bezierCurveTo(in float cp1x, in float cp1y, in float cp2x, in float cp2y, in float x, in float y); void arcTo(in float x1, in float y1, in float x2, in float y2, in float radius); void rect(in float x, in float y, in float w, in float h); void arc(in float x, in float y, in float radius, in float startAngle, in float endAngle, in boolean anticlockwise); void fill(); void stroke(); void clip(); boolean isPointInPath(in float x, in float y); // text attribute DOMString font; // (default 10px sans-serif) attribute DOMString textAlign; // "start", "end", "left", "right", "center" (default: "start") attribute DOMString textBaseline; // "top", "hanging", "middle", "alphabetic", "ideographic", "bottom" (default: "alphabetic") void fillText(in DOMString text, in float x, in float y); void fillText(in DOMString text, in float x, in float y, in float maxWidth); void strokeText(in DOMString text, in float x, in float y); void strokeText(in DOMString text, in float x, in float y, in float maxWidth); TextMetrics measureText(in DOMString text); // drawing images void drawImage(in HTMLImageElement image, in float dx, in float dy); void drawImage(in HTMLImageElement image, in float dx, in float dy, in float dw, in float dh); void drawImage(in HTMLImageElement image, in float sx, in float sy, in float sw, in float sh, in float dx, in float dy, in float dw, in float dh); void drawImage(in HTMLCanvasElement image, in float dx, in float dy); void drawImage(in HTMLCanvasElement image, in float dx, in float dy, in float dw, in float dh); void drawImage(in HTMLCanvasElement image, in float sx, in float sy, in float sw, in float sh, in float dx, in float dy, in float dw, in float dh); // pixel manipulation ImageData createImageData(in float sw, in float sh); ImageData getImageData(in float sx, in float sy, in float sw, in float sh); void putImageData(in ImageData imagedata, in float dx, in float dy); void putImageData(in ImageData imagedata, in float dx, in float dy, in float dirtyX, in float dirtyY, in float dirtyWidth, in float dirtyHeight); }; interface CanvasGradient { // opaque object void addColorStop(in float offset, in DOMString color); }; interface CanvasPattern { // opaque object }; interface TextMetrics { readonly attribute float width; }; interface ImageData { readonly attribute long int width; readonly attribute long int height; readonly attribute int[] data; };
The canvas
attribute must
return the canvas
element that the
context paints on.
Unless otherwise stated, for the 2D context interface, any method call with a numeric argument whose value is infinite or a NaN value must be ignored.
Each context maintains a stack of drawing states. Drawing states consist of:
, fillStyle
, lineWidth
, miterLimit
, shadowOffsetX
, shadowOffsetY
, shadowBlur
, shadowColor
, globalCompositeOperation
, textAlign
The current path and the current bitmap are not part of the
drawing state. The current path is persistent, and can only be reset using
the beginPath()
method. The current bitmap is
a property of the
canvas, not the context.
The save()
method must push a copy of the current drawing state onto the drawing
state stack.
The restore()
method must pop
the top entry in the drawing state stack, and reset the drawing state it
describes. If there is no saved state, the method must do nothing.
The transformation matrix is applied to coordinates when creating shapes and paths.
When the context is created, the transformation matrix must initially be the identity transform. It may then be adjusted using the transformation methods.
The transformations must be performed in reverse order. For instance, if a scale transformation that doubles the width is applied, followed by a rotation transformation that rotates drawing operations by a quarter turn, and a rectangle twice as wide as it is tall is then drawn on the canvas, the actual result will be a square.
The scale(x, y)
method must add the
scaling transformation described by the arguments to the transformation
matrix. The x argument represents the scale factor in
the horizontal direction and the y argument represents
the scale factor in the vertical direction. The factors are multiples.
The rotate(angle)
method must add the rotation
transformation described by the argument to the transformation matrix. The
angle argument represents a clockwise rotation angle
expressed in radians. If the angle argument is
infinite, the method call must be ignored.
The translate(x, y)
method must add the translation
transformation described by the arguments to the transformation matrix.
The x argument represents the translation distance in
the horizontal direction and the y argument represents
the translation distance in the vertical direction. The arguments are in
coordinate space units.
The transform(m11,
m12, m21, m22,
dx, dy)
method must
multiply the current transformation matrix with the matrix described by:
m11 | m21 | dx |
m12 | m22 | dy |
0 | 0 | 1 |
The setTransform(m11, m12, m21, m22, dx, dy)
method must reset the current transform to
the identity matrix, and then invoke the transform(m11, m12, m21, m22, dx, dy)
method with the same
All drawing operations are affected by the global compositing
attributes, globalAlpha
and globalCompositeOperation
The globalAlpha
gives an alpha value that is applied to shapes and images before they are
composited onto the canvas. The value must be in the range from 0.0 (fully
transparent) to 1.0 (no additional transparency). If an attempt is made to
set the attribute to a value outside this range, the attribute must retain
its previous value. When the context is created, the globalAlpha
attribute must initially have
the value 1.0.
The globalCompositeOperation
attribute sets how shapes and images are drawn onto the existing bitmap,
once they have had globalAlpha
and the current transformation
matrix applied. It must be set to a value from the following list. In the
descriptions below, the source image, A, is the shape
or image being rendered, and the destination image, B,
is the current state of the bitmap.
using the destination image instead of the source image and vice versa.
but using
the destination image instead of the source image and vice versa.
using the destination image instead of the source image and vice versa.
using the destination image instead of the source image and vice versa.lighter
These values are all case-sensitive — they must be used exactly as shown. User agents must not recognize values that do not exactly match the values given above.
The operators in the above list must be treated as described by the Porter-Duff operator given at the start of their description (e.g. A over B). [PORTERDUFF]
On setting, if the user agent does not recognize the specified value, it
must be ignored, leaving the value of globalCompositeOperation
When the context is created, the globalCompositeOperation
attribute must initially have the value source-over
The strokeStyle
represents the color or style to use for the lines around shapes, and the
represents the color or style to use inside the shapes.
Both attributes can be either strings, CanvasGradient
s, or CanvasPattern
s. On setting, strings must
be parsed as CSS <color> values and the color assigned, and CanvasGradient
and CanvasPattern
objects must be assigned
themselves. [CSS3COLOR] If the value is a
string but is not a valid color, or is neither a string, a CanvasGradient
, nor a CanvasPattern
, then it must be ignored,
and the attribute must retain its previous value.
On getting, if the value is a color, then the serialization of the color must be
returned. Otherwise, if it is not a color but a CanvasGradient
or CanvasPattern
, then the respective
object must be returned. (Such objects are opaque and therefore only
useful for assigning to other attributes or for comparison to other
gradients or patterns.)
The serialization of a color for a color
value is a string, computed as follows: if it has alpha equal to 1.0, then
the string is a lowercase six-digit hex value, prefixed with a "#"
character (U+0023 NUMBER SIGN), with the first two digits representing the
red component, the next two digits representing the green component, and
the last two digits representing the blue component, the digits being in
the range 0-9 a-f (U+0030 to U+0039 and U+0061 to U+0066). Otherwise, the
color value has alpha less than 1.0, and the string is the color value in
the CSS rgba()
functional-notation format: the
literal string rgba
(U+0072 U+0067 U+0062 U+0061)
followed by a U+0028 LEFT PARENTHESIS, a base-ten integer in the range
0-255 representing the red component (using digits 0-9, U+0030 to U+0039,
in the shortest form possible), a literal U+002C COMMA and U+0020 SPACE,
an integer for the green component, a comma and a space, an integer for
the blue component, another comma and space, a U+0030 DIGIT ZERO, a U+002E
FULL STOP (representing the decimal point), one or more digits in the
range 0-9 (U+0030 to U+0039) representing the fractional part of the alpha
value, and finally a U+0029 RIGHT PARENTHESIS.
When the context is created, the strokeStyle
and fillStyle
attributes must initially have the string value #000000
There are two types of gradients, linear gradients and radial gradients,
both represented by objects implementing the opaque CanvasGradient
Once a gradient has been created (see below), stops are placed along it to define how the colors are distributed along the gradient. The color of the gradient at each stop is the color specified for that stop. Between each such stop, the colors and the alpha component must be linearly interpolated over the RGBA space without premultiplying the alpha value to find the color to use at that offset. Before the first stop, the color must be the color of the first stop. After the last stop, the color must be the color of the last stop. When there are no stops, the gradient is transparent black.
The addColorStop(offset, color)
method on
the CanvasGradient
adds a new stop to a gradient. If the offset is less
than 0, greater than 1, infinite, or NaN, then an
exception must be raised. If the color cannot be parsed as a CSS color, then a
exception must be raised. Otherwise, the gradient
must have a new stop placed, at offset offset relative
to the whole gradient, and with the color obtained by parsing color as a CSS <color> value. If multiple stops are
added at the same offset on a gradient, they must be placed in the order
added, with the first one closest to the start of the gradient, and each
subsequent one infinitesimally further along towards the end point (in
effect causing all but the first and last stop added at each point to be
The createLinearGradient(x0, y0, x1, y1)
method takes four arguments that, after
being subjected to the current transformation matrix,
represent the start point (x0, y0)
and end point (x1, y1) of the
gradient. If any of the arguments to createLinearGradient()
infinite or NaN, the method must raise an INDEX_SIZE_ERR
exception. Otherwise, the method must return a linear CanvasGradient
initialized with the
specified line.
Linear gradients must be rendered such that at and before the starting point on the canvas the color at offset 0 is used, that at and after the ending point the color at offset 1 is used, and that all points on a line perpendicular to the line that crosses the start and end points have the color at the point where those two lines cross (with the colors coming from the interpolation described above).
If x0 = x1 and y0 = y1, then the linear gradient must paint nothing.
The createRadialGradient(x0, y0, r0, x1, y1, r1)
method takes six arguments, the first
three representing the start circle with origin (x0,
y0) and radius r0, and the last
three representing the end circle with origin (x1,
y1) and radius r1. The values are
in coordinate space units. If either of r0 or r1 are negative, or if any of the arguments are infinite or
exception must be raised. Otherwise,
the method must return a radial CanvasGradient
initialized with the two
specified circles, after transforming them according to the current
transformation matrix.
Radial gradients must be rendered by following these steps:
If x0 = x1 and y0 = y1 and r0 = r1, then the radial gradient must paint nothing. Abort these steps.
Let x(ω) = (x1-x0)ω + x0
Let y(ω) = (y1-y0)ω + y0
Let r(ω) = (r1-r0)ω + r0
Let the color at ω be the color of the gradient at offset 0.0 for all values of ω less than 0.0, the color at offset 1.0 for all values of ω greater than 1.0, and the color at the given offset for values of ω in the range 0.0 ≤ ω ≤ 1.0
For all values of ω where r(ω) > 0, starting with the value of ω nearest to positive infinity and ending with the value of ω nearest to negative infinity, draw the circumference of the circle with radius r(ω) at position (x(ω), y(ω)), with the color at ω, but only painting on the parts of the canvas that have not yet been painted on by earlier circles in this step for this rendering of the gradient.
This effectively creates a cone, touched by the two circles defined in the creation of the gradient, with the part of the cone before the start circle (0.0) using the color of the first offset, the part of the cone after the end circle (1.0) using the color of the last offset, and areas outside the cone untouched by the gradient (transparent black).
Gradients must be painted only where the relevant stroking or filling effects requires that they be drawn.
Patterns are represented by objects implementing the opaque CanvasPattern
To create objects of this type, the createPattern(image, repetition)
is used. The first argument gives the image to use as the pattern (either
an HTMLImageElement
or an
Modifying this image after calling the createPattern()
method must not affect
the pattern. The second argument must be a string with one of the
following values: repeat
, repeat-x
, repeat-y
, no-repeat
. If the empty string or null is specified, repeat
must be assumed. If an unrecognized value is given,
then the user agent must raise a SYNTAX_ERR
exception. User
agents must recognize the four values described above exactly (e.g. they
must not do case folding). The method must return a CanvasPattern
object suitably
The image argument must be an instance of an
or HTMLCanvasElement
. If the image is of the wrong type or null, the implementation must
If the image argument is an HTMLImageElement
object whose complete
is false, then the implementation must raise an
If the image argument is an HTMLCanvasElement
object with either
a horizontal dimension or a vertical dimension equal to zero, then the
implementation must raise an INVALID_STATE_ERR
Patterns must be painted so that the top left of the first image is
anchored at the origin of the coordinate space, and images are then
repeated horizontally to the left and right (if the repeat-x
string was specified) or vertically up and down (if the
string was specified) or in all four directions all
over the canvas (if the repeat
string was specified). The
images are not scaled by this process; one CSS pixel of the image must be
painted on one coordinate space unit. Of course, patterns must actually be
painted only where the stroking or filling effect requires that they be
drawn, and are affected by the current transformation matrix.
When the createPattern()
method is passed, as its
image argument, an animated image, the poster frame of
the animation, or the first frame of the animation if there is no poster
frame, must be used.
Support for patterns is optional. If the user agent doesn't support
patterns, then createPattern()
must return null.
The lineWidth
gives the width of lines, in coordinate space units. On setting, zero,
negative, infinite, and NaN values must be ignored, leaving the value
When the context is created, the lineWidth
attribute must initially have the
value 1.0
The lineCap
attribute defines
the type of endings that UAs will place on the end of lines. The three
valid values are butt
, round
, and
. The butt
value means that the end of
each line is a flat edge perpendicular to the direction of the line. The
value means that a semi-circle with the diameter equal
to the width of the line must then be added on to the end of the line. The
value means that a rectangle with the length of the
line width and the width of half the line width, placed flat against the
edge perpendicular to the direction of the line, must be added at the end
of each line. On setting, any other value than the literal strings
, round
, and square
must be
ignored, leaving the value unchanged.
When the context is created, the lineCap
attribute must initially have the value
The lineJoin
defines the type of corners that UAs will place where two lines meet. The
three valid values are bevel
, round
, and
On setting, any other value than the literal strings bevel
, and miter
must be ignored, leaving the
value unchanged.
When the context is created, the lineJoin
attribute must initially have the
value miter
A join exists at any point in a subpath shared by two consecutive lines. When a subpath is closed, then a join also exists at its first point (equivalent to its last point) connecting the first and last lines in the subpath.
In addition to the point where the join occurs, two additional points are relevant to each join, one for each line: the two corners found half the line width away from the join point, one perpendicular to each line, each on the side furthest from the other line.
A filled triangle connecting these two opposite corners with a straight
line, with the third point of the triangle being the join point, must be
rendered at all joins. The lineJoin
attribute controls whether anything
else is rendered. The three aforementioned values have the following
The bevel
value means that this is all that is rendered at
The round
value means that a filled arc connecting the two
aforementioned corners of the join, abutting (and not overlapping) the
aforementioned triangle, with the diameter equal to the line width and the
origin at the point of the join, must be rendered at joins.
The miter
value means that a second filled triangle must
(if it can given the miter length) be rendered at the join, with one line
being the line between the two aforementioned corners, abutting the first
triangle, and the other two being continuations of the outside edges of
the two joining lines, as long as required to intersect without going over
the miter length.
The miter length is the distance from the point where the lines touch on the inside of the join to the intersection of the line edges on the outside of the join. The miter limit ratio is the maximum allowed ratio of the length of the two continuation lines to the line width. If the miter length would be exceeded, this second triangle must not be rendered.
The miter limit ratio can be explicitly set using the miterLimit
On setting, zero, negative, infinite, and NaN values must be ignored,
leaving the value unchanged.
When the context is created, the miterLimit
attribute must initially have the
value 10.0
All drawing operations are affected by the four global shadow attributes.
The shadowColor
sets the color of the shadow.
When the context is created, the shadowColor
attribute initially must be
fully-transparent black.
On getting, the serialization of the color must be returned.
On setting, the new value must be parsed as a CSS <color> value and the color assigned. If the value is not a valid color, then it must be ignored, and the attribute must retain its previous value. [CSS3COLOR]
The shadowOffsetX
attributes specify the distance that the shadow will be offset in the
positive horizontal and positive vertical distance respectively. Their
values are in coordinate space units. They are not affected by the current
transformation matrix.
When the context is created, the shadow offset attributes initially have
the value 0
On getting, they must return their current value. On setting, the attribute being set must be set to the new value, except if the value is infinite or NaN, in which case the new value must be ignored.
The shadowBlur
specifies the size of the blurring effect. (The units do not map to
coordinate space units, and are not affected by the current transformation
When the context is created, the shadowBlur
attribute must initially have the
value 0
On getting, the attribute must return its current value. On setting the attribute must be set to the new value, except if the value is negative, infinite or NaN, in which case the new value must be ignored.
Support for shadows is optional. When they are supported, then, when shadows are drawn, they must be rendered as follows:
Let A be the source image for which a shadow is being created.
Let B be an infinite transparent black bitmap, with a coordinate space and an origin identical to A.
Copy the alpha channel of A to B, offset by shadowOffsetX
in the positive x direction, and shadowOffsetY
in the positive y direction.
If shadowBlur
is greater than 0:
If shadowBlur
is less than 8, let σ be half the value of shadowBlur
; otherwise, let σ be the square root of multiplying the value of
by 2.
Perform a 2D Gaussian Blur on B, using σ as the standard deviation.
User agents may limit values of σ to an implementation-specific maximum value to avoid exceeding hardware limitations during the Gaussian blur operation.
Set the red, green, and blue components of every pixel in B to the red, green, and blue components (respectively)
of the color of shadowColor
Multiply the alpha component of every pixel in B
by the alpha component of the color of shadowColor
The shadow is in the bitmap B, and is rendered as part of the drawing model described below.
There are three methods that immediately draw rectangles to the bitmap. They each take four arguments; the first two give the x and y coordinates of the top left of the rectangle, and the second two give the width w and height h of the rectangle, respectively.
The current transformation matrix must be applied to the following four coordinates, which form the path that must then be closed to get the specified rectangle: (x, y), (x+w, y), (x+w, y+h), (x, y+h).
Shapes are painted without affecting the current path, and are subject
to the clipping region,
and, with the exception of clearRect()
, also shadow effects, global alpha, and global composition
The clearRect(x, y, w, h)
method must clear the pixels in the
specified rectangle that also intersect the current clipping region to a
fully transparent black, erasing any previous image. If either height or
width are zero, this method has no effect.
The fillRect(x, y, w, h)
method must paint the specified rectangular
area using the fillStyle
. If either height or width are
zero, this method has no effect.
The strokeRect(x,
y, w, h)
method must stroke the specified
rectangle's path using the strokeStyle
, lineWidth
, and (if appropriate) miterLimit
attributes. If both height and
width are zero, this method has no effect, since there is no path to
stroke (it's a point). If only one of the two is zero, then the method
will draw a line instead (the path for the outline is just a straight line
along the non-zero dimension).
The context always has a current path. There is only one current path, it is not part of the drawing state.
A path has a list of zero or more subpaths. Each subpath consists of a list of one or more points, connected by straight or curved lines, and a flag indicating whether the subpath is closed or not. A closed subpath is one where the last point of the subpath is connected to the first point of the subpath by a straight line. Subpaths with fewer than two points are ignored when painting the path.
Initially, the context's path must have zero subpaths.
The points and lines added to the path by these methods must be transformed according to the current transformation matrix as they are added.
The beginPath()
method must
empty the list of subpaths so that the context once again has zero
The moveTo(x, y)
method must create a
new subpath with the specified point as its first (and only) point.
The closePath()
method must
do nothing if the context has no subpaths. Otherwise, it must mark the
last subpath as closed, create a new subpath whose first point is the same
as the previous subpath's first point, and finally add this new subpath to
the path. (If the last subpath had more than one point in its list of
points, then this is equivalent to adding a straight line connecting the
last point back to the first point, thus "closing" the shape, and then
repeating the last moveTo()
New points and the lines connecting them are added to subpaths using the methods described below. In all cases, the methods only modify the last subpath in the context's paths.
The lineTo(x, y)
method must do
nothing if the context has no subpaths. Otherwise, it must connect the
last point in the subpath to the given point (x, y) using a straight line, and must then add the given point
(x, y) to the subpath.
The quadraticCurveTo(cpx, cpy, x, y)
method must do nothing if the context has
no subpaths. Otherwise it must connect the last point in the subpath to
the given point (x, y) using a
quadratic Bézier curve with control point (cpx,
cpy), and must then add the given point (x, y) to the subpath. [BEZIER]
The bezierCurveTo(cp1x, cp1y, cp2x,
cp2y, x, y)
method must do nothing if the context has
no subpaths. Otherwise, it must connect the last point in the subpath to
the given point (x, y) using a
cubic Bézier curve with control points (cp1x,
cp1y) and (cp2x, cp2y). Then, it must add the point (x,
y) to the subpath. [BEZIER]
The arcTo(x1, y1, x2, y2, radius)
method must do
nothing if the context has no subpaths. If the context does have
a subpath, then the behavior depends on the arguments and the last point
in the subpath.
Negative values for radius must cause the
implementation to raise an INDEX_SIZE_ERR
Let the point (x0, y0) be the last point in the subpath.
If the point (x0, y0) is equal to the point (x1, y1), or if the point (x1, y1) is equal to the point (x2, y2), then the method must add the point (x1, y1) to the subpath, and connect that point to the previous point (x0, y0) by a straight line.
Otherwise, if the points (x0, y0), (x1, y1), and (x2, y2) all lie on a single straight line, then: if the direction from (x0, y0) to (x1, y1) is the same as the direction from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2), then method must add the point (x1, y1) to the subpath, and connect that point to the previous point (x0, y0) by a straight line; otherwise, the direction from (x0, y0) to (x1, y1) is the opposite of the direction from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2), and the method must add a point (x∞, y∞) to the subpath, and connect that point to the previous point (x0, y0) by a straight line, where (x∞, y∞) is the point that is infinitely far away from (x1, y1), that lies on the same line as (x0, y0), (x1, y1), and (x2, y2), and that is on the same side of (x1, y1) on that line as (x2, y2).
Otherwise, let The Arc be the shortest arc given by circumference of the circle that has radius radius, and that has one point tangent to the half-infinite line that crosses the point (x0, y0) and ends at the point (x1, y1), and that has a different point tangent to the half-infinite line that ends at the point (x1, y1) and crosses the point (x2, y2). The points at which this circle touches these two lines are called the start and end tangent points respectively.
The method must connect the point (x0, y0) to the start tangent point by a straight line, adding the start tangent point to the subpath, and then must connect the start tangent point to the end tangent point by The Arc, adding the end tangent point to the subpath.
The arc(x, y, radius, startAngle, endAngle, anticlockwise)
method draws an arc. If the
context has any subpaths, then the method must add a straight line from
the last point in the subpath to the start point of the arc. In any case,
it must draw the arc between the start point of the arc and the end point
of the arc, and add the start and end points of the arc to the subpath.
The arc and its start and end points are defined as follows:
Consider a circle that has its origin at (x, y) and that has radius radius. The points at startAngle and endAngle along the circle's circumference, measured in radians clockwise from the positive x-axis, are the start and end points respectively. The arc is the path along the circumference of this circle from the start point to the end point, going anti-clockwise if the anticlockwise argument is true, and clockwise otherwise. Since the points are on the circle, as opposed to being simply angles from zero, the arc can never cover an angle greater than 2π radians. If the two angles are equal, or if the radius is zero, then the arc is defined as being of zero length in both directions.
Negative values for radius must cause the
implementation to raise an INDEX_SIZE_ERR
The rect(x, y, w, h)
method must create a new subpath containing
just the four points (x, y), (x+w, y), (x+w, y+h), (x, y+h), with those four points connected by straight lines, and
must then mark the subpath as closed. It must then create a new subpath
with the point (x, y) as the only
point in the subpath.
The fill()
method must fill all the subpaths of the current path, using fillStyle
and using the non-zero winding number rule. Open subpaths must be
implicitly closed when being filled (without affecting the actual
Thus, if two overlapping but otherwise independent subpaths have opposite windings, they cancel out and result in no fill. If they have the same winding, that area just gets painted once.
The stroke()
method must
calculate the strokes of all the subpaths of the current path, using the
, lineCap
, lineJoin
, and
(if appropriate) miterLimit
attributes, and then fill the
combined stroke area using the strokeStyle
, attribute.
Since the subpaths are all stroked as one, overlapping parts of the paths in one stroke operation are treated as if their union was what was painted.
Paths, when filled or stroked, must be painted without affecting the current path, and must be subject to shadow effects, global alpha, the clipping region, and global composition operators. (Transformations affect the path when the path is created, not when it is painted, though the stroke style is still affected by the transformation during painting.)
Zero-length line segments must be pruned before stroking a path. Empty subpaths must be ignored.
The clip()
method must create a new clipping region by
calculating the intersection of the current clipping region and the area
described by the current path, using the non-zero winding number rule.
Open subpaths must be implicitly closed when computing the clipping
region, without affecting the actual subpaths. The new clipping region
replaces the current clipping region.
When the context is initialized, the clipping region must be set to the rectangle with the top left corner at (0,0) and the width and height of the coordinate space.
The isPointInPath(x, y)
method must return
true if the point given by the x and y coordinates passed to the method, when treated as
coordinates in the canvas coordinate space unaffected by the current
transformation, is inside the current path; and must return false
otherwise. Points on the path itself are considered to be inside the path.
If either of the arguments is infinite or NaN, then the method must return
The font
attribute, on setting, must be parsed the same way as the 'font' property
of CSS (but without supporting property-independent stylesheet syntax like
'inherit'), and the resulting font must be assigned to the context, with
the 'line-height' component forced to 'normal'. [CSS]
Font names must be interpreted in the context of the canvas
element's stylesheets; any fonts embedded
using @font-face
must therefore be available. [CSSWEBFONTS]
Only vector fonts should be used by the user agent; if a user agent were to use bitmap fonts then transformations would likely make the font look very ugly.
On getting, the font
attribute must return the serialized form of
the current font of the context. [CSSOM]
When the context is created, the font of the context must be set to 10px
sans-serif. When the 'font-size' component is set to lengths using
percentages, 'em' or 'ex' units, or the 'larger' or 'smaller' keywords,
these must be interpreted relative to the computed value of the
'font-size' property of the corresponding canvas
element. When the 'font-weight' component
is set to the relative values 'bolder' and 'lighter', these must be
interpreted relative to the computed value of the 'font-weight' property
of the corresponding canvas
The textAlign
DOM attribute,
on getting, must return the current value. On setting, if the value is one
of start
, end
, left
, right
, or center
, then the value must be changed to the new value.
Otherwise, the new value must be ignored. When the context is created, the
attribute must initially have the
value start
The textBaseline
attribute, on getting, must return the current value. On setting, if the
value is one of top
, hanging
, middle
, alphabetic
, ideographic
, or bottom
, then the value must be changed to the
new value. Otherwise, the new value must be ignored. When the context is
created, the textBaseline
attribute must initially have
the value alphabetic
The textBaseline
attribute's allowed keywords
correspond to alignment points in the font:
The keywords map to these alignment points as follows:
The fillText()
and strokeText()
take three or four arguments, text, x, y, and optionally maxWidth, and render the given text at
the given (x, y) coordinates
ensuring that the text isn't wider than maxWidth if
specified, using the current font
, textAlign
, and textBaseline
values. Specifically, when
the methods are called, the user agent must run the following steps:
Let font be the current font of the browsing
context, as given by the font
Replace all the space characters in text with U+0020 SPACE characters.
Form a hypothetical infinitely wide CSS line box containing a single
inline box containing the text text, with all the
properties at their initial values except the 'font' property of the
inline element set to font and the 'direction'
property of the inline element set to the 'direction' property of the
element. [CSS]
If the maxWidth argument was specified and the hypothetical width of the inline box in the hypothetical line box is greater than maxWidth CSS pixels, then change font to have a more condensed font (if one is available or if a reasonably readable one can be synthesized by applying a horizontal scale factor to the font) or a smaller font, and return to the previous step.
Let the anchor point be a point on the inline box,
determined by the textAlign
and textBaseline
values, as follows:
Horizontal position:
is left
is start
and the 'direction' property on the canvas
element has a computed value of 'ltr'
is end
the 'direction' property on the canvas
element has a computed value of 'rtl'
is right
is end
the 'direction' property on the canvas
element has a computed value of 'ltr'
is start
and the 'direction' property on the canvas
element has a computed value of 'rtl'
is center
Vertical position:
is top
is hanging
is middle
is alphabetic
is ideographic
is bottom
Paint the hypothetical inline box as the shape given by the text's glyphs, as transformed by the current transformation matrix, and anchored and sized so that before applying the current transformation matrix, the anchor point is at (x, y) and each CSS pixel is mapped to one coordinate space unit.
For fillText()
must be applied to the glyphs and strokeStyle
must be ignored. For strokeText()
the reverse holds and strokeStyle
must be applied to the glyph
outlines and fillStyle
must be ignored.
Text is painted without affecting the current path, and is subject to shadow effects, global alpha, the clipping region, and global composition operators.
The measureText()
takes one argument, text. When the method is invoked,
the user agent must replace all the space characters in text with U+0020
SPACE characters, and then must form a hypothetical infinitely wide CSS
line box containing a single inline box containing the text text, with all the properties at their initial values
except the 'font' property of the inline element set to the current font
of the browsing context, as given by the font
attribute, and
must then return a new TextMetrics
object with its width
attribute set to the width of that inline
box, in CSS pixels. [CSS]
The TextMetrics
interface is
used for the objects returned from measureText()
. It has one attribute, width
, which is
set by the measureText()
Glyphs rendered using fillText()
and strokeText()
can spill out of the box given
by the font size (the em square size) and the width returned by measureText()
(the text width). This
version of the specification does not provide a way to obtain the bounding
box dimensions of the text. If the text is to be rendered and removed,
care needs to be taken to replace the entire area of the canvas that the
clipping region covers, not just the box given by the em square height and
measured text width.
A future version of the 2D context API may provide a way to render fragments of documents, rendered using CSS, straight to the canvas. This would be provided in preference to a dedicated way of doing multiline layout.
To draw images onto the canvas, the drawImage
method can be
This method is overloaded with three variants: drawImage(image, dx, dy)
, drawImage(image, dx, dy, dw, dh)
, and drawImage(image, sx, sy, sw, sh, dx, dy, dw, dh)
. (Actually it is overloaded with six; each of
those three can take either an HTMLImageElement
or an HTMLCanvasElement
for the image argument.) If not specified, the dw and dh arguments must default to the
values of sw and sh, interpreted
such that one CSS pixel in the image is treated as one unit in the canvas
coordinate space. If the sx, sy,
sw, and sh arguments are omitted,
they must default to 0, 0, the image's intrinsic width in image pixels,
and the image's intrinsic height in image pixels, respectively.
The image argument must be an instance of an
or HTMLCanvasElement
. If the image is of the wrong type or null, the implementation must
If the image argument is an HTMLImageElement
object whose complete
is false, then the implementation must raise an
The source rectangle is the rectangle whose corners are the four points (sx, sy), (sx+sw, sy), (sx+sw, sy+sh), (sx, sy+sh).
If the source rectangle is not entirely within the source image, or if
one of the sw or sh arguments is
zero, the implementation must raise an INDEX_SIZE_ERR
The destination rectangle is the rectangle whose corners are the four points (dx, dy), (dx+dw, dy), (dx+dw, dy+dh), (dx, dy+dh).
When drawImage()
is invoked, the region of the
image specified by the source rectangle must be painted on the region of
the canvas specified by the destination rectangle, after applying the current
transformation matrix to the points of the destination rectangle.
When a canvas is drawn onto itself, the drawing model requires the source to be copied before the image is drawn back onto the canvas, so it is possible to copy parts of a canvas onto overlapping parts of itself.
When the drawImage()
method is passed, as its image argument, an animated image, the poster frame of the
animation, or the first frame of the animation if there is no poster
frame, must be used.
Images are painted without affecting the current path, and are subject to shadow effects, global alpha, the clipping region, and global composition operators.
The createImageData(sw, sh)
method must return
an ImageData
object representing a
rectangle with a width in CSS pixels equal to the absolute magnitude of
sw and a height in CSS pixels equal to the absolute
magnitude of sh, filled with transparent black.
The getImageData(sx, sy, sw, sh)
method must return an ImageData
object representing the underlying
pixel data for the area of the canvas denoted by the rectangle whose
corners are the four points (sx, sy), (sx+sw, sy), (sx+sw, sy+sh), (sx,
sy+sh), in canvas
coordinate space units. Pixels outside the canvas must be returned as
transparent black. Pixels must be returned as non-premultiplied alpha
If any of the arguments to createImageData()
or getImageData()
are infinite or NaN, or if
either the sw or sh arguments are
zero, the method must instead raise an INDEX_SIZE_ERR
objects must be
initialized so that their width
attribute is set to
w, the number of physical device pixels per row in the
image data, their height
attribute is set to
h, the number of rows in the image data, and the data
attribute is
initialized to an array of h×w×4 integers. The pixels must be represented in this
array in left-to-right order, row by row, starting at the top left, with
each pixel's red, green, blue, and alpha components being given in that
order. Each component of each device pixel represented in this array must
be in the range 0..255, representing the 8 bit value for that component.
At least one pixel must be returned.
The values of the data
array may be changed (the length of the
array, and the other attributes in ImageData
objects, are all read-only). On
setting, JS undefined
values must be converted to zero. Other
values must first be converted to numbers using JavaScript's ToNumber
algorithm, and if the result is a NaN value, a
exception must be raised. If the result is
less than 0, it must be clamped to zero. If the result is more than 255,
it must be clamped to 255. If the number is not an integer, it must be
rounded to the nearest integer using the IEEE 754r roundTiesToEven
rounding mode. [ECMA262] [IEEE754R]
The width and height (w and h) might be different from the sw and sh arguments to the above methods, e.g. if the canvas is backed by a high-resolution bitmap, or if the sw and sh arguments are negative.
The putImageData(imagedata, dx, dy,
dirtyX, dirtyY, dirtyWidth, dirtyHeight)
method writes data from ImageData
structures back to the canvas.
If the first argument to the method is null or not an ImageData
object that was returned by createImageData()
or getImageData()
then the putImageData()
method must raise a
If any of the arguments to the method are infinite or NaN, the method
must raise an INDEX_SIZE_ERR
When the last four arguments are omitted, they must be assumed to have
the values 0, 0, the width
member of the imagedata structure, and the height
member of
the imagedata structure, respectively.
When invoked with arguments that do not, per the last few paragraphs,
cause an exception to be raised, the putImageData()
method must act as follows:
Let dxdevice be the x-coordinate of the device pixel in the underlying pixel data of the canvas corresponding to the dx coordinate in the canvas coordinate space.
Let dydevice be the y-coordinate of the device pixel in the underlying pixel data of the canvas corresponding to the dy coordinate in the canvas coordinate space.
If dirtyWidth is negative, let dirtyX be dirtyX+dirtyWidth, and let dirtyWidth be equal to the absolute magnitude of dirtyWidth.
If dirtyHeight is negative, let dirtyY be dirtyY+dirtyHeight, and let dirtyHeight be equal to the absolute magnitude of dirtyHeight.
If dirtyX is negative, let dirtyWidth be dirtyWidth+dirtyX, and let dirtyX be zero.
If dirtyY is negative, let dirtyHeight be dirtyHeight+dirtyY, and let dirtyY be zero.
If dirtyX+dirtyWidth is greater than the width
of the imagedata argument, let dirtyWidth be the value of that width
minus the value of dirtyX.
If dirtyY+dirtyHeight is greater than the height
attribute of the imagedata argument, let dirtyHeight be the value of that height
attribute, minus the value of dirtyY.
If, after those changes, either dirtyWidth or dirtyHeight is negative or zero, stop these steps without affecting the canvas.
Otherwise, for all values of x and y where dirtyX ≤ x < dirtyX+dirtyWidth and dirtyY ≤ y < dirtyY+dirtyHeight, copy the four channels of the pixel with coordinate (x, y) in the imagedata data structure to the pixel with coordinate (xdevice+x, ydevice+y) in the underlying pixel data of the canvas.
The handling of pixel rounding when the specified coordinates do not exactly map to the device coordinate space is not defined by this specification, except that the following must result in no visible changes to the rendering:
context.putImageData(context.getImageData(x, y, w, h), x, y);
...for any value of x and y. In
other words, while user agents may round the arguments of the two methods
so that they map to device pixel boundaries, any rounding performed must
be performed consistently for both the getImageData()
and putImageData()
The current path, transformation matrix, shadow attributes, global alpha, the
clipping region, and global composition
operator must not affect the getImageData()
and putImageData()
The data returned by getImageData()
is at the resolution of
the canvas backing store, which is likely to not be one device pixel to
each CSS pixel if the display used is a high resolution display. Thus,
while one could create an ImageData
object, one would not necessarily know what resolution the canvas
expected (how many pixels the canvas wants to paint over one coordinate
space unit pixel).
In the following example, the script first obtains the size of the
canvas backing store, and then generates a few new ImageData
objects which can be used.
// canvas is a reference to a <canvas> element var context = canvas.getContext('2d'); // create a blank slate var data = context.createImageData(canvas.width, canvas.height); // create some plasma FillPlasma(data, 'green'); // green plasma // add a cloud to the plasma AddCloud(data, data.width/2, data.height/2); // put a cloud in the middle // paint the plasma+cloud on the canvas context.putImageData(data, 0, 0); // support methods function FillPlasma(data, color) { ... } function AddCloud(data, x, y) { ... }
Here is an example of using getImageData()
and putImageData()
to implement an edge
detection filter.
<!DOCTYPE HTML> <html> <head> <title>Edge detection demo</title> <script> var image = new Image(); function init() { image.onload = demo; image.src = "image.jpeg"; } function demo() { var canvas = document.getElementsByTagName('canvas')[0]; var context = canvas.getContext('2d'); // draw the image onto the canvas context.drawImage(image, 0, 0); // get the image data to manipulate var input = context.getImageData(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height); // get an empty slate to put the data into var output = context.crateImageData(canvas.width, canvas.height); // alias some variables for convenience // notice that we are using input.width and input.height here // as they might not be the same as canvas.width and canvas.height // (in particular, they might be different on high-res displays) var w = input.width, h = input.height; var inputData =; var outputData =; // edge detection for (var y = 1; y < h-1; y += 1) { for (var x = 1; x < w-1; x += 1) { for (var c = 0; c < 3; c += 1) { var i = (y*w + x)*4 + c; outputData[i] = 127 + -inputData[i - w*4 - 4] - inputData[i - w*4] - inputData[i - w*4 + 4] + -inputData[i - 4] + 8*inputData[i] - inputData[i + 4] + -inputData[i + w*4 - 4] - inputData[i + w*4] - inputData[i + w*4 + 4]; } outputData[(y*w + x)*4 + 3] = 255; // alpha } } // put the image data back after manipulation context.putImageData(output, 0, 0); } </script> </head> <body onload="init()"> <canvas></canvas> </body> </html>
When a shape or image is painted, user agents must follow these steps, in the order given (or act as if they do):
Render the shape or image, creating image A, as described in the previous sections. For shapes, the current fill, stroke, and line styles must be honored, and the stroke must itself also be subjected to the current transformation matrix.
If shadows are supported:
Render the shadow from image A, using the current shadow styles, creating image B.
Multiply the alpha component of every pixel in B
by globalAlpha
Within the clipping region, composite B over the current canvas bitmap using the current composition operator.
Multiply the alpha component of every pixel in A
by globalAlpha
Within the clipping region, composite A over the current canvas bitmap using the current composition operator.
The canvas
APIs must perform color
correction at only two points: when rendering images with their own gamma
correction and color space information onto the canvas, to convert the
image to the color space used by the canvas (e.g. using the drawImage()
method with an HTMLImageElement
object), and when
rendering the actual canvas bitmap to the output device.
Thus, in the 2D context, colors used to draw shapes onto the
canvas will exactly match colors obtained through the getImageData()
The toDataURL()
method must not include color
space information in the resource returned. Where the output format allows
it, the color of pixels in resources created by toDataURL()
must match those returned by the getImageData()
In user agents that support CSS, the color space used by a canvas
element must match the color space used
for processing any colors for that element in CSS.
The gamma correction and color space information of images must be
handled in such a way that an image rendered directly using an img
element would use the same colors as one
painted on a canvas
element that is
then itself rendered. Furthermore, the rendering of images that have no
color correction information (such as those returned by the toDataURL()
method) must be rendered with no color correction.
Thus, in the 2D context, calling the drawImage()
method to render the output of the toDataURL()
method to the canvas, given the
appropriate dimensions, has no visible effect.
elementsInformation leakage can occur if scripts from one origin are exposed to images from another origin (one that isn't the same).
To mitigate this, canvas
elements are
defined to have a flag indicating whether they are origin-clean.
All canvas
elements must start with
their origin-clean set to true. The flag must be set to false if
any of the following actions occur:
The element's 2D context's drawImage()
method is called with an
whose origin is not the same as that of the Document
object that owns
the canvas
The element's 2D context's drawImage()
method is called with an
origin-clean flag is false.
The element's 2D context's fillStyle
attribute is set to a CanvasPattern
object that was created
from an HTMLImageElement
whose origin is not the same as that of the Document
that owns the canvas
The element's 2D context's fillStyle
attribute is set to a CanvasPattern
object that was created
from an HTMLCanvasElement
whose origin-clean flag is false.
The element's 2D context's strokeStyle
attribute is set to a
object that was
created from an HTMLImageElement
whose origin is not the same as that of the Document
object that owns
the canvas
The element's 2D context's strokeStyle
attribute is set to a
object that was
created from an HTMLCanvasElement
origin-clean flag is false.
Whenever the toDataURL()
method of a canvas
element whose origin-clean flag is
set to false is called, the method must immediately raise a security
Whenever the getImageData()
method of the 2D context of
a canvas
element whose
origin-clean flag is set to false is called, the method must
immediately raise a security exception.
attribute has special requirements on this element.
interface HTMLMapElement : HTMLElement { readonly attribute HTMLCollection areas; readonly attribute HTMLCollection images; };
The map
element, in conjunction with any
element descendants, defines an image map.
There must always be an id
attribute present on map
The areas
must return an HTMLCollection
rooted at the map
element, whose filter
matches only area
The images
attribute must return an HTMLCollection
rooted at the
node, whose filter matches only img
and object
elements that are associated with this map
element according to the image map processing model.
element ancestor.
interface HTMLAreaElement : HTMLElement { attribute DOMString alt; attribute DOMString coords; attribute DOMString shape; attribute DOMString href; attribute DOMString target; attribute DOMString ping; attribute DOMString rel; readonly attribute DOMTokenList relList; attribute DOMString media; attribute DOMString hreflang; attribute DOMString type; };
The area
element represents either a
hyperlink with some text and a corresponding area on an image map, or a dead area on an image map.
If the area
element has an href
attribute, then
the area
element represents a hyperlink; the alt
attribute, which must then be
present, specifies the text.
However, if the area
element has no
attribute, then the area represented by the element cannot be selected,
and the alt
must be omitted.
In both cases, the shape
and coords
attributes specify the area.
The shape
attribute is an enumerated attribute. The
following table lists the keywords defined for this attribute. The states
given in the first cell of the rows with keywords give the states to which
those keywords map. Some of the keywords are non-conforming, as noted in
the last column.
State | Keywords | Notes |
Circle state | circ
| Non-conforming |
| ||
Default state | default
| |
Polygon state | poly
| |
| Non-conforming | |
Rectangle state | rect
| |
| Non-conforming |
The attribute may be omitted. The missing value default is the rectangle state.
The coords
attribute must, if specified, contain a valid list of
integers. This attribute gives the coordinates for the shape described
by the shape
attribute. The processing for this attribute is described as part of the
image map processing model.
In the circle state,
elements must have a coords
present, with three integers, the last of which must be non-negative. The
first integer must be the distance in CSS pixels from the left edge of the
image to the center of the circle, the second integer must be the distance
in CSS pixels from the top edge of the image to the center of the circle,
and the third integer must be the radius of the circle, again in CSS
In the default
state state, area
elements must not
have a coords
In the polygon state,
elements must have a coords
attribute with
at least six integers, and the number of integers must be even. Each pair
of integers must represent a coordinate given as the distances from the
left and the top of the image in CSS pixels respectively, and all the
coordinates together must represent the points of the polygon, in order.
In the rectangle
state, area
elements must have a
with exactly four integers, the first of which must be less than the
third, and the second of which must be less than the fourth. The four
points must represent, respectively, the distance from the left edge of
the image to the top left side of the rectangle, the distance from the top
edge to the top side, the distance from the left edge to the right side,
and the distance from the top edge to the bottom side, all in CSS pixels.
When user agents allow users to follow hyperlinks created using the area
element, as described in the next section,
the href
decide how the link is followed. The rel
, media
, hreflang
, and type
attributes may
be used to indicate to the user the likely nature of the target resource
before the user follows the link.
The target
, ping
, rel
, media
, hreflang
, and type
must be omitted if the href
attribute is not present.
The activation behavior of area
elements is to run the following steps:
event in
question is not trusted (i.e. a
method call was
the reason for the event being dispatched), and the area
element's target
attribute is ... then raise an INVALID_ACCESS_ERR
element, if any.
One way that a user agent can enable users to follow
hyperlinks is by allowing area
to be clicked, or focussed and activated by the keyboard. This will cause the aforementioned activation behavior to be invoked.
The DOM attributes alt
, coords
, href
, target
, ping
, rel
, media
, hreflang
, and type
, each must reflect the respective content attributes of the same
The DOM attribute shape
must reflect the shape
content attribute, limited to only known values.
The DOM attribute relList
must reflect the rel
content attribute.
An image map allows geometric areas on an image to be associated with hyperlinks.
An image, in the form of an img
or an object
element representing an
image, may be associated with an image map (in the form of a map
element) by specifying a usemap
attribute on the
or object
element. The usemap
attribute, if specified, must be a valid hashed ID reference to a map
If an img
element or an object
element representing an image has a usemap
attribute specified, user agents must
process it as follows:
First, rules for parsing a hashed ID reference
to a map
element must be followed. This
will return either an element (the map) or null.
If that returned null, then abort these steps. The image is not associated with an image map after all.
Otherwise, the user agent must collect all the area
elements that are descendants of the map. Let those be the areas.
Having obtained the list of area
elements that form the image map (the areas),
interactive user agents must process the list in one of two ways.
If the user agent intends to show the text that the img
element represents, then it must use the
following steps.
In user agents that do not support images, or that have
images disabled, object
elements cannot
represent images, and thus this section never applies (the fallback content is shown instead). The following
steps therefore only apply to img
Remove all the area
elements in areas that have no href
Remove all the area
elements in areas that have no alt
attribute, or whose alt
attribute's value is
the empty string, if there is another area
element in areas with
the same value in the href
attribute and with a non-empty alt
Each remaining area
element in areas represents a hyperlink.
Those hyperlinks should all be made available to the user in a manner
associated with the text of the img
In this context, user agents may represent area
and img
elements with no specified alt
attributes, or
whose alt
attributes are the empty string or some
other non-visible text, in a user-agent-defined fashion intended to
indicate the lack of suitable author-provided text.
If the user agent intends to show the image and allow interaction with
the image to select hyperlinks, then the image must be associated with a
set of layered shapes, taken from the area
elements in areas, in
reverse tree order (so the last specified area
element in the map is the
bottom-most shape, and the first element in the map,
in tree order, is the top-most shape).
Each area
element in areas must be processed as follows to obtain a shape to
layer onto the image:
Find the state that the element's shape
attribute represents.
Use the rules for parsing a list of integers to
parse the element's coords
attribute, if it is present, and let
the result be the coords list. If the attribute is
absent, let the coords list be the empty list.
If the number of items in the coords list is less
than the minimum number given for the area
element's current state, as per the
following table, then the shape is empty; abort these steps.
State | Minimum number of items |
Circle state | 3 |
Default state | 0 |
Polygon state | 6 |
Rectangle state | 4 |
Check for excess items in the coords list as per
the entry in the following list corresponding to the shape
If the shape
attribute represents the rectangle state, and the first number in
the list is numerically less than the third number in the list, then
swap those two numbers around.
If the shape
attribute represents the rectangle state, and the second number in
the list is numerically less than the fourth number in the list, then
swap those two numbers around.
If the shape
attribute represents the circle state, and the third number in
the list is less than or equal to zero, then the shape is empty; abort
these steps.
Now, the shape represented by the element is the one described for the
entry in the list below corresponding to the state of the shape
Let x be the first number in coords, y be the second number, and r be the third number.
The shape is a circle whose center is x CSS pixels from the left edge of the image and x CSS pixels from the top edge of the image, and whose radius is r pixels.
The shape is a rectangle that exactly covers the entire image.
Let xi be the (2i)th entry in coords, and yi be the (2i+1)th entry in coords (the first entry in coords being the one with index 0).
Let the coordinates be (xi, yi), interpreted in CSS pixels measured from the top left of the image, for all integer values of i from 0 to (N/2)-1, where N is the number of items in coords.
The shape is a polygon whose vertices are given by the coordinates, and whose interior is established using the even-odd rule. [GRAPHICS]
Let x1 be the first number in coords, y1 be the second number, x2 be the third number, and y2 be the fourth number.
The shape is a rectangle whose top-left corner is given by the coordinate (x1, y1) and whose bottom right corner is given by the coordinate (x2, y2), those coordinates being interpreted as CSS pixels from the top left corner of the image.
For historical reasons, the coordinates must be interpreted relative
to the displayed image, even if it stretched using CSS or the
image element's width
and height
Mouse clicks on an image associated with a set of layered shapes per the
above algorithm must be dispatched to the top-most shape covering the
point that the pointing device indicated (if any), and then, must be
dispatched again (with a new Event
object) to the image
element itself. User agents may also allow individual area
elements representing hyperlinks to be selected and activated (e.g. using a
keyboard); events from this are not also propagated to the image.
Because a map
element (and
its area
elements) can be associated with
multiple img
and object
elements, it is possible for an area
element to correspond to multiple focusable
areas of the document.
Image maps are live; if the DOM is mutated, then the user agent must act as if it had rerun the algorithms for image maps.
The math
element from the MathML
namespace falls into the embedded content
category for the purposes of the content models in this specification.
User agents must handle text other than inter-element whitespace found in MathML
elements whose content models do not allow raw text by pretending for the
purposes of MathML content models, layout, and rendering that that text is
actually wrapped in an mtext
element in the MathML namespace. (Such text is not, however,
User agents must act as if any MathML element whose contents does not
match the element's content model was replaced, for the purposes of MathML
layout and rendering, by an merror
element in the MathML namespace containing some appropriate error
To enable authors to use MathML tools that only accept MathML in its XML form, interactive HTML user agents are encouraged to provide a way to export any MathML fragment as a namespace-well-formed XML fragment.
The svg
element from the SVG
namespace falls into the embedded content
category for the purposes of the content models in this specification.
To enable authors to use SVG tools that only accept SVG in its XML form, interactive HTML user agents are encouraged to provide a way to export any SVG fragment as a namespace-well-formed XML fragment.
The width
on img
, embed
, object
and video
elements may be specified to
give the dimensions of the visual content of the element (the width and
height respectively, relative to the nominal direction of the output
medium), in CSS pixels. The attributes, if specified, must have values
that are valid positive non-zero integers.
The specified dimensions given may differ from the dimensions specified in the resource itself, since the resource may have a resolution that differs from the CSS pixel resolution. (On screens, CSS pixels have a resolution of 96ppi, but in general the CSS pixel resolution depends on the reading distance.) If both attributes are specified, then the ratio of the specified width to the specified height must be the same as the ratio of the logical width to the logical height in the resource. The two attributes must be omitted if the resource in question does not have both a logical width and a logical height.
To parse the attributes, user agents must use the rules for parsing dimension values. This will return either an integer length, a percentage value, or nothing. The user agent requirements for processing the values obtained from parsing these attributes are described in the rendering section. If one of these attributes, when parsing, returns no value, it must be treated, for the purposes of those requirements, as if it was not specified.
The width
and height
DOM attributes
on the embed
, object
, and video
elements must reflect the content attributes of the same name.
This section is non-normative.
...examples, how to write tables accessibly, a brief mention of the table model, etc...
element, followed by either zero or
more colgroup
elements, followed
optionally by a thead
followed optionally by a tfoot
element, followed by either zero or more tbody
elements or one or more tr
elements, followed optionally by a tfoot
element (but there can only be one
element child in total).
interface HTMLTableElement : HTMLElement {
attribute HTMLTableCaptionElement caption;
HTMLElement createCaption();
void deleteCaption();
attribute HTMLTableSectionElement tHead;
HTMLElement createTHead();
void deleteTHead();
attribute HTMLTableSectionElement tFoot;
HTMLElement createTFoot();
void deleteTFoot();
readonly attribute HTMLCollection tBodies;
HTMLElement createTBody();
readonly attribute HTMLCollection rows;
HTMLElement insertRow(in long index);
void deleteRow(in long index);
The table
element represents data with
more than one dimension (a table).
we need some editorial text on how layout tables are bad practice and non-conforming
The children of a table
element must
be, in order:
Zero or one caption
Zero or more colgroup
Zero or one thead
Zero or one tfoot
elements, if the
last element in the table is not a tfoot
Zero or one tfoot
element, if there
are no other tfoot
elements in the
The table
element takes part in the table model.
The caption
DOM attribute must return, on getting, the first caption
element child of the table
element, if any, or null otherwise. On
setting, if the new value is a caption
element, the first caption
element child of the table
element, if any, must be removed, and the
new value must be inserted as the first node of the table
element. If the new value is not a caption
element, then a
DOM exception must be raised instead.
The createCaption()
must return the first caption
child of the table
element, if any;
otherwise a new caption
element must
be created, inserted as the first node of the table
element, and then returned.
The deleteCaption()
must remove the first caption
child of the table
element, if any.
The tHead
attribute must return, on getting, the first thead
element child of the table
element, if any, or null otherwise. On
setting, if the new value is a thead
element, the first thead
element child
of the table
element, if any, must be
removed, and the new value must be inserted immediately before the first
element in the table
element that is
neither a caption
element nor a
element, if any, or at the
end of the table otherwise. If the new value is not a thead
element, then a
DOM exception must be raised instead.
The createTHead()
method must
return the first thead
element child of
the table
element, if any; otherwise a
new thead
element must be created and
inserted immediately before the first element in the table
element that is neither a caption
element nor a colgroup
element, if any, or at the end of the
table otherwise, and then that new element must be returned.
The deleteTHead()
method must
remove the first thead
element child of
the table
element, if any.
The tFoot
attribute must return, on getting, the first tfoot
element child of the table
element, if any, or null otherwise. On
setting, if the new value is a tfoot
element, the first tfoot
element child
of the table
element, if any, must be
removed, and the new value must be inserted immediately before the first
element in the table
element that is
neither a caption
element, a colgroup
element, nor a thead
element, if any, or at the end of the
table if there are no such elements. If the new value is not a tfoot
element, then a
DOM exception must be raised instead.
The createTFoot()
method must
return the first tfoot
element child of
the table
element, if any; otherwise a
new tfoot
element must be created and
inserted immediately before the first element in the table
element that is neither a caption
element, a colgroup
element, nor a thead
element, if any, or at the end of the
table if there are no such elements, and then that new element must be
The deleteTFoot()
method must
remove the first tfoot
element child of
the table
element, if any.
The tBodies
attribute must return an HTMLCollection
rooted at the table
node, whose filter matches only tbody
elements that are children of the table
The createTBody()
method must
create a new tbody
element, insert it
immediately after the last tbody
in the table
element, if any, or at the
end of the table
element if the table
element has no tbody
element children, and then must return the
new tbody
The rows
must return an HTMLCollection
rooted at the table
node, whose filter
matches only tr
elements that are either
children of the table
element, or
children of thead
, tbody
, or tfoot
elements that are themselves children of
the table
element. The elements in the
collection must be ordered such that those elements whose parent is a
are included first, in tree
order, followed by those elements whose parent is either a table
or tbody
element, again in tree order, followed finally by those elements whose
parent is a tfoot
element, still in
tree order.
The behavior of the insertRow(index)
method depends on the state of the
table. When it is called, the method must act as required by the first
item in the following list of conditions that describes the state of the
table and the index argument:
collection has zero elements in it, and the table
has no tbody
elements in it:
element, then create a tr
element, then
append the tr
element to the tbody
element, then append the tbody
element to the table
element, and finally return the tr
collection has zero elements in it:
append it to the last tbody
element in
the table, and return the tr
and append it to the parent of the last tr
element in the rows
collection. Then, the newly created tr
element must be returned.
insert it immediately before the indexth tr
element in the rows
collection, in the same parent, and finally
must return the newly created tr
When the deleteRow(index)
method is called, the user agent must
run the following steps:
If index is equal to −1, then index must be set to the number if items in the rows
collection, minus
Now, if index is less than zero, or greater than
or equal to the number of elements in the rows
collection, the method must instead raise
exception, and these steps must be
Otherwise, the method must remove the indexth
element in the rows
collection from its parent.
The caption
element represents the
title of the table
that is its parent,
if it has a parent and that is a table
The caption
element takes part in
the table model.
element, after
any caption
elements and before any
, tbody
, tfoot
and tr
interface HTMLTableColElement : HTMLElement { attribute unsigned long span; };
The colgroup
element represents a
group of one or more columns in the table
that is its parent, if it has a parent and
that is a table
If the colgroup
element contains no
elements, then the element may have a
attribute specified, whose value must be a valid
non-negative integer greater than zero.
The colgroup
element and its span
attribute take
part in the table model.
The span
attribute must reflect the content attribute of the
same name. The value must be limited to only positive
non-zero numbers.
that doesn't have a span
same as for colgroup
elements. This
interface defines one member, span
If a col
element has a parent and that
is a colgroup
element that itself has
a parent that is a table
element, then
the col
element represents one or more columns in the column group represented by that colgroup
The element may have a span
content attribute specified,
whose value must be a valid non-negative integer
greater than zero.
The col
element and its span
attribute take part
in the table model.
The span
attribute must reflect the content attribute of the
same name. The value must be limited to only positive
non-zero numbers.
element, after
any caption
, colgroup
, and thead
elements, but only if there are no
elements that are children of the
interface HTMLTableSectionElement : HTMLElement { readonly attribute HTMLCollection rows; HTMLElement insertRow(in long index); void deleteRow(in long index); };
The HTMLTableSectionElement
interface is also used for thead
The tbody
element represents a block of rows that consist of a body of data for the parent
element, if the tbody
element has a parent and it is a table
The tbody
element takes part in the table model.
The rows
must return an HTMLCollection
rooted at the element, whose filter matches only tr
elements that are children of the element.
The insertRow(index)
method must, when invoked on an element
table section, act as follows:
If index is less than −1 or greater than the
number of elements in the rows
collection, the method must raise an
If index is equal to −1 or equal to the
number of items in the rows
collection, the method must create a
element, append it to the element table section, and return the newly created tr
Otherwise, the method must create a tr
element, insert it as a child of the table section
element, immediately before the indexth tr
element in the rows
collection, and finally must return the
newly created tr
The deleteRow(index)
method must remove the indexth element in the rows
collection from its parent. If index is less than zero or greater than or equal to the
number of elements in the rows
collection, the method must instead raise an
element, after
any caption
, and colgroup
elements and before any tbody
, tfoot
and tr
elements, but only if there are no
other thead
elements that are children
of the table
, as
defined for tbody
The thead
element represents the block of rows that consist of the column labels (headers) for
the parent table
element, if the
element has a parent and it is a
The thead
element takes part in the
table model.
element, after
any caption
, colgroup
, and thead
elements and before any tbody
and tr
elements, but only if there are no other tfoot
elements that are children of the
element, after
any caption
, colgroup
, thead
, tbody
and tr
elements, but only if there are no
other tfoot
elements that are children
of the table
, as
defined for tbody
The tfoot
element represents the block of rows that consist of the column summaries (footers)
for the parent table
element, if the
element has a parent and it is a
The tfoot
element takes part in the
table model.
element, after
any caption
, colgroup
, and thead
elements, but only if there are no
elements that are children of the
or th
interface HTMLTableRowElement : HTMLElement {
readonly attribute long rowIndex;
readonly attribute long sectionRowIndex;
readonly attribute HTMLCollection cells;
HTMLElement insertCell(in long index);
void deleteCell(in long index);
The tr
element represents a row of cells in a table.
The tr
element takes part in the table model.
The rowIndex
attribute must, if the element has a parent table
element, or a parent tbody
, thead
or tfoot
element and a
grandparent table
return the index of the tr
element in that
element's rows
collection. If there
is no such table
element, then the
attribute must return −1.
The sectionRowIndex
must, if the element has a parent table
, thead
, or tfoot
element, return the index of the tr
element in the parent element's rows
collection (for tables, that's the rows
collection; for table
sections, that's the rows
collection). If there is no such parent
element, then the attribute must return −1.
The cells
must return an HTMLCollection
rooted at the tr
element, whose filter
matches only td
and th
elements that are children of the tr
The insertCell(index)
method must act as follows:
If index is less than −1 or greater than the
number of elements in the cells
collection, the method must raise an
If index is equal to −1 or equal to the
number of items in cells
collection, the method must create a
element, append it to the tr
element, and return the newly created td
Otherwise, the method must create a td
element, insert it as a child of the tr
element, immediately before the indexth td
or th
element in
the cells
and finally must return the newly created td
The deleteCell(index)
method must remove the indexth element in the cells
collection from its parent. If index is less than zero or greater than or equal to the
number of elements in the cells
collection, the method must instead raise
interface HTMLTableDataCellElement : HTMLTableCellElement { attribute DOMString headers; };
The td
element represents a data cell in a table.
The td
element may have a headers
content attribute
specified. The headers
attribute, if specified, must contain a
string consisting of an unordered set of unique
space-separated tokens, each of which must have the value of an ID of
a th
element taking part in the same table as the td
element (as defined by the table model).
The exact effect of the attribute is described in detail in the algorithm for assigning header cells to data cells, which user agents must apply to determine the relationships between data cells and header cells.
The td
element and its colspan
and rowspan
take part in the table model.
The headers
attribute must reflect the content attribute of the
same name.
interface HTMLTableHeaderCellElement : HTMLTableCellElement { attribute DOMString scope; };
The th
element represents a header cell in a table.
The th
element may have a scope
content attribute specified.
The scope
is an enumerated attribute with five states,
four of which have explicit keywords:
keyword, which maps to the row state
keyword, which maps to the column state
keyword, which
maps to the row group state
keyword, which
maps to the column group state
The scope
attribute's missing value default is the auto state.
The exact effect of these values is described in detail in the algorithm for assigning header cells to data cells, which user agents must apply to determine the relationships between data cells and header cells.
The th
element and its colspan
and rowspan
take part in the table model.
The scope
attribute must reflect the content attribute of the
same name.
and th
elementsThe td
and th
elements may have a colspan
content attribute
specified, whose value must be a valid non-negative
integer greater than zero.
The td
and th
elements may also have a rowspan
content attribute
specified, whose value must be a valid non-negative
The td
and th
elements implement interfaces that inherit from
the HTMLTableCellElement
interface HTMLTableCellElement : HTMLElement { attribute long colSpan; attribute long rowSpan; readonly attribute long cellIndex; };
The colSpan
DOM attribute must reflect the content attribute of
the same name. The value must be limited to only
positive non-zero numbers.
The rowSpan
DOM attribute must reflect the content attribute of
the same name. Its default value, which must be used if parsing the attribute as a
non-negative integer returns an error, is also 1.
The cellIndex
DOM attribute must,
if the element has a parent tr
return the index of the cell's element in the parent element's cells
collection. If there
is no such parent element, then the attribute must return 0.
The various table elements and their content attributes together define the table model.
A table consists of cells
aligned on a two-dimensional grid of slots with coordinates (x,
y). The grid is finite, and is either empty or has one
or more slots. If the grid has one or more slots, then the x coordinates are always in the range
0 ≤ x < xwidth, and the y coordinates are always in the range
0 ≤ y < yheight. If one or both of xwidth and yheight are zero, then the table is empty (has no
slots). Tables correspond to table
A cell is a set of slots anchored
at a slot (cellx, celly), and with a particular width and height such that the cell
covers all the slots with coordinates (x, y) where cellx ≤ x < cellx+width and celly ≤ y < celly+height. Cells can either
be data cells or header cells. Data cells correspond to
elements, and have zero or more
associated header cells. Header cells correspond to th
A row is a complete set of slots
from x=0 to x=xwidth-1,
for a particular value of y. Rows correspond to
A column is a complete set of
slots from y=0 to y=yheight-1,
for a particular value of x. Columns can correspond to
elements, but in the absence of
elements are implied.
A row group is a set of
rows anchored at a slot (0, groupy) with a particular height such that the row group covers all the slots with
coordinates (x, y) where
0 ≤ x < xwidth and groupy ≤ y < groupy+height. Row groups
correspond to tbody
, thead
, and tfoot
elements. Not every row is necessarily in
a row group.
A column group is a set
of columns anchored at a slot
(groupx, 0) with a particular width such that the column group covers all the slots with
coordinates (x, y) where
groupx ≤ x < groupx+width and
0 ≤ y < yheight. Column groups
correspond to colgroup
elements. Not
every column is necessarily in a column group.
Row groups cannot overlap each other. Similarly, column groups cannot overlap each other.
A cell cannot cover slots that are from two or more row groups. It is, however, possible for a cell to be in multiple column groups. All the slots that form part of one cell are part of zero or one row groups and zero or more column groups.
In addition to cells, columns, rows, row groups, and column groups, tables can have a caption
element associated with them. This
gives the table a heading, or legend.
A table model error is an error with the data
represented by table
elements and their
descendants. Documents must not have table model errors.
To determine which elements correspond to which slots in a table associated with a table
element, to determine the dimensions of the
table (xwidth and yheight), and to determine if there are
any table model errors,
user agents must use the following algorithm:
Let xwidth be zero.
Let yheight be zero.
Let pending tfoot
elements be a list of tfoot
elements, initially empty.
Let the table be the table represented by the table
element. The xwidth and yheight variables give the
table's dimensions. The table is initially
If the table
element has no children
elements, then return the table (which will be
empty), and abort these steps.
Associate the first caption
element child of the table
with the table. If there are no such children, then
it has no associated caption
Let the current element be the first element child
of the table
If a step in this algorithm ever requires the current
element to be advanced to the next child of the
when there is no such next child, then the user
agent must jump to the step labeled end, near the end of this
While the current element is not one of the
following elements, advance the current
element to the next child of the table
If the current element is a colgroup
, follow these substeps:
Column groups: Process the current element according to the appropriate case below:
element children
Follow these steps:
Let xstart have the value of xwidth.
Let the current column be the first col
element child of the colgroup
Columns: If the current column
element has a span
then parse its value using the rules for parsing
non-negative integers.
If the result of parsing the value is not an error or zero, then let span be that value.
Otherwise, if the col
has no span
attribute, or if trying to parse the attribute's value resulted in
an error, then let span be 1.
Increase xwidth by span.
Let the last span columns in the table
correspond to the current column col
If current column is not the last col
element child of the colgroup
element, then let the current column be the next col
element child of the colgroup
element, and return to the
step labeled columns.
Let all the last columns in the table
from x=xstart
to x=xwidth-1
form a new column
group, anchored at the slot (xstart, 0), with width xwidth-xstart, corresponding to the colgroup
element children
If the colgroup
element has
a span
attribute, then parse its value using the rules
for parsing non-negative integers.
If the result of parsing the value is not an error or zero, then let span be that value.
Otherwise, if the colgroup
element has no span
attribute, or if trying to parse the
attribute's value resulted in an error, then let span be 1.
Increase xwidth by span.
Let the last span columns in the table
form a new column
group, anchored at the slot (xwidth-span, 0),
with width span, corresponding to the colgroup
While the current element is not one of the
following elements, advance the current
element to the next child of the table
If the current element is a colgroup
element, jump to the step labeled
column groups above.
Let ycurrent be zero.
Let the list of downward-growing cells be an empty list.
Rows: While the current element is not one
of the following elements, advance the current
element to the next child of the table
If the current element is a tr
, then run the algorithm
for processing rows, advance the current
element to the next child of the table
, and return to the step labeled
Run the algorithm for ending a row group.
If the current element is a tfoot
, then add that element to the list of
pending tfoot
elements, advance the current
element to the next child of the table
, and return to the step labeled
The current element is either a thead
or a tbody
Run the algorithm for processing row groups.
Return to the step labeled rows.
End: For each tfoot
in the list of pending tfoot
elements, in tree order, run the
algorithm for processing row groups.
If there exists a row or column in the table the table containing only slots that do not have a cell anchored to them, then this is a table model error.
Return the table.
The algorithm for processing row groups, which
is invoked by the set of steps above for processing thead
, tbody
and tfoot
elements, is:
Let ystart have the value of yheight.
For each tr
element that is a child of
the element being processed, in tree order, run the algorithm for processing rows.
If yheight > ystart, then let all the last rows in the table from y=ystart to y=yheight-1 form a new row group, anchored at the slot with coordinate (0, ystart), with height yheight-ystart, corresponding to the current element.
Run the algorithm for ending a row group.
The algorithm for ending a row group, which is invoked by the set of steps above when starting and ending a block of rows, is:
While ycurrent is less than yheight, follow these steps:
Increase ycurrent by 1.
Empty the list of downward-growing cells.
The algorithm for processing rows, which is
invoked by the set of steps above for processing tr
elements, is:
If yheight is equal to ycurrent, then increase yheight by 1. (ycurrent is never greater than yheight.)
Let xcurrent be 0.
Let current cell be the first td
or th
element in
the tr
element being processed.
Cells: While xcurrent is less than xwidth and the slot with coordinate (xcurrent, ycurrent) already has a cell assigned to it, increase xcurrent by 1.
If xcurrent is equal to xwidth, increase xwidth by 1. (xcurrent is never greater than xwidth.)
If the current cell has a colspan
then parse that attribute's value, and let colspan be the result.
If parsing that value failed, or returned zero, or if the attribute is absent, then let colspan be 1, instead.
If the current cell has a rowspan
then parse that attribute's value, and let rowspan be the result.
If parsing that value failed or if the attribute is absent, then let rowspan be 1, instead.
If rowspan is zero, then let cell grows downward be true, and set rowspan to 1. Otherwise, let cell grows downward be false.
If xwidth < xcurrent+colspan, then let xwidth be xcurrent+colspan.
If yheight < ycurrent+rowspan, then let yheight be ycurrent+rowspan.
Let the slots with coordinates (x, y) such that xcurrent ≤ x < xcurrent+colspan and ycurrent ≤ y < ycurrent+rowspan be covered by a new cell c, anchored at (xcurrent, ycurrent), which has width colspan and height rowspan, corresponding to the current cell element.
If the current cell element is a th
element, let this new cell c be a header cell; otherwise, let it be a data cell. To
establish what header cells apply to a data cell, use the algorithm for assigning header cells to data
cells described in the next section.
If any of the slots involved already had a cell covering them, then this is a table model error. Those slots now have two cells overlapping.
If cell grows downward is true, then add the tuple {c, xcurrent, colspan} to the list of downward-growing cells.
Increase xcurrent by colspan.
If current cell is the last td
or th
element in
the tr
element being processed, then
increase ycurrent by 1, abort
this set of steps, and return to the algorithm above.
Let current cell be the next td
or th
element in
the tr
element being processed.
Return to step 5 (cells).
When the algorithms above require the user agent to run the algorithm for growing downward-growing cells, the user agent must, for each {cell, cellx, width} tuple in the list of downward-growing cells, if any, extend the cell cell so that it also covers the slots with coordinates (x, ycurrent), where cellx ≤ x < cellx+width.
Each data cell can be assigned zero or more header cells. The algorithm for assigning header cells to data cells is as follows.
For each header cell in the table, in tree order, run these substeps:
Let (headerx, headery) be the coordinate of the slot to which the header cell is anchored.
Let headerwidth be the width of the header cell.
Let headerheight be the height of the header cell.
Let data cells be a list of data cells, initially empty.
Examine the scope
attribute of the th
element corresponding to the header cell,
and, based on its state, apply the appropriate substep:
Add all the data cells that cover slots with coordinates (slotx, sloty), where headerx+headerwidth ≤ slotx < xwidth and headery ≤ sloty < headery+headerheight, to the data cells list.
Add all the data cells that cover slots with coordinates (slotx, sloty), where headerx ≤ slotx < headerx+headerwidth and headery+headerheight ≤ sloty < yheight, to the data cells list.
If the header cell is not in a row group, then do nothing.
Otherwise, let (0, groupy) be the slot at which the row group is anchored, let height be the number of rows in the row group, and add all the data cells that cover slots with coordinates (slotx, sloty), where headerx ≤ slotx < xwidth and headery ≤ sloty < groupy+height, to the data cells list.
If the header cell is not anchored in a column group, then do nothing.
Otherwise, let (groupx, 0) be the slot at which that column group is anchored, let width be the number of columns in the column group, and add all the data cells that cover slots with coordinates (slotx, sloty), where headerx ≤ slotx < groupx+width and headery ≤ sloty < yheight, to the data cells list.
Run these steps:
If the header cell is equivalent to a wide cell, let headerwidth equal xwidth-headerx. [UNICODE]
Let x equal headerx+headerwidth.
Horizontal: If x is equal to xwidth, then jump down to the step below labeled vertical.
If there is a header cell anchored at (x, headery) with height headerheight, then jump down to the step below labeled vertical.
Add all the data cells that cover slots with coordinates (slotx, sloty), where slotx = x and headery ≤ sloty < headery+headerheight, to the data cells list.
Increase x by 1.
Jump up to the step above labeled horizontal.
Vertical: Let y equal headery+headerheight.
If y is equal to yheight, then jump to the step below labeled end.
If there is a header cell cell anchored at (headerx, y), then follow these substeps:
If the header cell cell is equivalent to a wide cell, then let width be xwidth-headerx. Otherwise, let width be the width of the header cell cell.
If width is equal to headerwidth, then jump to the step below labeled end.
Add all the data cells that cover slots with coordinates (slotx, sloty), where headerx ≤ slotx < headerx+headerwidth and sloty = y, to the data cells list.
Increase y by 1.
Jump up to the step above labeled vertical.
End: Coalesce all the duplicate entries in the data cells list, so that each data cell is only present once, in tree order.
Assign the header cell to all the data cells in the data cells list that correspond to td
elements that do not have a headers
For each data cell in the table, in tree order, run these substeps:
If the data cell corresponds to a td
element that does not have a headers
attribute specified, then skip
these substeps and move on to the next data cell (if any).
Otherwise, take the value of the headers
attribute and split it on spaces, letting id list be the list of tokens obtained.
For each token in the id list, run the following steps:
A header cell anchored at (headerx, headery) with width headerwidth and height headerheight is said to be equivalent to a wide cell if all the slots with coordinates (slotx, sloty), where headerx+headerwidth ≤ slotx < xwidth and headery ≤ sloty < headery+headerheight, are all either empty or covered by empty data cells.
A data cell is said to be an empty data cell if it contains no elements and its text content, if any, consists only of characters in the Unicode character class Zs. [UNICODE]
User agents may remove empty data cells when analyzing data in a table.
This section will contain definitions of the
element and so forth.
This section will be a rewrite of the HTML4 Forms and Web Forms 2.0 specifications, with hopefully no normative changes.
elementSee WF2 for now
See WF2 for now
If a form is in a browsing context whose sandboxed forms browsing context flag is set, it must not be submitted.
Scripts allow authors to add interactivity to their documents.
Authors are encouraged to use declarative alternatives to scripting where possible, as declarative mechanisms are often more maintainable, and many users disable scripting.
For example, instead of using script to show or hide a section to show
more details, the details
could be used.
Authors are also encouraged to make their applications degrade gracefully in the absence of scripting support.
For example, if an author provides a link in a table header to dynamically resort the table, the link could also be made to function without scripts by requesting the sorted table from the server.
attribute, depends on the value of the type
attribute, the element must be empty.
interface HTMLScriptElement : HTMLElement { attribute DOMStringsrc
; attribute booleanasync
; attribute booleandefer
; attribute DOMStringtype
; attribute DOMStringcharset
; attribute DOMStringtext
; };
The script
element allows authors to
include dynamic script and script data in their documents.
When used to include dynamic scripts, the scripts may either be embedded
inline or may be imported from an external file using the src
attribute. If the
language is not that described by "text/javascript
then the type of the script's language must be given using the type
When used to include script data, the script data must be embedded
inline, the format of the data must be given using the type
attribute, and
the src
must not be specified.
The type
attribute gives the language of the script or format of the script data.
If the attribute is present, its value must be a valid MIME type,
optionally with parameters. The charset
must not be specified. (The default, which is used if the attribute is
absent, is "text/javascript
".) [RFC2046]
The src
if specified, gives the address of the external script resource to use.
The value of the attribute must be a URI (or IRI) to a script resource of
the type given by the type
attribute, if the attribute is present, or
of the type "text/javascript
", if the attribute is
The charset
attribute gives the
character encoding of the external script resource. The attribute must not
be specified if the src
attribute is not present. If the attribute is
set, its value must be a valid character encoding name, and must be the
preferred name for that encoding. [IANACHARSET]
The encoding specified must be the encoding used by the script resource.
If the charset
attribute is omitted, the character
encoding of the document will be used. If the script resource uses a
different encoding than the document, then the attribute must be
The async
are boolean attributes
that indicate how the script should be executed.
There are three possible modes that can be selected using these
attributes. If the async
attribute is present, then the script will
be executed asynchronously, as soon as it is available. If the async
attribute is not
present but the defer
attribute is present, then the script is
executed when the page has finished parsing. If neither attribute is
present, then the script is downloaded and executed immediately, before
the user agent continues parsing the page. The exact processing details
for these attributes is described below.
The defer
attribute may be specified even if the async
attribute is specified, to cause legacy Web
browsers that only support defer
(and not async
) to fall back to the defer
behavior instead
of the synchronous blocking behavior that is the default.
Changing the src
, charset
, async
, and defer
dynamically has no direct effect; these attribute are only used at
specific times described below (namely, when the element is inserted into
the document).